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Writer and disability campaigner thrashed in Goa theatre for not standing up during national anthem

There is no such law in India which requires a person to stand up when National Anthem in being played. The home ministry makes a suggestion only.

The Home Ministry rules state:

"Whenever the Anthem is sung or played, the audience shall stand to
attention. However, when in the course of a newsreel or documentary the
Anthem is played as a part of the film, it is not expected of the audience to stand as standing is bound to interrupt the exhibition of the film and
would create disorder and confusion rather than add to the dignity of the

So as you see it is just a mere suggestion that people stand up.

However, folks that where harassing the man on wheelchair for not standing up actually broke the law as they were creating a fracas when the national anthem was being played,

Here is the penal code,

"according to the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act 1971, anyone who intentionally prevents the singing of the Indian National Anthem or causes disturbances to any assembly engaged in such singing shall be punished with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both"

View attachment 346941

Right, there is no LAW in India that makes some one stands up and salute the National Flag or respect the national anthem.

Nobody said there is any such LAW. Does that clear your confusion ?

It would be a sad day for India when respect has to be enforced by law.
How Vande matram came into picture here ?
U dint understand what I meant , Perhaps you are mentally unstable. Get an appointment with me , I promise not to charge any fee for u. Its kind of really hard to rectify u but I will give it a try.
Oh the condition could worsen till then, So dont qoute me further.

Its purely lack of awareness, I woudnt bring religion into this.
And it doesnt end with Indians alone for that matter.

It was very relevant that is why I mentioned when your religious nationalists prefer vande mataram over national anthem then it is not disrespect but when someone does not stand during the anthem playing then it is counted as treason?

[QUOTE="Fireurimagination, post: 8855717, member: 21120"]This is a very seperate case wherein the person was disabled and the person who asked him to stand up didn't knew the same. There have been a couple of instances when somebody played smart @ss and refused to standup, then it becomes a debatable issue not the said case[/QUOTE]

Is there any provision in your constitution that forces every citizens to stand when anthem is being played?

The argument by our Bangladeshi friend has clarified that there is non. So how on earth any individual can beat other for not doing so ?

Right, there is no LAW in India that makes some one stands up and salute the National Flag or respect the national anthem.

Nobody said there is any such LAW. Does that clear your confusion ?

It would be a sad day for India when respect has to be enforced by law.

It is already a sad day when respect is being enforced on a disabled man by using of force leaving him black and blue.
It was very relevant that is why I mentioned when your religious nationalists prefer vande mataram over national anthem then it is not disrespect but when someone does not stand during the anthem playing then it is counted as treason?
1. Vande mataram is not religious,
2. Hear the question is about respect for National Anthem ( Obviously there has been serious misunderstanding)
3.No one is talking of treason hear , there are Nationalist in India not religious nationalist.
Clearly you either have little comprehension of the issue or u are trolling.
Good day
Whats with these sensational titles? Where was the disabled man thrashed? I read the article in bbc, the man himself said he was smacked on the back of his head. How did this translate into thrashing?
That being said, I completely disagree with the behavior of the couple, he had no right to smack the man, disabled or not. Can someone tell me is there a law that we have to stand for the national anthem? I genuinely do not know the answer to that question and it has always bugged me. And even if it is a law, the man who hit the activist had no right to do so. He is not charged with any authority to enforce any law, most he can do is lodge a complaint with the authorities. I don't understand this attitude of us Indians, why do we take law into our own hands? Why do we so callously disregard another person's rights?
Right, there is no LAW in India that makes some one stands up and salute the National Flag or respect the national anthem.

Nobody said there is any such LAW. Does that clear your confusion ?

It would be a sad day for India when respect has to be enforced by law.

The point is a Law was violated. The thugs harassing the man violated the law. They were interfering with his singing the anthem as it was being played.

These criminals disrespected the National Anthem while it was being played.

I hope you don't do act like that, such as insulting the National Anthem when it is being played.
Whats with these sensational titles? Where was the disabled man thrashed? I read the article in bbc, the man himself said he was smacked on the back of his head. How did this translate into thrashing?
That being said, I completely disagree with the behavior of the couple, he had no right to smack the man, disabled or not. Can someone tell me is there a law that we have to stand for the national anthem? I genuinely do not know the answer to that question and it has always bugged me. And even if it is a law, the man who hit the activist had no right to do so. He is not charged with any authority to enforce any law, most he can do is lodge a complaint with the authorities. I don't understand this attitude of us Indians, why do we take law into our own hands? Why do we so callously disregard another person's rights?

I have often wondered that about the US where they most people take law into their own hands, carry guns and shoot others at will.

Not tap people on the head, but SHOOT Them in the head. Why do they so callously disregard another persons rights ?

Why do certain turds disregard this reality and run to the US ? then come to to pakistani forums to bitch and whine about India.


So many questions, so little time.

The point is a Law was violated. The thugs harassing the man violated the law. They were interfering with his singing the anthem as it was being played.

These criminals disrespected the National Anthem while it was being played.

I hope you don't do act like that, such as insulting the National Anthem when it is being played.

Who the fcuk are you to ask me what I do when the anthem is playing your condescending piece of Bangladeshi $hit ?

First clean up your filthy country before you think you can questions Indians.

If you are so butt hurt about this, go file a criminal case in your bangladeshi court. No need to whine and dine like pigs rolling in muck.
I have often wondered that about the US where they most people take law into their own hands, carry guns and shoot others at will.

Not tap people on the head, but SHOOT Them in the head. Why do they so callously disregard another persons rights ?

Why do certain turds disregard this reality and run to the US ? then come to to pakistani forums to bitch and whine about India.


So many questions, so little time.

Who the fcuk are you to ask me what I do when the anthem is playing your condescending piece of Bangladeshi $hit ?

First clean up your filthy country before you think you can questions Indians.

If you are so butt hurt about this, go file a criminal case in your bangladeshi court. No need to whine and dine like pigs rolling in muck.

Calm down dude there is no one out to get you. I do see you are a suicide troll who is trolling with umbilical cord attached !! Son there is hope even for a lost cause like you !!

For India to move ahead its important that you follow the rule of law. Next time you see someone who is not standing up when the Indian Anthem is being played do the following,

1) Do not interfere when the anthem is being played as you run the risk of getting arrested for insulting Indian anthem.

2) If you must, approach the individual after the event is over, and inform them calmly why you think its important to stand up when the anthem is being played.

You can do it !!!!!
Calm down dude there is no one out to get you. I do see you are a suicide troll who is trolling with umbilical cord attached !! Son there is hope even for a lost cause like you !!

For India to move ahead its important that you follow the rule of law. Next time you see someone who is not standing up when the Indian Anthem is being played do the following,

1) Do not interfere when the anthem is being played as you run the risk of getting arrested for insulting Indian anthem.

2) If you must, approach the individual after the event is over, and inform them calmly why you think its important to stand up when the anthem is being played.

You can do it !!!!!

LOL...the next time you feel the murderous rage to kill authors like Tasleema nasreen , DON'T.

The next time you abuse and kill chakma buddhist, remember, you don't have too.

Remember that time when you killed bloggers ? shame on you. Don't do the anymore.

Get that son ? renounce your murderous religion and become human son. You can do it .... yes you can. :agree:
I have often wondered that about the US where they most people take law into their own hands, carry guns and shoot others at will.

Not tap people on the head, but SHOOT Them in the head. Why do they so callously disregard another persons rights ?

Why do certain turds disregard this reality and run to the US ? then come to to pakistani forums to bitch and whine about India.


So many questions, so little time.

Who the fcuk are you to ask me what I do when the anthem is playing your condescending piece of Bangladeshi $hit ?

First clean up your filthy country before you think you can questions Indians.

If you are so butt hurt about this, go file a criminal case in your bangladeshi court. No need to whine and dine like pigs rolling in muck.

Before you call me a turd, know the law you stupid prick. There is a highly controversial law here, stand your ground. It is controversial in both its existence as well as its interpretation. And point here is an idiot took the law into his own hands, manhandled a disabled man, and another idiot is somehow finding excuses for the first idiot.
What he did is completely unacceptable and against the basic human rights.

And btw you prick, i did not ever condone the gun violence here in US. I am for very strict gun control laws. Stop imagining what i am and counter my post with something that makes sense. If you cannot do that, dont quote me again.
Before you call me a turd, know the law you stupid prick. There is a highly controversial law here, stand your ground. It is controversial in both its existence as well as its interpretation. And point here is an idiot took the law into his own hands, manhandled a disabled man, and another idiot is somehow finding excuses for the first idiot.
What he did is completely unacceptable and against the basic human rights.

And btw you prick, i did not ever condone the gun violence here in US. I am for very strict gun control laws. Stop imagining what i am and counter my post with something that makes sense. If you cannot do that, dont quote me again.

I don't have to know the law to recognise a turd when I see one. The stink its raises is the surest indicator.

First worry about human rights in the US and start a campaign for gun control and permitting abortion and pray that you do not get shot in the head. Then come back and preach to Indians in India about how they should act.
I don't have to know the law to recognise a turd when I see one. The stink its raises is the surest indicator.

First worry about human rights in the US and start a campaign for gun control and permitting abortion and pray that you do not get shot in the head. Then come back and preach to Indians in India about how they should act.

There is a campaign for all that you mentioned and it is gaining momentum. Again, this thread is not about gun control. If you want to argue that then open another thread and if you are for gun control i will support you. I fail to see how gun control and the issue at hand are inter related. Stop being a prick just because people have poked holes in your argument.

I am an Indian first and I wish to see my country raise up in all standards, including upholding basic human rights. Is it that hard for you to digest that the offending person in this incident is an idiot and that he broke the law? Why are you so intent on brushing away this incident? I dont like sensationalizing such incidents, but i dont like it either when people brush these things aside.

Btw, how am I any less qualified to pose my question than anyone else living in India?
There is a campaign for all that you mentioned and it is gaining momentum. Again, this thread is not about gun control. If you want to argue that then open another thread and if you are for gun control i will support you. I fail to see how gun control and the issue at hand are inter related. Stop being a prick just because people have poked holes in your argument.

I am an Indian first and I wish to see my country raise up in all standards, including upholding basic human rights. Is it that hard for you to digest that the offending person in this incident is an idiot and that he broke the law? Why are you so intent on brushing away this incident? I dont like sensationalizing such incidents, but i dont like it either when people brush these things aside.

Btw, how am I any less qualified to pose my question than anyone else living in India?

No "Human Right" were violated by a tap on the head followed by an apology for disrespecting the National Anthem in a public place.

However show using this opportunity to beat their chest and wail about 'human rights' are the real opportunists who find pleasure in denigrating India and Indians for their personal perversion.

If you are so worried about human rights, worse abuse is happening in kashmir or Jarkhand. Come back to India and do something about it, rather than fake outrage in a pakistani forum that is used for propaganda or trolling.

The only conclusion to be drawn from your attics is not your regards for 'human rights' but your perversion for denigrating India to compensate for your low self esteem.
There is a campaign for all that you mentioned and it is gaining momentum. Again, this thread is not about gun control. If you want to argue that then open another thread and if you are for gun control i will support you. I fail to see how gun control and the issue at hand are inter related. Stop being a prick just because people have poked holes in your argument.

I am an Indian first and I wish to see my country raise up in all standards, including upholding basic human rights. Is it that hard for you to digest that the offending person in this incident is an idiot and that he broke the law? Why are you so intent on brushing away this incident? I dont like sensationalizing such incidents, but i dont like it either when people brush these things aside.

Btw, how am I any less qualified to pose my question than anyone else living in India?
These are another category of self proclaimed noobs to those whoever lives abroad are antinationals. Forget it , don waste ur time.
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