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Zionist media goes ballistic over Newsweek Iran cover :)


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
The Zionist grip on the media couldn't stop this one....haha. what a nice Christmas gift for them.......take note of the institutes and people who are outraged. All of them are Israel paid shills or Israeli government intelligence fronts. Like FDD, UANI and Hudson institute....score one for the truth!!!!!
PS: please seek out Newsweek on twitter and support the cover....the Hasbra trolls will try to shame Newsweek on the internet.

Disgust, outrage and anger over Newsweek’s Iran cover
Newsweek ran a cover that most people initially felt was photoshopped. “If Iran falls, ISIS rises again,” was printed across a photo of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It wasn’t photoshopped, however, but is the cover of the magazine's upcoming December 27 issue.

“Shame,” “abhorrent,” “disgusting,” “ignorant,” were some of the kinder ways the cover was greeted. Writer and academic Idrees Ahmad tweeted that he spent all day thinking the cover was a joke. “The graphic design is so crude. But turns out the cover is real and the story behind it is even worse.”
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Iran needs security stability for another 20 years before it becomes a super power. I truly hope he is around to ensure that!
Iran Gov main enemy is his own ppl...
And Taking into account Iran current handling of that... things aren't bright...

Not even talking about Water problem and everything that goes with it...
now you can be certain in the next 9 day the front page will chage
Iran needs security stability for another 20 years before it becomes a super power. I truly hope he is around to ensure that!

If he passes before then can you name one person that could potentially fill that role? Because I can't!
If he passes before then can you name one person that could potentially fill that role? Because I can't!
rouhani is the best replacement. (i was joking obviously):enjoy::enjoy:
raisi maybe?? others are either old or simply not fit for the role.
If he passes before then can you name one person that could potentially fill that role? Because I can't!
He is wise and humble due to age and experience! His derisions are thus weighted and balanced.
So, no, it is literally impossible! A new person, however intelligent and competent, will be worse due to inexperience and vanity.
rouhani is the best replacement. (i was joking obviously):enjoy::enjoy:
raisi maybe?? others are either old or simply not fit for the role.
Why do we even need an unelected official? Did we not have a revolution to get rid of one?
Why do we even need an unelected official? Did we not have a revolution to get rid of one?
well to my opinion a leader position is a good for a government and dissension making, also leader gets elected by indirect votes of people and through the elites council.
Why do we even need an unelected official? Did we not have a revolution to get rid of one?
Supreme leader is elected by the elite council. But there is no duration limit for his service unless certain conditions arise.

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