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Man pours acid on Wife because she gave birth to a girl not a boy.


Oct 27, 2016
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A man poured acid over his wife, on International Women’s Day, after she gave birth to a baby girl.

32-year-old Siraj Biwi reportedly threw acid over his wife, 25-year-old Farah Biwi, while she slept – the attack was said to be motivated by her ‘failure’ to produce a son and fulfil her dowry.

Farah from Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh was left with burns on her face, hands and stomach and is currently being treated in hospital.

The couple have been married for eight years and had produced two daughters. Police are now looking for Siraj, with the intention of arresting him on the charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt.

Farah stated:

After the birth of the first girl only, my in-laws started to target me as if I deliberately delivered a baby girl. The harassment kept intensifying as time passed by.

For the past year, things had become much worse. Under pressure from his family, my husband would ask me to get more money from my parents and give it to them.

When I didn’t oblige, they started to beat me up. It come to a pass when my second daughter was born.

I was trying to live with the daily dose of torture and thinking about the well being of my daughters – if I part ways from the man, who would provide for my two daughters and myself?

But I could never imagine he would go to the extent of pouring acid on me. I won’t forgive him for this, ever.

Sadly, Farah is not the only woman to have been attacked in this viscous manner - according to Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI), 300 attacks were recorded in India in 2016. ASTI believe the true number of attacks per year may well be over 1000.

Over recent years, the Indian government have attempted to tackle the issue by passing new acid specific legislation, with a particular focus on control of the sale of acid, as well as compensation for survivors.

Implementation of this new legislation varies in consistency from one state to the next.

Though this news is from India ....... but similar thinking exists in Pakistan and Pakistani society as well.

I would never forget the day when I was told in hospital about my second son's birth ......... the total stranger aunties waiting there for their patients started congratulating me as if I had achieved some remarkable accomplishment ..... the underlying tone was you are lucky your wife gave birth to a baby boy ...... well me and my wife wouldn't have mind a bit even if the new baby would have been a baby girl. Aunties were given a lesson on chromosomes X and Y and who carries them ..... by a young (totally unrelated to sciences) Parent that day .... I hope those aunties would have listened carefully.

My advice to Pakistani young to be parents ..... don't worry about baby's gender in those ultra sound reports, don't ask the doctor ...... just be happy that you have been blessed to bring a new life on this Earth and are given an opportunity to raise a human.
This is some crazy shit ..

His trashy dck need to be put in a acid bottle ... fukin psycho ..
@Asim B. ,
There is the answer to your question why a bit of women rights activism and feminism is necessary and how women have it worse than men.

Yeah please ..
Someone give such people some sense ..
Fighting for such women's right nd giving them confidence isn't a crime .
Though this news is from India ....... but similar thinking exists in Pakistan and Pakistani society as well.

I would never forget the day when I was told in hospital about my second son's birth ......... the total stranger aunties waiting there for their patients started congratulating me as if I had achieved some remarkable accomplishment ..... the underlying tone was you are lucky your wife gave birth to a baby boy ...... well me and my wife wouldn't have mind a bit even if the new baby would have been a baby girl. Aunties were given a lesson on chromosomes X and Y and who carries them ..... by a young (totally unrelated to sciences) Parent that day .... I hope those aunties would have listened carefully.

My advice to Pakistani young to be parents ..... don't worry about baby's gender in those ultra sound reports, don't ask the doctor ...... just be happy that you have been blessed to bring a new life on this Earth and are given an opportunity to raise a human.
This has more to do with the primitive ways/thinking of the society. The problem stems from a few sources...

1) in Pakistani society a girl is looked at as a caretaker of the family while a man is the provider
- this also leads to a preference of educating boys over girls

2) the custom of dowry

The first point isn't bad in itself...there's nothing wrong with a man being the provider and a woman being the caretaker of the household. However it shouldn't be frowned upon if a woman works. This way of locking the genders in specific roles have led to the way of thinking where a JAHIL father may consider his daughter as a burden bcuz he would have to raise her, educate her, provide dowry and marry her off. For that jahil father if he had a son...then the raising of the son and educating him would "help the family" since he would get a job and be a provider. This way of thinking is more of a problem in poor families...where a lack of education only makes it worse.

A father should never consider his child(regardless of the gender) a burden. If someone does consider his/her daughter(or son) as a burden...then that person isn't fit to be a parent in the first place. Moreover men and women shouldn't be locked into certain gender roles. Far too many women put up with an abusive man bcuz he is the provider for her and her kids...if she had options where she can become financially independent then she wouldn't have to suffer the abuse. A three pronged approach is needed to solve this problem on a societal level.

- Educate the masses
- Equal opportunities/equal pay for men and women(based solely on qualification)
- Absolutely destroy this custom of dowry(at least at legal and religious levels...a fatwa)

On a separate note...about this throwing of acid...it just absolutely infuriates me. Anyone who commits such a crime should be killed slowly by pouring acid on that person on LIVE TV. I know it seems medieval and gruesome but such a punishment would instill fear in ppl so that they wouldn't even consider throwing acid on others.
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- Educate the masses

Don't see that happening anytime soon in Pakistan. Just because Pakistani state and political rulers forgot this very important aspect of nation building ...... we are suffering from many evils.

- Equal opportunities/equal pay for men and women(based solely on qualification)

Not the qualification ....... but the competence. Its becomes difficult for Pakistani women to carry on with their jobs after marriage and children (especially) ..... me and wife (She is a government officer) are raising three kids, she sometimes seriously wants to quit and I keep telling her ..... don't look to me, just think what if someday I am missing from the picture and you are left alone to look after kids and yourself ...

- Absolutely destroy this custom of dowry(at least at legal and religious levels...a fatwa)

We don't need a fatwa for this ........ we can simply lessen our greed and expectations.
Allow that lion man, allow that. Let them raise awareness of equality so that this primitive mindset get vanished from society.
and what are equal rights? that western bs idea of freedom? i am all in for equal right i am firm beliver that women should be treated with love,kindness and deserve our respect!
Allow that lion man, allow that. Let them raise awareness of equality so that this primitive mindset get vanished from society.
You have got to be careful. Do not throw the baby out with the bath water... There is a sinister undertone to modern western feminism...it is not really about ending injustices like above, but (mis)using this to weaken the family structure and promote activities that weaken the family...
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