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Yaghmaie is in Prison because of this video

Free this freedom lover!

Most of the problems we Iranian face are due to idiots like you. I'm sorry for being frank, but it needs to be said. I'm sick and tried of all of people like you. Since the Qajar days, we have had Iranians stuck up the western's asses, thinking that to sell out one's country means enlightenment & intelligence.

It is Iranians like you that have for the past three decades encouraging the west to attack, sanction, and isolate us, because in your moronic brains, you think this is "helping" the Iranian people. You want to help Iran? Then you defend Iran! You don't call your sister a whore and your brother a bastard, if you want to help your family! You defend your family in front of strangers and then privately talk to them in your own home!

People like you were encouraging the US to sanction Iran during Ahmadenijad's period. You want Iran to be attacked, raped, destroyed, and then have the Americans shitting on our head, and then give us the stamp of approval, so you people feel proud?

150 people were blown apart in Paris, dozens died in Lebanon, daily Syrians are being killed, Yemen is destroyed, Libya is destroyed, Afghanistan was destroyed, Iraq was destroyed, Egypt had a bloody revolution & then another bloody military coupe to put it back to square one, and in oil rich Gulf monarchies, you have mosques being blown by suicide bombers like in Saudi & Kuwait.

And in all of this, we have been trying to stand on our own feet, survived devastating 8 years of war against Saddam, finally was able to have some sort of homegrown republic system (after 5000 years of monarchy) in a region where its full of dictatorships and kings and military coups, and instead of people like you helping us, you keep want to try to trip us? What will make you happy? An attack on Iran? More sanctions? A king appointed by Obama? US military bases in Tehran so you don't have to worry about basijis? Christmas trees in every corner so you don't have to be faced with "Arabic" religion? Western "freedoms" even if it means destruction of our culture? White man's norms and morales even if the people don't want it, and if they don't want it, well, they are backward idiots?

I don't even know who the hell this guy is you are talking about, but,

1) You mention "Yaghmaie", it seems you mean some guy called "Yaghma Golrouee".
2) You mention he was arrested because of his music video. How do you know? Did you see the court documents?
3) A 2 minute google video search shows the video was released March 2015. Why the 9 months delay?
4) Do you know anything about Iranian music? This was shit, it wasn't anything really controversial. More controversial songs are released every day.
5) What gives you the right to say some crap like "75% or Iranian people are with him and share his values". Where did you get the 75% number? Why not 85% or 65%? Why do you people like pulling statistics out of your asses?

In conclusion, please shut up.

Dear God, I pray to you, please save us from Iranians in the west who are trying to help us. Let them leave us to despair in our poverty, stupidity, and be tortured by the evil mullah regime. Amen.

P.S. This is Yaghmaei. Koroush Yaghmaei who was the first Iranian rock star before the revolution, and after the revolution happened, he didn't leave, stayed, first banned, then allowed to release instrumental, and finally allowed to release full rock albums again. He struggled, but he stayed and fought, and didn't run away to Las Angeles, to wear a leather jacket and sun glasses and dance with 20 year old girls to a crappy house pop dance Persian shit song.

Most of the problems we Iranian face are due to idiots like you. I'm sorry for being frank, but it needs to be said. I'm sick and tried of all of people like you. Since the Qajar days, we have had Iranians stuck up the western's asses, thinking that to sell out one's country means enlightenment & intelligence.

It is Iranians like you that have for the past three decades encouraging the west to attack, sanction, and isolate us, because in your moronic brains, you think this is "helping" the Iranian people. You want to help Iran? Then you defend Iran! You don't call your sister a whore and your brother a bastard, if you want to help your family! You defend your family in front of strangers and then privately talk to them in your own home!

People like you were encouraging the US to sanction Iran during Ahmadenijad's period. You want Iran to be attacked, raped, destroyed, and then have the Americans shitting on our head, and then give us the stamp of approval, so you people feel proud?

150 people were blown apart in Paris, dozens died in Lebanon, daily Syrians are being killed, Yemen is destroyed, Libya is destroyed, Afghanistan was destroyed, Iraq was destroyed, Egypt had a bloody revolution & then another bloody military coupe to put it back to square one, and in oil rich Gulf monarchies, you have mosques being blown by suicide bombers like in Saudi & Kuwait.

And in all of this, we have been trying to stand on our own feet, survived devastating 8 years of war against Saddam, finally was able to have some sort of homegrown republic system (after 5000 years of monarchy) in a region where its full of dictatorships and kings and military coups, and instead of people like you helping us, you keep want to try to trip us? What will make you happy? An attack on Iran? More sanctions? A king appointed by Obama? US military bases in Tehran so you don't have to worry about basijis? Christmas trees in every corner so you don't have to be faced with "Arabic" religion? Western "freedoms" even if it means destruction of our culture? White man's norms and morales even if the people don't want it, and if they don't want it, well, they are backward idiots?

I don't even know who the hell this guy is you are talking about, but,

1) You mention "Yaghmaie", it seems you mean some guy called "Yaghma Golrouee".
2) You mention he was arrested because of his music video. How do you know? Did you see the court documents?
3) A 2 minute google video search shows the video was released March 2015. Why the 9 months delay?
4) Do you know anything about Iranian music? This was shit, it wasn't anything really controversial. More controversial songs are released every day.
5) What gives you the right to say some crap like "75% or Iranian people are with him and share his values". Where did you get the 75% number? Why not 85% or 65%? Why do you people like pulling statistics out of your asses?

In conclusion, please shut up.

Dear God, I pray to you, please save us from Iranians in the west who are trying to help us. Let them leave us to despair in our poverty, stupidity, and be tortured by the evil mullah regime. Amen.

P.S. This is Yaghmaei. Koroush Yaghmaei who was the first Iranian rock star before the revolution, and after the revolution happened, he didn't leave, stayed, first banned, then allowed to release instrumental, and finally allowed to release full rock albums again. He struggled, but he stayed and fought, and didn't run away to Las Angeles, to wear a leather jacket and sun glasses and dance with 20 year old girls to a crappy house pop dance Persian shit song.

I don't give a shit if you are sick and tired, seek medical help or a psychiatrist! I didn't read the rest of your reply except the first line and this is your response and don't give a shit what you say now **** off!

My mistake in the headline partly because I was emotional hearing it doesn't take the fact that Yaghma Golrooyi is in prsion for this song! Again ... F... Off! Fascist supporter!

I don't read any replies and not interested in any debate anymore! This is only a post to inform! Not to debate. Debate with a fool and he brings you down at his level.
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Song of freedom
We are happy, joyful and full of laughter
Even though we are imprisoned,
Our way is blocked and our feet sore
But we set fire,

We are the generation of roars
And have joined our hands together,
We are covered in blood but we know
that at the end of the story, We're free
We've been in the prison for 100 years
and won't stay here any longer,
We become windows and vocal cords*
and sing the freedom song

We are the generation of roars
And have joined our hands together
We are covered in blood but we know
that at the end of the story, We're free
We share the same story and pain
and have made our sorrows into one,
We side by side search every single house
to find our dreams

We are the generation of roars
And have joined our hands together
We are covered in blood but we know
that at the end of the story, We're free

We are covered in blood but we know
at the end of the story, We're free
at the end of the story, We're free
at the end of the story, We're free

خوشحالو شادو خندونیم
با اینکه توی زندونیم
راهه ما بسته پای ما خسته
اما آتیش میسوزونیم

ما نسل پُره فریادیم
دستامونو به هم دادیم
غرق یه خونیم اما میدونیم
آخره قصه آزادیم
صد ساله توی زندونیم
دیگه اینجا نمیمونیم
پنجره میشیم هنجره میشیم
شعر رهایی میخونیم

ما نسل پُره فریادیم
دستامونو به هم دادیم
غرق یه خونیم اما میدونیم
آخره قصه آزادیم
ما همقصه و همدردیم
بغضامونو یکی کردیم
شونه به شونه خونه به خونه
دنبال رویا میگردیم

ما نسل پُره فریادیم
دستامونو به هم دادیم
غرق یه خونیم اما میدونیم
آخره قصه آزادیم

غرق یه خونیم اما میدونیم
آخره قصه آزادیم
آخره قصه آزادیم
آخره قصه آزادیم
آخره قصه آزادیم

آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم... آخره قصه آزادیم .. آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم
آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ...آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیم ... آخره قصه آزادیمآخره قصه آزادیم

Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...Finally, We will be free ...
Most of the problems we Iranian face are due to idiots like you. I'm sorry for being frank, but it needs to be said. I'm sick and tried of all of people like you. Since the Qajar days, we have had Iranians stuck up the western's asses, thinking that to sell out one's country means enlightenment & intelligence.

It is Iranians like you that have for the past three decades encouraging the west to attack, sanction, and isolate us, because in your moronic brains, you think this is "helping" the Iranian people. You want to help Iran? Then you defend Iran! You don't call your sister a whore and your brother a bastard, if you want to help your family! You defend your family in front of strangers and then privately talk to them in your own home!

People like you were encouraging the US to sanction Iran during Ahmadenijad's period. You want Iran to be attacked, raped, destroyed, and then have the Americans shitting on our head, and then give us the stamp of approval, so you people feel proud?

150 people were blown apart in Paris, dozens died in Lebanon, daily Syrians are being killed, Yemen is destroyed, Libya is destroyed, Afghanistan was destroyed, Iraq was destroyed, Egypt had a bloody revolution & then another bloody military coupe to put it back to square one, and in oil rich Gulf monarchies, you have mosques being blown by suicide bombers like in Saudi & Kuwait.

And in all of this, we have been trying to stand on our own feet, survived devastating 8 years of war against Saddam, finally was able to have some sort of homegrown republic system (after 5000 years of monarchy) in a region where its full of dictatorships and kings and military coups, and instead of people like you helping us, you keep want to try to trip us? What will make you happy? An attack on Iran? More sanctions? A king appointed by Obama? US military bases in Tehran so you don't have to worry about basijis? Christmas trees in every corner so you don't have to be faced with "Arabic" religion? Western "freedoms" even if it means destruction of our culture? White man's norms and morales even if the people don't want it, and if they don't want it, well, they are backward idiots?

I don't even know who the hell this guy is you are talking about, but,

1) You mention "Yaghmaie", it seems you mean some guy called "Yaghma Golrouee".
2) You mention he was arrested because of his music video. How do you know? Did you see the court documents?
3) A 2 minute google video search shows the video was released March 2015. Why the 9 months delay?
4) Do you know anything about Iranian music? This was shit, it wasn't anything really controversial. More controversial songs are released every day.
5) What gives you the right to say some crap like "75% or Iranian people are with him and share his values". Where did you get the 75% number? Why not 85% or 65%? Why do you people like pulling statistics out of your asses?

In conclusion, please shut up.

Dear God, I pray to you, please save us from Iranians in the west who are trying to help us. Let them leave us to despair in our poverty, stupidity, and be tortured by the evil mullah regime. Amen.

P.S. This is Yaghmaei. Koroush Yaghmaei who was the first Iranian rock star before the revolution, and after the revolution happened, he didn't leave, stayed, first banned, then allowed to release instrumental, and finally allowed to release full rock albums again. He struggled, but he stayed and fought, and didn't run away to Las Angeles, to wear a leather jacket and sun glasses and dance with 20 year old girls to a crappy house pop dance Persian shit song.

I would give u a positive rating if I could... well done... You're a true Iranian patriot...
In conclusion, please shut up.
:lol: AMAZING post once again !!

@Serpentine @Daneshmand


look at his other threads :

Yaghmaie is in prison by IR regime for this

Yaghmaie is in Iranian prison because of his freedom Song

I wonder whats with this place that induces "estehale" in almost everyone . it also makes me wonder if all these people are actually the same . you know ?

whats with our section that makes it like a giant troll-magnet ?

The guy doesn't even know his name and cannot spell it right, yet he knows that he is a "freedom lover" :lol:

@kollang , aren't these posts familiar a little bit ?
A sectarian should be in prison.

Dumb@ss thread!

Btw these are some examples of freedom in the West:

Rangers fan Scott Lamont jailed over Billy Boys song - BBC News

Should People Go to Jail for “Hate Speech”? Montana Man Facing Prison for Holocaust Denial | The Free Thought Project

Swiss man jailed for Holocaust denial
:lol: AMAZING post once again !!

@Serpentine @Daneshmand


look at his other threads :

Yaghmaie is in prison by IR regime for this

Yaghmaie is in Iranian prison because of his freedom Song

I wonder whats with this place that induces "estehale" in almost everyone . it also makes me wonder if all these people are actually the same . you know ?

whats with our section that makes it like a giant troll-magnet ?

The guy doesn't even know his name and cannot spell it right, yet he knows that he is a "freedom lover" :lol:

@kollang , aren't these posts familiar a little bit ?
The funny thing is that this dumb oldman doesn't create the same threads with the same title!
I loved that guy.
My fellow countryman, Hassan Jahangir, copied Havar Havar but he got more fame than the original.
Some more beautiful songs from him:

Kourosh Yaghmaei: Paiz ~~~ کوروش یغمایی: پاییز - YouTube

24.Kourosh Yaghmaei - Shahre Cheshmat (The City of Your Eyes) - YouTube

Kourosh Yaghmaei , Havar Havar :.: کوروش یغمایی ، هوار هوار - YouTube

His son sing live in Tehran:

Kaveh Yaghmaei Live in Tehran - YouTube

Kaveh Yaghmaei (Shooshtari) Live in Tehran - YouTube

My childhood favorite singer:

Top 10 Siavash Ghomayshi سیاوش قمیشی - YouTube
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