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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

I suggest Pak just take deep breath and relax. At least it closes the door of negotiation. Now Pak can/cannot cut diplomatic ties, air space etc.. But we cannot afford war but insurgency. Do it actively until we have sufficient eco for war.
From what I hear, the institution didn't leave him. They still protect or support him. Musharraf himself has said many times that institution supports him and will never betray him.
Musharraf was a realist. Had Indians not sabotaged the Agra Summit with their insulting behavior, we would have reached peace settlement long time ago
Well guys now we are almost certain some kind of war is coming or at least a period of long unrest in Kashmir valley.And if war occurs this will definitely be a all out war including whole India and Pakistan.
Indian members should not be happy ,this is just the beginning only show us your happiness and joy once this ends.There is a huge difference between firing a first shot and winning a battle.
You were simply doomed to fail when you decided to vote for modi.The coming time is going to tell you that modi becoming a PM of India was your darkest day.
They will resume border shelling and do a grand operation in the valley at the same time
They know that after US exit from Afghanistan things will change a lot for Kashmir they want to change the demographics before that
Musharraf was a realist. Had Indians not sabotaged the Agra Summit with their insulting behavior, we would have reached peace settlement long time ago

He failed to sell Kashmir to India. His remaining cabinet members now have successfully sold Kashmir for 6 billion dollars to India.

Next phase is to initiate TAPI and IPI to elevate the poor and win the Noble Peace prize for naturalizing Afghans and Bangladeshis in Pakistan.
They will resume border shelling and do a grand operation in the valley at the same time
They know that after US exit from Afghanistan things will change a lot for Kashmir they want to change the demographics before that

Yes exactly.
Well guys now we are almost certain some kind of war is coming or at least a period of long unrest in Kashmir valley.And if war occurs this will definitely be a all out war including whole India and Pakistan.
Indian members should not be happy ,this is just the beginning only show us your happiness and joy once this ends.There is a huge difference between firing a first shot and winning a battle.
You were simply doomed to fail when you decided to vote for modi.The coming time is going to tell you that modi becoming a PM of India was your darkest day.
Partition violence was darkest.

You were simply doomed to fail when you decided to vote for modi.
Imaran Khan Ji supported Modi government before national elections.
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Well guys now we are almost certain some kind of war is coming or at least a period of long unrest in Kashmir valley.And if war occurs this will definitely be a all out war including whole India and Pakistan.
yes, and of course you have the required funds + reserves for ''long unrest" or an "all out war". Maybe your friends China or Saudi will give it to you. Or maybe you can force them to, like zaid hamid says.
Stop crying the terriroty they held for 80 years nlw they still hold it and what we held for 80 years we still hold it.

Only thing that has changes is, now hindus can move into kashmir, its upto local kashmiriz to struggle if they want to be muslim majority province or be like rest of india where muslims are 2nd grade citizens and being killed by hindus just because we like BBQ.

The territory is under their control... United nations resolutions still stay its illegal occupation now even moderate indian kashmiriz think india is an occupation force there.

Its upto kashmiriz there what they want... We in pakistan and azad kashmir are behind them if they want freedom. We will suppprt them. If they choose to be with hindu majority india even after whats going on inside india then its their own choice.

Its all about kashmiriz living on otherside of LOC now. Nothing has changed except now hindus can purchase property and in 10 years or so can change kashmir from muslim state to hindu majority state.. Thats all.
Before 65, wasn't Kargil a part of so called "azad" Kashmir?

Umma jani, go read some books before exposing your ignorance on a matter you know hardly anything more than your animosity for it.

What you are talking about is the second largest city of Ladakh.

Wasn't Azad Kashmir part of Indian territory before 1948?

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