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World War 3 -Where it could start in 2020

How many earth do we need to destroy? Can American even withstand 10-12 three megaton nuke warhead fall on major cities of US mainland if they are prepare to destroy China?
I am very doubt they are. The Americans think war - is when your expedition forces fighting somewhere 1000's miles away from America or even simply dropping bombs on small states or terrorists.

No, my delusional far-away islanders, war is when millions of foreign soldiers with equipment same as yours or even better invade your country, burn your cities and villages to ground, destroy your factories, murder millions of wemen, children and elders. You never face the real war and I wish you never do. So stop dreaming about Eternal American Reich and be an equal among equals.
Kashmir nothing much to worry regarding war. Few skirmishes at most. our neighbours are bankrupt.
Only realistic possibility is Trump declares martial law, cancels election, becomes dictator, starts American civil war 2, China and Russia join in on the rebels side. That would be a possibility of WW3.

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