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NOVEMBER 10, 2017 07:00

Defense ties between Israel and India have grown in the past few years, with Delhi becoming a major purchaser of Israeli military hardware.
2 minute read.

A contingent of Indian Garud commandos are in Israel taking part in exercises with elite Israeli special forces as part of the Blue Flag aerial drill.

“The roles of the commandos of the two nations are similar. We carry out what others cannot do,” wing commander K. Baharat told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. “Our aim is to learn and interact with the world’s best special forces and share how we operate as well.”

While crews from the US, Greece, Poland, France, Germany, India and Italy are honing their aerial skills at Uvda Air Base, the 16 Indian commandos are stationed at Nevatim and Palmahim air bases.

The commandos, who are part of a 45-man delegation and a C-130J Super Hercules transport plane, will be training with the Israeli Air Force’s elite Shaldag unit and Airborne Combat, Search and Rescue Unit 669.

Formed in 2004 by the Indian Air Force, Garud’s mission is to deploy behind enemy lines, protect vital installations, carry out counterterrorism operations and conduct hostage rescues operations.

Among the weapons used by the commandos are Israeli-made Tavor TAR-21 assault rifles, Galil sniper files and Negev machine guns.

According to India’s Hindustan Times, Delhi is planning to expand the commando wing with at least 10 more units of 70-80 members to secure additional military bases.

Unit 669 was formed in 1974 following the Yom Kippur War and was initially charged with rescuing Israeli pilots shot down in enemy territory. Troops from 669 later began undertaking rescue missions of special forces soldiers and later injured or stranded Israelis, rescuing over 10,000 people across the country and the world.

Also formed after the Yom Kippur War, Shaldag conducts special reconnaissance missions in combat and hostile environments to allow the IAF to collect intelligence and carry out commando operations.

Defense ties between Israel and India have grown in the past few years, with Delhi becoming a major purchaser of Israeli military hardware such as weapons systems, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history in July when he became the first Indian head of government to visit Jerusalem, highlighting the growing bilateral relationship. Other high ranking Indian officials have also visited in the past year, including air force chief Arup Raha and navy head Sunil Lanba. In May, three Indian Navy warships docked in Haifa’s port for a three-day visit aimed at strengthening the countries’ friendship.

“We are a peace-loving country, but we need to be prepared for anything,” Baharat said, adding that “our aim is to keep improving ourselves in order to deal with threats.”

Israel SF are trained to fight Arabs and India are SF are trained to fight Pakistan what will the Indians learn? I suppose they are there to improve on their "surgical strikes".
Israel SF are trained to fight Arabs and India are SF are trained to fight Pakistan what will the Indians learn? I suppose they are there to improve on their "surgical strikes".

logic dictates that if you learn to fight arabs, fighting wannabe arabs would be a piece of cake...lol
logic dictates that if you learn to fight arabs, fighting wannabe arabs would be a piece of cake...lol[/QUOT

LMAO ....

Put them up against Hezbollah and see how long they last

Why? We like Shia muslims! Im my book they are good ppl. At least in India they tens to be very nationalistic!

That's what said the King of Jerusalem back in the days... Well he got himself a Salahadin giving him the "flip flop" :)

Logic do not appply to Humans...

Yea too bad your wet dream will remain a wet dream. Centuries have gone by, weapons and tech have changes, etc. You guys are primitive and baxkward as f-k.
Since when did being primitive or backward ever stop anyone from fighting back for one's cause? Taliban are as primitive as they come but they are resilient. The same goes for Palestinians. Outnumbered, out-gunned, but they carry on. Hizbollah etc. etc. If technology and weaponry are all that matter then all of these issues would have been settled long ago.
Yea too bad your wet dream will remain a wet dream. Centuries have gone by, weapons and tech have changes, etc. You guys are primitive and baxkward as f-k.

And how do you think EMpire rised back in the days? or state of today? Do you think they found the last tech of their days to be able to win against stronger Empires??
Well here the answer for you little boy/girl... They didn't... THey fough with less weapons/ppl and tech...and won... Have Fun...

ANd last Q? Inferiority complex maybe? Oedipe one maybe too...
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logic dictates that if you learn to fight arabs, fighting wannabe arabs would be a piece of cake...lol
LOLgic also dictates if a country is peeing in their pants even before his rival country having just nukes although they constantly blabber how superior their Pankology are,his puny girlfriend will wet her panty even faster seeing her hubby's enemy equipped with near about 150 nukes,just saying man,LOLgic :woot:

Israel SF are trained to fight Arabs and India are SF are trained to fight Pakistan what will the Indians learn? I suppose they are there to improve on their "surgical strikes".
they will learn how to show their newly discovered plastic made b*a p*nty together in different shows,talking about them next 5 millennium,and then how to cry to convince US to fight for them against their enemies,easy guess :dance3:
logic dictates that if you learn to fight arabs, fighting wannabe arabs would be a piece of cake...lol
You mean the "wannabe" Arabs who shot down 12 Israeli aircraft flying Soviet junk in Arab airforces without a single loss of their own? (I'm talking about PAF volunteers during the Arab-Israeli wars).

Also, we saw how Hezbollah handed the IDF their @sses on a platter. No army is invincible, otherwise Israel would have attacked Iran already instead of begging Uncle Sam to do it's dirty work.

Iran with it's Shah era aircraft and North Korean scuds scares the piss out of Israel you can forget about Pakistan.

Recieved your loyalty certificate yet? If not, continue kissing the rear ends of yahood and hanood, for that is your wretched fate.
@Desert Fox the type I was talking about.
One cannot expect any better from these people.
should also train their nevy on how not to sink ships and destroy subs

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