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Young Tibetan mother and student self-immolate in China.

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Young Tibetan mother and student self-immolate in China.
8:28AM GMT 05 Mar 2012

A young mother and a student have become the latest people to set themselves on fire in protest against Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, a US broadcaster said on Monday.

US government-backed Radio Free Asia said the 32-year-old mother and the female student died after separately immolating in different provinces over the weekend.

More than 20 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in the last year to protest what they say are harsh Chinese policies that do not allow them to freely practice their religion.

The reported deaths came on the eve of the opening of China's annual legislative session, a time when security is tightened across the country. March is also a sensitive time for Tibet, marking several anniversaries, including that of the unsuccessful revolt against China that caused Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to flee in 1959, and deadly anti-government riots that rocked the Tibetan capital Lhasa in 2008.

The student set herself ablaze Saturday at a vegetable market in Gansu province's Maqu county and died at the scene, the report said, without giving the girl's name or age.

Chinese market vendors threw stones at the girl's burning body, the broadcaster said, citing an unidentified Tibetan exile with connections to the community in Maqu. It didn't say why they attacked her.

The girl was described as a middle school student, but it was unclear whether she was in regular middle school, where students range from 13 to 16 years old, or senior middle school, where students can be up to 19. Calls to local Maqu schools rang unanswered.

On Sunday, a woman identified only as Rinchen set herself on fire in front of a police station by the main gate to the Kirti Monastery in Aba prefecture in Sichuan province. Radio Free Asia said she was a mother of three young children. A report Sunday by the London-based Free Tibet group said Rinchen had four children.

Radio Free Asia reported that Rinchen called for the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet and freedom for Tibet as she set herself alight, quoting an exiled Tibetan monk in India, Kanyak Tsering.

Tibetan areas are mostly off-limits to foreign media and it was not possible to immediately confirm the claims.

A woman who answered the phone at the local Communist Party propaganda office in Aba declined to comment or give her name and referred calls to provincial authorities, who could not immediately be reached. A police official in Maqu said she was unaware of the report involving the student and hung up.

Free Tibet director Stephanie Brigden said Rinchen's self-immolation was the result of repression and attempts to assimilate Tibetans into Han Chinese culture.

"Tibetans are living under de facto martial law. China's response to protests – which are increasingly widespread – has been to intensify repression and surveillance, pushing Tibet deeper into crisis," she said in a statement.

China says it treats minority groups such as Tibetans fairly, and pours tens of billions of dollars into improving living conditions in their areas. The government has also accused the Dalai Lama and overseas Tibetans of being behind the protests and self-immolations.

Young Tibetan mother and student self-immolate in China - Telegraph
Tibetans will choose martyrdom rather than slavery under Hans.
Tibetans will choose martyrdom rather than slavery under Hans.

I think china should offer them autonomy,its not like they are asking for separate country,its high time for countries like china and India to sort out differences and works towards mutual growth,our people deserves better life all those poor people deserves better life.

If we continue to fight among each other there will be only one winner and its USA.Russia,china and India with combined strength can bring change to this world.
I think china should offer them autonomy,its not like they are asking for separate country,its high time for countries like china and India to sort out differences and works towards mutual growth,our people deserves better life all those poor people deserves better life.

If we continue to fight among each other there will be only one winner and its USA.Russia,china and India with combined strength can bring change to this world.

Tibet already has autonomy..well 'Chinese autonomy'.. They want Chinese to stop religious persecution.. Mao's Cultural revolution has not stopped in Tibet ... Tibetans are becoming minority in Tibet as more and more Han are being settled by the Chinese gov.
I think china should offer them autonomy,its not like they are asking for separate country,its high time for countries like china and India to sort out differences and works towards mutual growth,our people deserves better life all those poor people deserves better life.
Tibet already is an A.R. (Tibet Autonomous Region - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). What the Tibetans are demanding is more freedom to practice their own religion and culture.
what is the benefit of this self immolation??:hitwall:
its the loos of the body or a life and you are wasting it.Do use something else but this must be avoided.

---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------

what is the benefit of this self immolation??:hitwall:
its the loos of the body or a life and you are wasting it.Do use something else but this must be avoided.
We give them a great deal of freedom already. They have got more benefits than the majority Han Chinese. If they still do not feel satisfied, there is nothing we can do.

It is impossible that we let that dalai lama back as long as it wants to separate tibet from China. Its blah blah about not separating tibet from China is just ghost talking: driving all of those non-tibetian out of tibet including army, it becomes a god again in tibet and will be in charge of everything, and etc... If that is the case, what prevents it from separating tibet from China???

I think china should offer them autonomy,its not like they are asking for separate country,its high time for countries like china and India to sort out differences and works towards mutual growth,our people deserves better life all those poor people deserves better life.

If we continue to fight among each other there will be only one winner and its USA.Russia,china and India with combined strength can bring change to this world.
Some one make the Tibetan understand that self immolation is not the solution nor a mean :hitwall:
These people should give themselves for medical research instead of making a mess on Public places and polluting the air with smelly smoke.
Dalai urges suicides: Tibetan self-immolations applauded by Dalai Lama

Global Times | March 03, 2012


A series of self-immolations committed by Tibetan monks was applauded by the Dalai Lama, a spokesperson for China's top political advisory body claimed on Friday, calling for people not to take extreme actions under the incitement of others.

Zhao Qizheng, a spokesperson for the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made the remarks at a press conference before the opening of this year's annual session of the CPPCC.

A string of self-immolations broke out in Tibetan-inhabited areas in the provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai, bordering the Tibet Autonomous Region, in recent months.

And at least two mob attacks on local police offices were reported in the Tibetan areas in Sichuan Province in late January, leaving at least two people dead and more than a dozen injured.

Expressing his grief, Zhao said most of the monks who set fire to themselves were very young, with the youngest one aged 18.

"Before those unfortunate incidents took place, there were people who published the time and places in advance. Some people brought video cameras to film the incidents, and some of them even tried to prevent the rescue efforts," Zhao said.

Zhao called the Dalai Lama a "double-dealer," although Western media have quoted him as attempting to dissuade monks from their plans for suicide.

"According to what I have heard, he publicly applauded the courage of these people who set fire to themselves," Zhao added.

Zhao said committing suicide, which shows disrespect for life, is not a wise thing to do. He asked relevant people not to take extreme actions to express their attitudes.

"It is important to avoid being misled," Zhao said. "If you lose your life because of extreme actions, it will be too late to regret it."

Hu Shisheng, an analyst with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times that those tragic incidents were plotted by separatists both in and outside the country to stir up sensations.

"The government was at a passive position at the very beginning, given that the plotters arranged these self-immolations beforehand," Hu said.

"By releasing information on such cases and preventing such tragedies from happening through precautionary measures, Beijing is gradually seizing the initiative."

Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, told a meeting on Thursday that the "Dalai Lama clique" has been attempting to create disturbances in Tibet and the other four Tibetan-inhabited provinces, namely Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan.

He asked Party committees and governments at all levels to smash the conspiracies of the "Dalai Lama clique" and maintain social harmony and stability.

Exiled Tibetan "Prime Minister" Lobsang Sangay last week called for cancellation of celebrations for the Tibetan new year, asking Tibetans to observe traditional and spiritual rituals for monks who had immolated themselves.

Chen Quanguo, secretary of the Communist Party of China committee of Tibet, asked local officials to carry out prevention and control measures in full force, and fully implement measures for the management of new media, including mobile phones and the Internet, to maintain stability, the official Tibet Daily reported Wednesday.

Local officials are also not allowed to take leave in the coming days, according to the paper.

Authorities in Tibet have recently taken steps to improve the living conditions and environment for local monks to practice Tibetan Buddhism, according to reports.

Efforts have also been made to provide roads, water, electricity and cultural services for them, Zhao said, adding that these measures have been welcomed by local people.

Global Times
What kind of sick mind is this? A 32 years old mother of 3 children first priority is to take care her children until they reach maturities. If she negated that responsibility and killed herself there is something wrong here. She was either mentally unstable or she was brainwashed.

There is no way China can stop these random atrocities aside from harsh supervisions. The ultimate responsibility lies on the Dalai Lama for he is supposedly their spiritual leader. Let's see if he is man enough for that title that his people honored him with.
I won't be surprised if many of these self immolation have been encouraged by people of a higher authority, very much like a suicide bomber who has been told of the richness of the afterlife after the deed is done. It was not too long ago when Tibet upper society practiced horrendous acts on their own lower society people. And the people of the lower caste obeyed them purely as religion dictated that their lives are damned.

Not to say that the people are not suffering in one way or the other but there is definitely more than meets the eye on such immolation.
What kind of sick mind is this? A 32 years old mother of 3 children first priority is to take care her children until they reach maturities. If she negated that responsibility and killed herself there is something wrong here. She was either mentally unstable or she was brainwashed.

There is no way China can stop these random atrocities aside from harsh supervisions. The ultimate responsibility lies on the Dalai Lama for he is supposedly their spiritual leader. Let's see if he is man enough for that title that his people honored him with.

you are correct.china cant stop it and these ladies should think about their family members.
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