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Video: If China's so GREAT, why do so many FLEE when they have the chance?

I know you have Chinese wife, and I did not mention it out of the concern of your privacy. I guess she is not into politics otherwise she would have given you her perspective about China so that you would not have been so way off about China.

You still dodge my question as why you don't go to China and see for yourself, rather than watching someone else's video then posted here to provoke? I would have a lot more respect for you if it was your own video.

This is international forum that's why we are even here in the first place. Chinese members are merely excising their "freedom of speech" whether you like it or not. You can call their posts propaganda, so can they do to MSM that you reply on as the only source of information. The distinctive difference between you and them is, they can read English, but you can't read Chinese. By definition, they have more diversified sources of information than you, therefore, they are less likely to subject to closed brainwash.

IDK about Russian or Iranian members, but I can understand why Chinese members post so much here, that's because western media never give China a fair coverage. China always gets more than her fair share of demonizing by western media, and Chinese members want others to know what they think is truth. You can disagree, but you have no position to shut them up.
Such as the Chinese eat dogs(mainland and overseas- as if it's Chinese culture to eat dogs).

This is an often repeated toxic myth. I find it so because I have 2 dogs myself, a male Spitz and a female Shit Tsu.

Only a city in southern China practice this in this modern age- yulin city and even then to my knoeledgr, its largely due to local Zhuang people's customs.

She not interested in visiting. I have asked her about it on numerous occasions. As I said in my Pakistani example some people just get fed up, pack their bags, and leave their country. My Pakistani co-worker could have easily picked the U.K. or Canada and his story would be basically the same. The topic isn’t why do people move to the US...it’s if things are so great why do people pack up and leave. This guy’s story is probably an edge case. My wife’s could be too...so that’s why I’m not stating it as you’ll just simply dismiss it as her being a “banana” and not a typical reason.

Ok now you have to give us your story...why are you not in China (which I was avoiding asking you). I could be stupid and simply throw back your own answers and say you must be Falun Gong or some millionaire whose primary residence is in China...but I’m quite sure that is not the case.

I came back after 8 years specifically to post this. white men marrying Chinese women is correlated to membership in alt-right and other political extremist movements.

63% of white men in the US voted for Donald Trump.

You have half of an entire generation of mixed Asian children being raised by Trump voting alt right white males.

Meanwhile 59% of white women with college degrees vote Democratic.

What do you think of Chinese men who married white women?

How do you feel about the fact that your children are not whites and if they marry Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Black, Latino, etc. will be even further from being white?
I came back after 8 years specifically to post this.


???? How about the Chinese men marrying black women in Africa? What wacky alt-right extremist movement are they supposedly in????

Do yourself a favor and go think some more about your assertion and then you'll see how silly it sounds.

You have half of an entire generation of mixed Asian children being raised by Trump voting alt right white males.

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Well if you live in the US you'd know from walking around that we have had generations of mixed race Asian children who were raised by white males who voted for:

James K. Polk (1845-1849)
Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
James A. Garfield (1881)
Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)
William McKinley (1897-1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William H. Taft (1909-1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George Bush (1989-1993)
William J. Clinton (1993-2001)
George W. Bush (2001-2009)
Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Donald J. Trump (2017-)

Not sure why you suddenly think it is only Trump or some new phenomenon. There's been a sizable Chinese population in the US since the 1840's. I don’t think people are making marriage decisions based on who is in office.


What do you think of Chinese men who married white women?

I'd shake their hands as they must be nice guys.

How do you feel about the fact that your children are not whites and if they marry Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Black, Latino, etc. will be even further from being white?

I'd rather have them live a happy comfortable wonderful life with a nice non-white person over a completely miserable decades long dead-end life with a poor wretched white person. Which I'm sure is the same way my wife's Chinese parents feel about their daughter moving to the US and marrying me.

Any other questions while you are out of your PDF retirement?
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???? How about the Chinese men marrying black women in Africa? What wacky alt-right extremist movement are they supposedly in????

Do yourself a favor and go think some more about your assertion and then you'll see how silly it sounds.

I'd rather have them live a happy comfortable wonderful life with a nice non-white person over a completely miserable decades long dead-end life with a poor wretched white person. Which I'm sure is the same way my wife's Chinese parents feel about their daughter moving to the US and marrying me.

Any other questions while you are out of your PDF retirement?

I'm not making this assertion, the New York Times is. I understand that you may be a truly open minded individual that takes your Asian wife and children's rights very seriously. However, many in your situation do not.

Chinese men married to white or black women typically are either non-political or participate in inclusive politics that improve the rights of minorities. Kevin Rudd, the former Labor PM of Australia, has a Chinese son in law.

Labor is a political party that advocates for equitable treatment of all people in Australia.


Many white males marrying Asian females indeed is correlated to participation in far right and fascist political movements. They are not only indifferent, but actively campaign for policies that would limit the rights and freedoms of their wives and children.


I'm not making this assertion, the New York Times is. I understand that you may be a truly open minded individual that takes your Asian wife and children's rights very seriously. However, many in your situation do not.

Chinese men married to white or black women typically are either non-political or participate in inclusive politics that improve the rights of minorities. Kevin Rudd, the former Labor PM of Australia, has a Chinese son in law.

Labor is a political party that advocates for equitable treatment of all people in Australia.


Many white males marrying Asian females indeed is correlated to participation in far right and fascist political movements. They are not only indifferent, but actively campaign for policies that would limit the rights and freedoms of their wives and children.



I don’t see any correlation between the percentage of white men who voted for Trump and their spouses’ ethnicity. You are really stretching something without any facts.

You may as well say that 90% of Chinese men who married outside their race smoke so there is a direct correlation between smoking and wanting to have a non-Chinese wife. That’s ridiculous.

Plus considering many moderate leaning white men simply didn’t vote in the 2016 elections because they thought both candidates were unacceptable (including myself) I don’t see how you can even make such a political connection.
(BTW @Desert Fox can fill you in on how Liberal Hillary scared away the Democratic white male voter...and how they’ll probably do it again in 2020 with Elizabeth Warren)

Also, at least in the West, it really is the woman who decides whom she marries. It isn’t some arranged thing by her parents. So if asian women have a tendency to be attracted to Republican men (which may be true because they are more likely to have higher incomes than the average) that is their prerogative.
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"Seriously, most upward moving Chinese people I know have plans to or have already left China so why is it that a lot of Chinese people want to leave China as soon as they get the Chance?"


China is made great by 50 cent army. How can a nation ruled by a totalitarian regime ruled for years and have so many re-education camps and does not allow religious minorities to practice their religion even in their houses be great. What 50 cent army does is do a big propaganda of china. The most laughable things is that they admire even reeducation camps of Ughurs Muslims in china by posting the pictures of re-education camps. In fact, China is a nation of 1.35 bn slaves ruled by Dictators Xi who can eliminate anybody as and when he wants. He himself decide how much time will he live in power.

So inspite of all propaganda, naturally people will flee as and when they get the chance to flee.
I don’t see any correlation between the percentage of white men who voted for Trump and their spouses’ ethnicity. You are really stretching something without any facts.

You may as well say that 90% of Chinese men who married outside their race smoke so there is a direct correlation between smoking and wanting to have a non-Chinese wife. That’s ridiculous.

Plus considering many moderate leaning white men simply didn’t vote in the 2016 elections because they thought both candidates were unacceptable (including myself) I don’t see how you can even make such a political connection.
(BTW @Desert Fox can fill you in on how Liberal Hillary scared away the Democratic white male voter...and how they’ll probably do it again in 2020 with Elizabeth Warren)

Also, at least in the West, it really is the woman who decides whom she marries. It isn’t some arranged thing by her parents. So if asian women have a tendency to be attracted to Republican men (which may be true because they are more likely to have higher incomes than the average) that is their perogative.

I'm not stretching anything, posted a link straight to the NYT article. Take it up with the NYT author.

Everywhere it is women doing the selecting. Then the question is, why are Asian American women in many cases selecting for far right men who want to limit their rights and the rights of their children?
Everywhere it is women doing the selecting. Then the question is, why are Asian American women in many cases selecting for far right men

It sure is the women doing the selecting...and when it comes to Chinese women they aren’t afraid to say what they feel. In one situation I was with my wife talking to a Chinese woman standing next to her Chinese husband with their 8 yr old daughter. She said “oh I wish I had married a white guy like you so I could have had pretty children”.

I could not believe she said that. They then both carried on talking like it was nothing. The Chinese husband didn’t blink, the daughter looked confused, and I decided it was a good time to walk away...

So when it comes to selecting they definitely have an agenda and I think it is far from political and more likely the result of being exposed to things like Audrey Hepburn movies and glamorous model magazines.
They just go crazy over this. Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's". My wife actually recreated this scene (taxi and all) on a trip to New York. Honestly I think watching this movie of "foreigners" from 1961 and then looking at their own world of burn barrels 40 years later in 2001..made them feel Chinese men simply let them down.

selecting for far right men who want to limit their rights and the rights of their children?

How are my children’s rights being limited compared to everybody else’s??? If anything they have MORE rights. They get to flip their ethnicity depending upon the situation. Have a situation where they can claim to be a minority to get a benefit...they can say they are Chinese...a situation where being white is an advantage..then they’ll just say they are white.

Right now they identify themselves as being white (like probably the women in the above 3 pics I posted) so I don’t see any issue.

My wife is perfectly happy...probably just like all the other Chinese women who did the same thing. Sounds like you are looking for a problem that simply doesn’t exist.
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It sure is the women doing the selecting...and when it comes to Chinese women they aren’t afraid to say what they feel. In one situation I was with my wife talking to a Chinese woman standing next to her Chinese husband with their 8 yr old daughter. She said “oh I wish I had married a white guy like you so I could have had pretty children”.

I could not believe she said that. They then both carried on talking like it was nothing. The Chinese husband didn’t blink, the daughter looked confused, and I decided it was a good time to walk away...

So when it comes to selecting they definitely have an agenda and I think it is far from political and more likely the result of being exposed to things like Audrey Hepburn movies and glamorous model magazines.
They just go crazy over this. Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's". My wife actually recreated this scene (taxi and all) on a trip to New York. Honestly I think watching this movie of "foreigners" from 1961 and then looking at their own world of burn barrels 40 years later in 2001..made them feel Chinese men simply let them down.

How are my children’s rights being limited compared to everybody else’s??? If anything they have MORE rights. They get to flip their ethnicity depending upon the situation. Have a situation where they can claim to be a minority to get a benefit...they can say they are Chinese...a situation where being white is an advantage..then they’ll just say they are white.

Right now they identify themselves as being white (like probably the women in the above 3 pics I posted) so I don’t see any issue.

My wife is perfectly happy...probably just like all the other Chinese women who did the same thing. Sounds like you are looking for a problem that simply doesn’t exist.

Hey man, I'm just trying to have a conversation here. Don't go full Stephen Paddock on me. Why are you bringing up Breakfast at Tiffany's, the proven racist movie that even failed at racism because it was forced to cast the 5'2 Mickey Roonie as Japanese? Not a good look.

Seems like you and the likes of John Derbyshire, Kyle Chapman and Andrew Anglin have something in common.

It's interesting how all these guys could not get white wives. For all the talk of white supremacy that John Derbyshire and their ilk do, no white women actually want to be anywhere near them. Maybe white women simply do not want to be associated with racism because racism is not sexy.

Most successful American men are married to white women. Even Chinese American CEOs are joining in.

Why is your family situation closer to that of white nationalists and not CEOs?

Funny how you think your kids will be able to claim being white.

Elliot Rodgers - a product of a relationship much like yours - thought he was white too and got triggered because he was rejected by white women. He saw an Asian guy date a blonde woman. He was "bursting with rage".

His rage against Asian men and white women led to a killing spree solely targetted at those 2 groups. All of his influence is from his white father and Chinese mother.

Hey man, I'm just trying to have a conversation here. Don't go full Stephen Paddock on me. Why are you bringing up Breakfast at Tiffany's, the proven racist movie that even failed at racism because it was forced to cast the 5'2 Mickey Roonie as Japanese? Not a good look.

LOL! You are the one who came out of PDF retirement to turn a "why people flee China" thread into a weird "evil dreaded white nationalist Republican men with yellow fever marrying asian women" thread. I'm just rolling with you to see where you want to take this. Sorry to strike a nerve. I do however think my assertion makes far far far far more sense than a bizarre “Alt-Right asian fetish” one written in the Opinion page of the New York Times. (BTW the first guy she mentions is indeed married to an asian...an Iranian. Not exactly a “yellow fever” situation. I didn’t check the other ones...maybe they are all Israeli or something :rolleyes1:)


Why is your family situation closer to that of white nationalists and not CEOs?

Thumbs up to him! I hope they are both happy. Someday it would be great for us both to meet Jensen Huang...and express our interracial views. It will be funny to see a situation where he shakes a white guy’s hand and tells an “unbiased” Chinese guy to get lost. :-)

Funny how you think your kids will be able to claim being white.

Elliot Rodgers - a product of a relationship much like yours - thought he was white too and got triggered because he was rejected by white women. He saw an Asian guy date a blonde woman. He was "bursting with rage".

His rage against Asian men and white women led to a killing spree solely targetted at those 2 groups. All of his influence is from his white father and Chinese mother.


More likely he got triggered because he was a complete jerk and nobody liked him...especially women.
There is no shortage of guys like that out there and they don’t have to be half anything.

There have been plenty of interracial people getting married every day for well over 100 years. This isn’t anything new.
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