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Zaid Hamid about National security, kashmir and Government.

no pun intended... but he reminds me of rakhi sawant...this guy is so much fun !!

You missed a broad grin on my face :)

I hope majority of people think like you and zaid baba. Its pretty comforting to see the adversary knocked off by an extra doze of morphine.

Save the smiles till the battle is over... We shall see who is victorious and who gets humiliated...
Zaid Hamid for the President..

I would love see to Zaid Hamid be made President / prime minster of pakistan..or maybe COAS(if some how possible) as that is the real center power in pakistan.

This guy is a Gem..you should all treasure him.;)
I agree with all what you are saying... I have somethings to add to your concerns...

1. Pakistan and India have historical grievances and animosity... It is but natural that you will have such sentiments on opposite sides... Hindu extremists and fanatics have similar ideas about Pakistan... You cant deny that...

There are some hindu fanatics, won't deny that. But their motive is political. They don't have any interests in bombing a mosque in Pakistan or anything. All they need is people's support. And they try to downplay Pakistan or muslims to get their support.
Recently, there actions have become a lot more provocative. And fortunately people have put them out of power.
2. I give you my personal word that Zaid Hamid or anyone sane in Pakistan does not want destruction for India... You might think I m bluffing but I m actually serious... We have absolutely no desire to cause India any harm... Infact if you listen to Zaid carefully when he mentions war against India, he always says that it is Indians who will initiate war and attack and we will then respond... These are very measured and calculated words my dear... All you have to do in reply to this is say that we have no desire to attack Pakistan and let us see the same sentiment in your foreign policy...
If you look back at the history, you'll realize that India never initiated a war on Pakistan, and many people in your country know that. We sure wanna humiliate Pakistan in the international community, and won't let an opportunity pass. But that is all because we are formally enemies.
But India never started a war. And India has no reason to start a war either. If even after 26/11, India didn't start a war, when US and Israel were supporting India, I don't see any reason for India to attack Pakistan.

An average Pakistani or Indian doesn't want war. But the military of both the country see each other with hostility. Fortunately Indian Army has no influence on average citizen, but unfortunately Pakistani Army has been in power for a long time, and has tried a LOT of methods to inculcate hate in average citizen through propaganda. They teach false history to kids, narrate them false stories of wars with India, encourage them to wage a holy war against the infidels. They are told that millions of Kashmiris are being killed. But has anyone ever wondered, how much of it is true?

The propaganda is so deep down into the roots, that people don't question anything, they wanna believe it. That is the problem here. Indians too are conducive to this propaganda, and sure it is done in India too, but with development, education, it is not effective anymore. Whereas in Pakistan, people get emotional and introduce religious and nationalistic elements to this propaganda to fuel to another level.
3. I am against the Pakistan of today to have a war or even hostility against India on any front... I m against the so called Jihad in Kashmir that Pakistan has been helping over the years against India... The reason not being that I m against Muslims to fight their oppressors (yes the Kashmiri resistance is legitimate)... but my dismissive attitude is because we in Pakistan have NOTHING to offer the world... Under secularism and democracy, our interests are not met... the common man lives the life worst than a dog... there is absolutely no law and order... young boys get lynched by mob... This is not what I would desire for any one... be it Pakistan or Indian...
Agree with you completely
4. Lastly... Can you tell me any other way except war with India... do you think Indians will ever be conducive to the idea that a revived Pakistan which starts making progress in leaps and bounds become the dominant power in South Asia? I do not think for one second that your elite will tolerate this... So if you accuse Pakistanis of being gullible to such propaganda (which I agree is true) then the same applies to Indians who are also prone to propaganda against Pakistan...
Trust me, Indians want a good relationship with Pakistan and China. We are growing fast, and now want every bit that can boost our economy further. Trade with China and Pakistan will help us a lot, and even though we're not at good terms, our businessmen are always looking at opportunities in Pakistan.
There is nothing wrong in elite in India, its just a misconception. The problem is that in India, there are a lot of political parties, and whenever the ruling party favors Pakistan for anything, the other hundreds of parties make it an issue to gain majority support. When the tables turn, and the ruling party is not in power, it too condemns any fruitful steps with Pakistan. So its all political.
5. My friend... It remains a duty on us to present to you a better sociopolitical and economic order... that is the priority for us... We only like to remind you now and then, that if you dare to bring war to us, we will also bring war to you... Our problems are huge and I think India has lost a strategic opportunity to annihilate Pakistan militarily... That window was during the regime of Musharaf... Even though now we have a Mr 110 percent as our President, you yourself would realize that Pakistanis are speaking a new language and the sudden emergence and rise in popularity of people like Zaid Hamid are proof of this...
Trust me, India doesn't have any reason to invade Pakistan, it will only ruin the development we are truing ti achieve. If we take over Pakistan, all the problems of Pakistan will infest India also, and plague it.
Stay well my friend... If your country wants to avoid war, ask for dialogue... but there can be no dialogue if war is initiated... The next war between India and Pakistan will result in a decisive victory for the forces of Islam... God willing

India is always ready for dialogue, and we did try too. But you see what happened when Qureshi went back and what he said on the television, "Bharat hamare saamne jhuk gaya, etc etc"
So its not working, but we still want good ties, all we need is transparency.

I can assure you India will never take the first step to war, even if any insane Pakistani general tries another misadventure, we won't retaliate will full force. We respect Pakistan's sovereignty and don't want to turn it ugly. But I would expect Pakistan to respect our sovereignty too, and rid itself of anti-India elements, so that we can all live in peace.
I didn't understand everything in this program as its a bit too much for my Hindi/Urdu as need to really concentrate to understand...

This guy is completely NUTS I have seen him on Iranian Press TV on the Taliban and he talks rot especially amusing was his Yugoslavia theory how the West broke Yugoslavia etc...etc. and wants to do the same on Pakistan etc.... this dude completely twisted the facts unbelievable....that this guy actually gets airtime in Pakistan to talk rubbish and preach hate.

Reminds me of Voltaire “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
I didn't understand everything in this program as its a bit too much for my Hindi/Urdu as need to really concentrate to understand...

This guy is completely NUTS I have seen him on Iranian Press TV on the Taliban and he talks rot especially amusing was his Yugoslavia theory how the West broke Yugoslavia etc...etc. and wants to do the same on Pakistan etc.... this dude completely twisted the facts unbelievable....that this guy actually gets airtime in Pakistan to talk rubbish and preach hate.

Reminds me of Voltaire “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

You got him totally wrong .He talks sense unlike other paid ragamuffins who are just talking for money.He is a total patriot and he unveils the realities from research,experience and the sense of geopolitics he attained from fighting for four years in Afghanistan.If you just visit his website i.e:Welcome to BrassTacks
you would know the capabilities of this man and yes i would love him to become the President or Prime minister of :pakistan:
Well whatever the Bharatis says..

Every Pakistani knows that this man said everything live on state TV what every Pakistani thinks but no one speaks it publicly,

There's a large number of Youngsters following his movement, he have revived Allama Iqbal for the youth and that's what I love the most :)
You got him totally wrong .He talks sense unlike other paid ragamuffins who are just talking for money.He is a total patriot and he unveils the realities from research,experience and the sense of geopolitics he attained from fighting for four years in Afghanistan.If you just visit his website i.e:Welcome to BrassTacks
you would know the capabilities of this man and yes i would love him to become the President or Prime minister of :pakistan:

I dont understand Urdu that well actually have started to loose my Hindi as well as I cant practice it therefore havent watched other programs by this guy and after watching 1 or 2 programs in English on Press TV probably the ones in Urdu are not worth either as on Press TV this guy was concocting things i.e. Blatantly fabricating and twisting facts for the purpose of sensationalism.

What he said about David Ben-Gurion's speech mentioning Pakistan is a lie. His Theory that the West broke Yugoslavia because of their pro Soviet/Russian stand etc.... is another lie...He talks about Dayton accord as the instrument of this and has no clue about what Dayton was all about nor who participated in those talks.He spoke rubbish despite tons of info on Yugoslavia in the public domain...I know more about ex Yugoslavia than this guy ever will.

Additionally another myth this guy promotes is Pakistan broke the Soviet Union etc...etc that's another fantasy or untruth lastly the most despicable theory this guy has is that the 2008 Mumbai attack was conducted by the Indians themselves with the help of the Israelis... he says this despite the evidence that this was carried out by LET which is based in Pakistan.

So dont know what he says in the Urdu version of his programs but must be pretty much in line or similar to what I mentioned above.

Well if you still want a delusional fanatic to become leader of your country well Good Luck to you.

PS: We also have a nutter called Mr.Lieberman however he is no way even close to Mr. Hamid. Difference is that Lieberman says idiotic things at times for political mileage and also goes of his rocker at times. Mr. Hamid is a madman.
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before you listen to him...just make sure you have some good share of POP-CORNs at hand ... :) it simply doubleeeess the fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn
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