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Xi'an, China's rapid flight stealth bombers, heavy bombers Breakthrough


May 23, 2011
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Bombers now had a change. U.S. B-52 now, and the Russian "Bear" bombers that Figure -95, there are new such plans -160. The bombers are the perfect platform for a flight attack, not necessarily the enemy bombers would fly overhead, making this 90-degree aerial bombing. It can be distant from the target area began to attack.

So the legend of H--9, we also want to like this development, we present H -6 bomb load and the weight of onboard equipment are small, which is much needed development.

Now the bombers airborne equipment, airborne radar equipment of this, the proportion of equipment than is now contained shells increases as it is to control the offensive weapons in the air, is the missile's accuracy, control of these missiles, it airborne equipment volume is very large.

So the new bomber is a revolution. So the middle of this revolution in military affairs, the Chinese Air Force bombers would be the development greatly. The legendary H-H -9 or -10, in the near future will appear.

It is the strategic task of China's bomber had two points, one point is to combat land-based strategic goals, the second point is to combat aircraft carriers, combat aircraft it needs to have the combat radius of 1,000 km, is to keep the enemy at bay, hit the ground Basically, the goal is not to attack Taiwan, and not a strategy.

Guam, Japan or play This is to deter use of a large load of bombs on the remote and. Large load of bombs is not necessarily a nuclear bomb, is both nuclear and, to a large area of ​​destruction of the enemy's airports and ports, which is the main task.

Three possible breakthrough in the same time next year there will be a new show. We are concerned about the latest in a People's Liberation Army Air Force equipment, but the U.S. secretary of defense high-profile, even if the PLA has a new generation of fighters, but the gap with the United States, the United States is leading a generation ahead of 30 years. But Japan said that the PLA is possible within 5 years to dominate East Asia.


China's high-speed stealth bomber H-9, video, ranks among the world's top
Here are two related video



The major indexes of H-9: Maximum altitude: 36,000 m
Maximum Speed: Mach 3.7
High-Strength Titanium Alloy
For aerial refueling
Four engines installed
The largest single thrust to 18,760 kN
3 times the supersonic cruise
With single engine, located under the fuselage, no jet flame

PS I do not see this picture marks, I believe that is true.
There are two types of a conventional bomber, H-8, is characterized by a large load of bombs
The other is H-9, is characterized by moderate load of bombs, stealth and high-altitude high-speed
According to China's practice should be developed out, but do not want to consider the threat released
fap. fap. fap. fake.

3.7 mach is beyond the capacity of most design, even the F-22 wouldn't come close. and to do it for a plane large enough to act as a bomber, even with titanium would thing would deformed under such friction, nothing but fanboy BS.

there is a bomber program, but all this "information" are nothing but fanboy fantasy, what is the point of wasting our time on fake numbers?
According to several military commentators, the Chinese stealth bomber (which is still in development and is given the designation H-X) will be shaped similarly to the B-2.
Old pic, old news. Folks, make a thread about Chinese stealth bombers ONLY when real pics are available(like the J-20), please.
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