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yes, with 500 kg TNT such toys will be good fireworks.

hoho, what a funny joke. Are you sure your TNT is made by yourself or do exchange by stealing crude oil? Ytust me , my little brother ,scarce resource can not be wasted.

Do you know our shaddock can destroy even a super Carrier ?? so you think your cheap merchan ship still can survive ??

WOW! How many do u have. Are they still available to use? Are you certain that there are explosive inside or not , maybe just a sample given by other countries. And someone which donate this for fun will suffer ingratitude. VN is good at this.
WOW! How many do u have. Are they still available to use? Are you certain that there are explosive inside or not , maybe just a sample given by other countries. And someone which donate this for fun will suffer ingratitude. VN is good at this.
Dude, we can make this missile ourselve and we can buy on credit as many as we want from Russia too. This is well-know Soviet missile use to hunt US's super carrier, hope a poor and low IQ Chinese like you know something about it :coffee:
Indeed, they are from Russia ,However i think they donot need oil and gas..... therefore donation....then ingratitude. How similar the story is......So bad:what:
Dude, we can make this missile ourselve and we can buy on credit as many as we want from Russia too. This is well-know Soviet missile use to hunt US's super carrier, hope a poor and low IQ Chinese like you know something about it :coffee:

:lol: anything you have, we had 20 years ago. your planes cannot even take off without a Russian holding your hand.

in any war, you will be blind, deaf and mute. Vietnam will just be the next Iraq. Actually, the power difference between USA and Iraq is far smaller than that between China and Vietnam.
:lol: anything you have, we had 20 years ago. your planes cannot even take off without a Russian holding your hand.

in any war, you will be blind, deaf and mute. Vietnam will just be the next Iraq. Actually, the power difference between USA and Iraq is far smaller than that between China and Vietnam.
Oh, so you have Shaddock 20 year ago ?? Sorry, you don't have anything equal to Shaddock until now and you don't have any real carrier to test this missile too

Yeah yeah, we're next Iraq, but when we rammed China ship, fired at Itu-aba isl, 'Mighty' PLAF, PLAN can only sit and watch:coffee:.
:lol: anything you have, we had 20 years ago. your planes cannot even take off without a Russian holding your hand.

in any war, you will be blind, deaf and mute. Vietnam will just be the next Iraq. Actually, the power difference between USA and Iraq is far smaller than that between China and Vietnam.

The difference between Iraq (of Saddam) and Vietnam is now the U.S supporting us, help training, supply non-antipersonnel weapons (including radar), then maybe supply antipersonnel weapons...
Currently the gap between Uncle Sam and China is not small, at least 10 years.

Uncle Sam will give us the equipment to monitor all activities of PLAN in Sanya naval base, as well as monitor the illegal activities of Chinese in the Paracel Islands of Vietnam, The information may also be useful for the US...
hey viet trolls i know you are being hurt real bad , but stop derail the thread by posting antiques weapons pics and boasting about them :rofl: let face it vietnam are absolutely useless compare to china, that s why we took your islands in 1988 and killed 64 viets and you couldnt do anything at all.

Oh, so you have Shaddock 20 year ago ?? Sorry, you don't have anything equal to Shaddock until now and you don't have any real carrier to test this missile too

Yeah yeah, we're next Iraq, but when we rammed China ship, fired at Itu-aba isl, 'Mighty' PLAF, PLAN can only sit and watch:coffee:.

Poor chap dont worry when we set up nightclubs bars and casinos in those islands of yours we will definitely employ some vietgals to work for us there you go a win win situation
The difference between Iraq (of Saddam) and Vietnam is now the U.S supporting us, help training, supply non-antipersonnel weapons (including radar), then maybe supply antipersonnel weapons...
Currently the gap between Uncle Sam and China is not small, at least 10 years.

Uncle Sam will give us the equipment to monitor all activities of PLAN in Sanya naval base, as well as monitor the illegal activities of Chinese in the Paracel Islands of Vietnam, The information may also be useful for the US...

Too simple too naive. I don't understand why people here keep forgetting another important player in the South China Sea dispute, ROC. ROC has the same claim as PRC has over those disputed areas. Taiping Island is actually the most fortified island of all those Islands. Now do you want to reaccess the support from US again to see who is Uncle Sam's favor?

Oh, so you have Shaddock 20 year ago ?? Sorry, you don't have anything equal to Shaddock until now and you don't have any real carrier to test this missile too

Yeah yeah, we're next Iraq, but when we rammed China ship, fired at Itu-aba isl, 'Mighty' PLAF, PLAN can only sit and watch:coffee:.

SS-N-3 Shaddock entered service in 1959. It has a high projectile flight profile which is an easy pray for modern air defense missiles. Even back in the early 80's Soviet used those antique missile for target practice. It is in the same class with SS-N-2 Styx missile except it has longer range..
Too simple too naive. I don't understand why people here keep forgetting another important player in the South China Sea dispute, ROC. ROC has the same claim as PRC has over those disputed areas. Taiping Island is actually the most fortified island of all those Islands. Now do you want to reaccess the support from US again to see who is Uncle Sam's favor?

Yes, we start from simple.
Vietnam has a very good position to monitor all activities of PLAN in Sanya naval base. Taiwan is too far. She was concerned to keep the Taiwan island rather than trying to disputes in the South China Sea far away.

SS-N-3 Shaddock entered service in 1959. It has a high projectile flight profile which is an easy pray for modern air defense missiles. Even back in the early 80's Soviet used those antique missile for target practice. It is in the same class with SS-N-2 Styx missile except it has longer range..

It is not the SS-N-3 Shaddock, it was a missile developed by Vietnam, based on the Shaddock.
This is information from a Vietnamese newspaper:
(roughly translated)
Currently, Vietnam has itself produced missile, which length 11.7 m; weighs 4.8 tons; diameter 880 mm; wingspan 2.6 m; 2.5 speed sound; range of 550 km.

While the Shaddock missile 10 meters long; weighs 4.5 tons; range of 460 km; 1.4 speed sound.

?nh ??c tên l?a b?o v? toàn b? bi?n ??o Vi?t Nam - Ph? n? Today
Yes, we start from simple.
Vietnam has a very good position to monitor all activities of PLAN in Sanya naval base. Taiwan is too far. She was concerned to keep the Taiwan island rather than trying to disputes in the South China Sea far away.

You'd better check your newspaper again. ROC's claim over South China Sea is as strong as PRC's if not stronger. If somenoe really puts the dispute on to the international court, by most accounts ROC is the only winner. Those Islands in South China Sea were handed over to the government of ROC after WW II from Japanese's control by Geneva Accord. The only one country had any dispute with ROC's claim at that time was the French government which later it renounced its claim. All the historical claims by PRC, Vietnam or Philippines mean squat when the most recent document stated all those islands belongs to ROC. Right now the KMT government in ROC and PRC government do not dispute each other's claim over South China Sea, and both governments stay frimly with their claims. There might be many differences between ROC and PRC's governments, but regarding the territory dispute with other countries, the two government always stand side by side with each other even when their tension with each other were all time high. The tension in the South Sea China right now only push the KMT government to closely collaborate with PRC if not anything else.

Taiwan into South China Sea of trouble
By Lin Cheng-Yi 林正義

During their time in office, both the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) have found themselves at a loss as to what to do about the disputes involving the South China Sea. It will be hard for things in the area to calm down and Taiwan cannot afford to exclude itself from developments in the region. When China and the Philippines clashed over Mischief Reef in 1995, the Police Administration’s Seventh Battalion went on an inspection tour to Taiping Island (太平島), but were forced to turn back to Taiwan.

In 2002, China and ASEAN signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and Taiwan’s approach to this has been inconsistent. China has cut electric cables in the territorial waters of Vietnam and has used force to protect its fishermen around the Scarborough Shoal (Huangyan Island, 黃岩島) close to the Philippines. Although Taiwan has reiterated its sovereignty and all other maritime rights over certain islands in the South China Sea, the government has hardly taken any effective, concrete action.

Taiwan’s “U-shaped line” in the South China Sea overlaps with China’s “9-dash line,” but Taiwan claims territorial sovereignty over all the islands within this boundary. However, this claim has been questioned by the US and the other countries with territorial stakes to the area. While China was the last country to occupy the Spratly Islands, maritime law-enforcement and naval deployment in recent years there has made countries other than Taiwan feel threatened.

Regarding disputes over territory located nearby Taiwan, the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) faces a hard time in negotiating with Japan over the island chain known as the Diaoyutais (釣魚台) and there is little chance of cooperation with China on that issue as well.

When it comes to the South China Sea dispute, however, there is more room for cooperation with China.

The DPP chose to pursue a strategy of non-cooperation with China in the South China Sea and opposed it and other ASEAN nations occupying islands to which Taiwan claimed sovereignty. The DPP also did not cooperate with ASEAN nations to resist China’s claims.

The Ma government and China share the burden of protecting their claims to sovereignty in the region, but they also need to think about the concerns of the US and ASEAN nations as well.

Taiwan must develop a strategy to deal with the South China Sea issue and this requires readying for war.

Taiwan lacks oil resources and both the DPP and the KMT governments agreed that CPC Corp, Taiwan (CPC) should cooperate with China National Offshore Oil Corp to develop oil and gas ventures in the northern waters of the South China Sea near the Dongsha Islands (東沙群島). The opening of China’s deep-sea drilling platform in the South China Sea offers a new opportunity for CPC to develop cross-strait energy cooperation.

There is no way that cross-strait relations can always be peaceful. In the Dongsha Islands, China is Taiwan’s imaginary enemy while on Taiping Island it is Vietnam which is the adversary. Taiwan has to do what it can to strengthen its ability to defend both Taiping Island and the Dongsha Islands.

We cannot afford to make our coast guards feel that the government is putting them in a dangerous situation. Once Taiwan adopts a professional military system, there will be more conscripts to maintain guard in the disputed Spratly Islands. The best solution is to develop a defense deployment strategy largely based on Taiwan’s national army, with the coast guard operating as backup.

Taiwan into South China Sea of trouble - Taipei Times

It is not the SS-N-3 Shaddock, it was a missile developed by Vietnam, based on the Shaddock.
This is information from a Vietnamese newspaper:
(roughly translated)

?nh ??c tên l?a b?o v? toàn b? bi?n ??o Vi?t Nam - Ph? n? Today
Improved or not, it still doesn't change the fact that this missile lacks sea skimming ability which in modern naval warfare it will be only useful against ships without any air defence capability. That is why even Russia with more advanced model such as SS-N-12 that has the similiar characteristic and so on, one of its doctorine is to equip the missile with nuclear warhead to be truely effective.
Improved or not, it still doesn't change the fact that this missile lacks sea skimming ability which in modern naval warfare it will be only useful against ships without any air defence capability. That is why even Russia with more advanced model such as SS-N-12 that has the similiar characteristic and so on, one of its doctorine is to equip the missile with nuclear warhead to be truely effective.
Grow up man, we just simply shoot more missile than anti-anti ship missile of super carrier, so 100 % super carrier will be sunk.

simple but useful tactic to any kind of your ship :coffee:
Grow up man, we just simply shoot more missile than anti-anti ship missile of super carrier, so 100 % super carrier will be sunk.

simple but useful tactic to any kind of your ship :coffee:

Yes your antique weapoms is really useful to commit suicide just like in 1988 you fired the first shot in those islands and resulted 64 of viets became fish food LOL
Yes your antique weapoms is really useful to commit suicide just like in 1988 you fired the first shot in those islands and resulted 64 of viets became fish food LOL
Just few Vnese died in 1988 , can't compare with million Chinese ethnic in VN-Laos-Camb-Border of Thailand-Camb were killed and sent home during Vn-Sino conflict.

Luckily, Ur family is in UK, not in Laos-Camb-VN-Border of Thailand, if not, you won't have a chance to talk with us on PDF :lol:
Just few Vnese died in 1988 , can't compare with million Chinese ethnic in VN-Laos-Camb were killed and sent home during Vn-Sino conflict.

Luckily, Ur family is in UK, not in Laos-Camb-VN, if not, you won't have a chance to talk with us on PDF :lol:

Poor soul only can talk bs here ,must be pain seeing your goverment can do nothing in scs we still not allow you poor viets to fish or drilling hahaha , soon or later you gonna kill me with laughter about your bs here
Poor soul only can talk bs here ,must be pain seeing your goverment can do nothing in scs we still not allow you poor viets to fish or drilling hahaha , soon or later you gonna kill me with laughter about your bs here
It's OK bcz we're busy to unify Sub-Mekong nation now and unify the whole ASEAN after that. Just like in 1979, our priority was to unify VN-Laos-Camb , not fighting with weak China.

Just don't have time to play a boring fishing game with low IQ China, tha's it :coffee:
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