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Yeh Dekhin ho kya raha ha is Mulk main?

Old habit die hard. Lumber 1 in taking off cloths of own people, while dropping pants and bending in front enemy.

this may be due to intelligence information of mukti bahini,
I hate hypocrites

Why are you lost at words????!

What was happening in KP From 2008-2017 when randomly people were bombed including kids for sale of 3b$/yr if CSF which people enjoyed

Bombing would occur on faulty Pakistani intelligence mostly the goal was to give maximum number of false intelligence so more money can be made

BALOCHISTAN several people were kidnapped and killed for sake of army smuggling business
I deserve your hate. And I certainly am a hypocrite. I refused to acknowledge the suffering of the Pashtoon's and Baluchis simply because I paid heed to the propaganda and lies fed to me through the media. I have only now begun to realise who the real enemy is. I pray to Allah that he forgives me because frankly I am guilty of lending them my support against innocent Pakistanis.
Sorry not sorry, I think this is as credible as the American ousted IK government narrative which IK now claims was a lie.

Nonetheless, such allegations must be investigated, and the instigators, if found to the be true, punished, to create deterrence. No matter who is in power or at the receiving end.
This is too funny

IK used to give lun to anyone who spoke against uhm uhm and passed ordinance that prohibited even speaking against him and them.

Sorry not sorry, I think this is as credible as the American ousted IK government narrative which IK now claims was a lie.

You know what they say about crying wolf?

It seems like whenever these politicians are no longer in power, they become anti establishment and invent lies out of their imagination. This reminds me when NS was threatening establishment about exposing things lol

Maybe in 4 years lecturing us “ghabrana nahi hai” he should’ve done something to empower the civilian government? But then he was having wet dreams of Chinese style one party system lol

Regardless of political affiliation. One must never lose the sense of identifying WRONG. Whatever military establishment is doing is wrong. You comparing IK's tenure with whatever happening right now ? This is perhaps most absurd statement to make. Arshad Shareef, Azam Swati, Shehbaz Gill, Ayaz Amir, Imran riaz, Farooq Jameel, Sabir Shakir, Moeed and many countless more Either killed, tortured, kidnapped multiple times, videos, audios, blackmailing, threats, and many more. So, during IK's tenure what happened ? Was Ahsan Iqbal stripped down and tortured in his home and then later at unknown places ? Were 16 FIRs filed on Saleem safi and he fled and ultimately assassinated ? Or crack down on PMLN social media ? Or anything remotely close to whatever happening now. Pakistan is occupied currently. Free societies do not function like that. A military is hell bent against its own people. Where on earth something like this happens ? Maybe Myanmar or a couple of few most disgusting places. We have become that. Crazy to think people will have audacity to defend such sick actions.

I tried to add some sense to you in one of earlier threads but to no avail. It seems your bugz has no cure. Once personal liking / disliking becomes so strong and when fiction takes precedent over reality then no logic, no facts can change mindsets. Just try to forget who is who, only try to see every event on merit, see whether whats happening is Wrong or not. If you conclude its not wrong then you're a hopeless case.
Of course, families are out of bounds and should never be touched.

But whenever I hear someone start with “mere Pakistaniyo” I immediately sense a barrage of lies incoming and my emotions being manipulated and me being used as a sheep guided somewhere.

I think if Imran Khan is honest, he should stop his BS tehreek and start investigation of this matter if he is truthful. This will gain him more support than the rot in jail tehreek

This issue is bigger than IK. I am known here for my views on the military, as well as IK and NS. But we must ALL be united in preventing such abuses of power. If we do not speak up today, tomorrow it will be our turn.
Honest to God, things are getting to a stage where we have to think about writing a letter to taliban and ask them to rescue us from the American supported forces of evil that control Pakistan. And there is historical precedence because Shah Waliullah wrote to Abdali and asked him for deliverance when North Indian muslims faced similar circumstances. I also have no doubt, having observed army high command in action over the last one year, that taliban will have no problems in taking out Pak army. Plus they will be on the raah of haq. Elite of Pakistan deserve the same fate that befall pre-Khomeini Iranian elite. There will be justice.
Seriously Disgusting take 🤮🤢
Lol And you forgot what abdali did to people afterwards to the point mullah dudes were moaning why This nibba isn't f-ing off already, they don't teach you that in Pak studies

fix your own problems on your own, it's your goddamn, country, traditions, people, culture, values, relgion at stake, you're surrounded by evil on both sides, no matter how much I dislike the current lot, I know east or west much worse is waiting to take advantage of our current situation

Stop this baighairti, take care of our own people at whatever cost, at whatever sacrifices, take charge instead of moaning

So what if we have pos in charge, every other country at one point in time had Pos's in power

What they didn't do is moan, moan and moan and moan like youthiyas do,
cry and promote enemies propoganda, talking points
Instead they took charge to defend thier people, protect it's culture, values, relgion

Thookne ka dil Kar raha Teri is baat par
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Nonetheless, such allegations must be investigated, and the instigators, if found to the be true, punished, to create deterrence. No matter who is in power or at the receiving end.
ضیاالحق کے دفنائے گئے جبڑے پر تفتیش کر کے ان لگائے گئے الزامات کی تردید یا تصدیق کی جائے لیکن سائفر کو نہ کھولا جائے
Honest to God, things are getting to a stage where we have to think about writing a letter to taliban and ask them to rescue us from the American supported forces of evil that control Pakistan. And there is historical precedence because Shah Waliullah wrote to Abdali and asked him for deliverance when North Indian muslims faced similar circumstances. I also have no doubt, having observed army high command in action over the last one year, that taliban will have no problems in taking out Pak army. Plus they will be on the raah of haq. Elite of Pakistan deserve the same fate that befall pre-Khomeini Iranian elite. There will be justice.
So instead of being ruled by Americans you want to be ruled by Afghans :rofl:

I see the slave blood still thriving, one master to the next and never truly independent. And never fighting for yourself.
ضیاالحق کے دفنائے گئے جبڑے پر تفتیش کر کے ان لگائے گئے الزامات کی تردید یا تصدیق کی جائے لیکن سائفر کو نہ کھولا جائے

Abey Zia mardood Washington mein dafan hey. Jabra Chowk wali qabar umreeki safeer key hey. :D
I wish for a day when PAF bombs the epic center of all the treachery, brutality, fascism and real cancer of Pak i.e. GHQ.
I was and am a paf fan boy but c what Babbar sidhu is upto with his extravagant expenses. No matter the branch we read the bay as fay. It's pak boujh not fouj
Old habit die hard. Lumber 1 in taking off cloths of own people, while dropping pants and bending in front enemy.

historical fact that was not a Pakistani soldier & this pic was taken from a book named Bangladesh A Brutal Birth by an "Indian Photographer named Kishor Parek"

Interesting facts about this pic are

- Soldier is not a Pakistani Soldier but an Indian Army Soldier

- Person who is shown in this embarrassing situation is a Behari Razakar (Razak is a term use for those Behari youth who helped Pakistani Army during 1971 war)

- Most Interesting thing is that this pic was taken after the fall of Dakha

So please a sincere appeal: We do hate "all the current actors of this Regime" but we must not blindly hate Institution and history of our country so that we could avoid becoming victim of Anti-Pakistan propaganda & 5th gen war imposed on us.

It is the Nation of Pakistan who is still at the right side of the history, the Ruling Elite (INCLUDING ARMY generals) has switched the side and has become a willful collaborator of the enemy.

OK found the pic through google search with real caption from the book

Indian Soldier checking Bangalior BNehari Razakar.jpg
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