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'It is the beginning of Pakistan's collapse': Rediff.com News

So, just what is happening in Pakistan?

'You kick *** and come away'

Instead of targeting the terrorists, they end up killing the civilians
'They have achieved displacement, not destruction'
Pakistan had no option but to stage-manage a victory

Last updated on: December 8, 2009 00:29 IST

Krishnakumar P probes the Pakistan army's tall claims of victories against the Taliban in the tribal areas of Swat and South Waziristan, and finds that the powerful army might be stage-managing its offensives

While armies the world over struggle for years to put down insurgencies, the Pakistan army has claimed to have defeated the Taliban in less than 20 days.

In contrast, the Iraq war has been going on for seven years now with no end in sight. Ditto, the Afghan war. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam thumbed its nose at Sri Lankan army for over two decades.

Closer home, whatever peace we have seen in the Kashmir valley in the past two decades has been shaky and temporary at best. Similar is the case of the northeast.

But this is not the case with Pakistan. Sample these headlines from recent months: 'Pak army claims Swat, Buner cleared of Taliban terrorists', 'Swat operations almost over: Pakistan army'.

So, just what is happening in Pakistan? Is the army exaggerating its claim? Are these battles taking place at all? Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

Before looking for answers for these questions: first, the details:

In what is termed as the first phase, in the 20 days since the launch of the operation on the night of October 16, the military has captured all the major towns and villages in the region. It is now poised to march into Mehsud tribe's regional headquarters of Laddah in South Waziristan.

In the second phase, the army will concentrate on consolidation and clearance to penetrate into the region and bring back the political administration.

The third phase will involve the handing over the region to the Mehsud tribe that has been evacuated for the sake of the military operation. Everyone can then go back home and everything will be fine.

This is the picture the Pakistan army is painting. But Indian intelligence agencies and military experts, who have been watching the developments closely, say the operation is a lot more complex than it seems to be and in the end, might even result in a direct threat to India.


in the end, might even result in a direct threat to India.

Yep, that says it all.
'It is the beginning of Pakistan's collapse': Rediff.com News

So, just what is happening in Pakistan?

'You kick *** and come away'

Instead of targeting the terrorists, they end up killing the civilians
'They have achieved displacement, not destruction'
Pakistan had no option but to stage-manage a victory

Last updated on: December 8, 2009 00:29 IST

Krishnakumar P probes the Pakistan army's tall claims of victories against the Taliban in the tribal areas of Swat and South Waziristan, and finds that the powerful army might be stage-managing its offensives

While armies the world over struggle for years to put down insurgencies, the Pakistan army has claimed to have defeated the Taliban in less than 20 days.

In contrast, the Iraq war has been going on for seven years now with no end in sight. Ditto, the Afghan war. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam thumbed its nose at Sri Lankan army for over two decades.

Closer home, whatever peace we have seen in the Kashmir valley in the past two decades has been shaky and temporary at best. Similar is the case of the northeast.

But this is not the case with Pakistan. Sample these headlines from recent months: 'Pak army claims Swat, Buner cleared of Taliban terrorists', 'Swat operations almost over: Pakistan army'.

So, just what is happening in Pakistan? Is the army exaggerating its claim? Are these battles taking place at all? Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

Before looking for answers for these questions: first, the details:

In what is termed as the first phase, in the 20 days since the launch of the operation on the night of October 16, the military has captured all the major towns and villages in the region. It is now poised to march into Mehsud tribe's regional headquarters of Laddah in South Waziristan.

In the second phase, the army will concentrate on consolidation and clearance to penetrate into the region and bring back the political administration.

The third phase will involve the handing over the region to the Mehsud tribe that has been evacuated for the sake of the military operation. Everyone can then go back home and everything will be fine.

This is the picture the Pakistan army is painting. But Indian intelligence agencies and military experts, who have been watching the developments closely, say the operation is a lot more complex than it seems to be and in the end, might even result in a direct threat to India.


in the end, might even result in a direct threat to India.

Yep, that says it all.

you actually waste your time browsing thru rediff !!!
US was pressurising GOP do more in FATA from last many years , what benefit we got out of this war ?

Disadvantage of this war is now our Eastern boarder is more unsafe and western boarder is also weaker and softer then before.

It was game plan of US to creat insurgency inside Pakistan in which they suceed , now Obama's tone is more aggressive and threatning for direct attackes inside Pakistan.

Atleast Army top brass should understand the game plans of US in region
sir . There is a term called sasti shohrat.....

When these underdeveloped biseps run out of stories they make one up in the name of national security.

Food . Water . Shalter . Sex and security learn how to use them for news and you are a journalist...

More of the usual BS of 'Pakistan Army cannot fight its creation', Pakistan Army cannot fight the Pashtun because 25% of the PA is Pashtun' etc. etc.

The same nonsense was repeated before and during the Swat offensive, and guess what, the population of Swat is largely back, and journalists can report from there and confirm that the situation is largely under control, though skirmishes keep taking place.

Now, in SW, as in Swat, the challenge will remain protecting the civilian population after they return and building civilian institutions.

Comparisons to the LTTE and Kashmir are not apt since Swat and SW are not populist insurgencies supported by the people of the region for political rights (Tamils and Kashmiris) but extremist ideological violence supported by a small minority of the residents.
One word - territory.

Pakistan army is claiming more territory day by day which is a viewable result. Reporters are simply able to report from the Waziristans and Swat today because Pakistan Army has cleared huge chunks of the areas off.

The displacement logic does not hold since what other territory have we lost to the Taliban? The last thing we lost was Swat and since spring this year we have regained it and are holding it. The drive in Swat really is over, the people have returned, and business has started off. Its not over till FATA is not cleaned up, no doubt and no where has Pakistan claimed so as well.

Just count the territories, man.
If there are so doubted they should go visit the areas that have been cleared by our military. Swat is back to normal and so are other areas there are in its vicinity.

Same would be the case with OP RN, once these areas come back to normalcy, doubters must pay a visit there. It's not that hard. May be they are 'bothered' by the fact the 'free' and independent reporting is not allowed from the active areas, well did the US allow direct reporting when it went into Iraq and Afghanistan?

you actually waste your time browsing thru rediff !!!

You probably are right, Sir.
rediff is where ppl live in a virtual world with pakistan already removed from earth
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