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خداراہ ان لوگوں کی بات مانو سچ مے یہ اپنے لیے نہیں بلکے پبلک کے لیے کام کر رھے ہیں

They are the biggest problem not the solution to the problem
They get montly bhatta from public transport from chingchi rikshaw to big busses. Hardly any rickshaw driver has driving license, they are distributors of death.
I await the day this happens in Karachi. Traffic situation in Karachi is probably the worst in the world.

Traffic Rules & Regulation Rely On Citizen's Will.

I own do not wearing helmet in short distance, but for long distance travelling i am using it.

We need to transforming our self with good things. Now the weather is changing & peoples wear helmet in some days to protecting them self from cold air.

They are the biggest problem not the solution to the problem
They get montly bhatta from public transport from chingchi rikshaw to big busses. Hardly any rickshaw driver has driving license, they are distributors of death.

Dear this is the real problem in Pakistan.

They have not licence, well if you go toward the ground realities then you can find underage child's who are the only breadwinner of their family, so some time we place the law at side and deal the matter with logic to save humans. You can get thousands of examples from different branches. As per bribe i only wanna say..............

کوئی کم ظرف انسان کسی کی مجبوری سے بھرپور فائیدہ اٹھاتا ہے


کوئی خاندانی آدمی اس کی مدد کر دیتا ہے

They are the biggest problem not the solution to the problem
They get montly bhatta from public transport from chingchi rikshaw to big busses. Hardly any rickshaw driver has driving license, they are distributors of death.

Dear this is the real problem in Pakistan.

They have not licence, well if you go toward the ground realities then you can find underage child's who are the only breadwinner of their family, so some time we place the law at side and deal the matter with logic to save humans. You can get thousands of examples from different branches. As per bribe i only wanna say..............

کوئی کم ظرف انسان کسی کی مجبوری سے بھرپور فائیدہ اٹھاتا ہے


کوئی خاندانی آدمی اس کی مدد کر دیتا ہے

I find good example right now

My point is police corruption my dear.

I paid 3000 to an officer and got driving license in Pakistan. In Germany it costs 1500-2000 Euros, several hours of compulsory training in city, Autobahn (Motorway), separately, night and day driving. Then is theory exam and then is Practical exams. Then the result is one of the lowest accident ratio, even though there is no speed limit on several motorways.

It is not only a helmet that a motorcyclist needs. Kids a driving motorcycles, which even don't know in which lane they have to drive. Motorcycles have no signals, no lights in dark night, no back view mirrors. You pay 100 rupees to police and they will let you go

Dear this is the real problem in Pakistan.

They have not licence, well if you go toward the ground realities then you can find underage child's who are the only breadwinner of their family, so some time we place the law at side and deal the matter with logic to save humans. You can get thousands of examples from different branches. As per bribe i only wanna say..............
Kids a driving motorcycles, which even don't know in which lane they have to drive. Motorcycles

Kids who drive around, their parents have always links with ruling party.
Worst driving skills besides, 99% Pakistan drivers don't know who will enter the round about and who will stop!
Kids who drive around, their parents have always links with ruling party.
Worst driving skills besides, 99% Pakistan drivers don't know who will enter the round about and who will stop!
Kids drive from almost every home, whatever they got, motorcycle or car or rickshaw or truck. No one cares in Pakistan
Worst driving skills besides, 99% Pakistan drivers don't know who will enter the round about and who will stop!

And a nuisance when the driver behind you starts honking when you are aware of the round about rule and stop to let the one in round about to pass.
My point is police corruption my dear.

I paid 3000 to an officer and got driving license in Pakistan. In Germany it costs 1500-2000 Euros, several hours of compulsory training in city, Autobahn (Motorway), separately, night and day driving. Then is theory exam and then is Practical exams. Then the result is one of the lowest accident ratio, even though there is no speed limit on several motorways.

It is not only a helmet that a motorcyclist needs. Kids a driving motorcycles, which even don't know in which lane they have to drive. Motorcycles have no signals, no lights in dark night, no back view mirrors. You pay 100 rupees to police and they will let you go

You are right with your allegation on police, i accept it because i own experienced it when i applied for driving licence in Punjab, in that time old police structure existing and DSP ask theory questions, i reply with satisfaction but he had not granted me licence because he wanna blackmailing me. So my friend in army branch told me to get an affidavit and apply for Islamabad police and where i was rejected 3 times in theory as well as in driving test, but at the end they issued me licence with out taking any bribe.

Yes at road they taking bribe but i did not give any bribe to traffic police instead i prefer to get a challan ticket. And public pay Punjab police some money as a bribe but i did not pay any money.

i am driving both 4 wheel vehicle & motor bike with out paying any bribe.

Our society is in transaction phase & we need to change the structure by educating peoples but not rapidly, because for the construction of building you need a strong foundation.

Several ailments in our social structure and need gradual changing.

Education is the first most powerful tool in social reforms. :pakistan:

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