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Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

Just simply wiki or google it and tell me did either ROC or PRC present in this conference? Was it legitimate to decide the sovereignty of those islands while the most closely related party was absent? We did not sign that treaty, and we'll never admit this private deal between just US and japs, needless to talk about your protest...
Francisco Peace conference after WW II, It was related to Islands Japan should have to give up.

presented on discussion, Tran Van Huu, Premier Minister of Govt Vietnam has been protested the claim Islands Spratly and Parals to China ROC,

at the end of conference, it was rejected by vote. China have to obey the decision of the world community.
Yes, they did volunteer to join India by signing papers of accession, we didn't do a "Tibet" there like China. :lol:

Now stick to the topic, the invasion and occupation of Tibet itself is proving Xi's statement to be a blatant lie, and there are many other invasions that China did in past years. As I said, action speaks louder than words.
In which version of History?
Just simply wiki or google it and tell me did either ROC or PRC present in this conference? Was it legitimate to decide the sovereignty of those islands while the most closely related party was absent? We did not sign that treaty, and we'll never admit this private deal between just US and japs, needless to talk about your protest...

Yes, both PRC and ROC was not presented, but The State of Vietnam Govt's delegation was invited to join there.

The discussion of conference was related to such Islands were occupied by Japan in WW II. Importance for us is that the world community agreed that Islands belong to Vietnam with vote 48/1.

When china don't respect it. Japan could now deny that: Taiwan, Pinghu not belong to china.
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At least we grab some maps and have some conversations...I guess things are whole lot easier to you Americans... just simply kill the aboriginals and drive the survivals into the reservation areas... seems like a little bit more hasty than us...
Today ?

But I guess taking after yesterday's Americans would be too obvious. A few ancient maps will just have to provide cover.
Who the F cares about what others decided about how to deal with our own properties? especially when we were not at present , what the hell are you, gansters? Only 49 countries can represent the international community? Don't amuse us anymore...learn to use some sounding logic when debating with others please.
Yes, both PRC and ROC was not presented, but The State of Vietnam Govt's delegation was invited to join there.

The discussion of conference was related to such Islands were occupied by Japan in WW II. Importance for us is that the world community agreed that Islands belong to Vietnam with vote 48/1.

When china don't respect it. Japan could now deny that: Taiwan, Pinghu not belong to china.
So? Isn't today the history of tomorrow?Even for "TODAY", I can still recall many bloody invasions conducted by you americans not so long ago...for some obvious reasons but never the same as your banner says.
At least we've got documents to back our claim, what did you americans got when you killed those innocent aboriginals and took their land? The pot has no position to call the kettle black...so stop acting like you american holds the justice while your actual practice is ugly...
Today ?

But I guess taking after yesterday's Americans would be too obvious. A few ancient maps will just have to provide cover.
BEIJING - There's no gene for invasion in Chinese people's blood, and Chinese people won't follow the logic that "might is right", said Chinese President Xi Jinping while addressing a conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), a non-governmental organization.

Xi added China will firmly stick to the path of peaceful development, and would like to boost the world peace with other countries.

Xi said the association played an irreplaceable role in promoting China's friendship with other countries. Its development showcased the power of people-to-people engagement in promoting world peace and development, and its important role in China's overall diplomacy.

Xi said friendship between peoples is a strength to promote world peace and development, as well as a precondition to realize win-win cooperation. Peoples in all countries should strengthen friendly exchanges and join hands in the face of a complicated international situation and severe global challenges.

He called on the association to innovate and explore ways to allow for more people-to-people exchanges, and help build more sister cities and promote exchanges between localities.

Xi stressed that China loves peace and will not pursue hegemony. China will insist on a peaceful way of development.

The CPAFFC has established friendly cooperation with more than 500 non-governmental organizations in 157 countries, and helped the establishment of 2,106 sister cities and provinces between China and 133 nations.

BEIJING - There's no gene for invasion in Chinese people's blood, and Chinese people won't follow the logic that "might is right", said Chinese President Xi Jinping while addressing a conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), a non-governmental organization.

What's a joke :rofl: ... from the mouth of the Chinese President!?

Almost every Chinese's dynasties did invade Vietnam and every time they got their *** kicked back to where they belong ... hehee I guess he did not take any history class ... Please tell him if he would like to take a private lesson, I will be available.
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So? Isn't today the history of tomorrow?
The let the people of tomorrow be the judges.

Even for "TODAY", I can still recall many bloody invasions conducted by you americans not so long ago...for some obvious reasons but never the same as your banner says.
Were they for territorial expansion ?

At least we've got documents to back our claim, what did you americans got when you killed those innocent aboriginals and took their land? The pot has no position to call the kettle black...so stop acting like you american holds the justice while your actual practice is ugly...
If you assert that the US and Europeans a few hundred yrs ago have no good justifications to do what they did, then perhaps the maps that China produced a few hundred yrs ago are equally invalid for what China want today.

This is not about righting historical wrongs and even China knows it. This is about a China believing in a certain national path no different in philosophy than the discredited American 'Manifest Destiny' and these islands are just cover.
Yes, both PRC and ROC was not presented, but The State of Vietnam Govt's delegation was invited to join there.

The discussion of conference was related to such Islands were occupied by Japan in WW II. Importance for us is that the world community agreed that Islands belong to Vietnam with vote 48/1.

When china don't respect it. Japan could now deny that: Taiwan, Pinghu not belong to china.

Below is the full text of the San Francisco Treaty, and no where does it say that Spratly & Paracel island belongs to Vietnam.

San Francisco Peace Treaty

As China was not present in the San Francisco Treaty, it has signed a separate treaty with Japan, namely the Treaty of Taipei where Taiwan & Penghu are returned to China. The Spartly & Paracel islands are actually referenced in the treaty.
anyway, Paracels is disputed territory. And have no its own EEZ no matter which country own it ...

Whether an island have its own EEZ depends on its status as an island definied under UNCLOS, namely being able to sustain habitation or economic life on its own, not whether the island is under dispute or not. And by that definition, of all the features in the South China Sea, the Woody island of Paracel & the Taiping island of Spartly clearly qualifies for having its own EEZ.

How about paracel island that china had taken it from Vietnam by power in 1974. before 1974 china had had no anything in SCS.

Actually the only island up til 1974 that has a permanent garrison in the Paracel chain is the Woody island controlled by China since 1946.
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Hey it is ROC who joint the war against Japan, PRC? meh doesn't exist at the time

are China communist always steal the victory after the game ended heh? nice try though

CCP members fought under RoC banner during WWII (and a few year before it) against the Japanese. Though its number is small, it nonetheless conducted thousands of small scale campaigns behind enemy lines and at least one large scale one. Fun fact, roughly 3 million Japanese solider was stationed at China and half of that was forced to stay behind the front line due to relentless guerrilla warfare waged by CCP.
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