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Women who married Afghan refugees stage protest in Peshawar

Ok i am gonna play the devil's advocate here.

Everybody knows how pro repatriation i am and i am fully aware of the security threat that pakistan has from them as well the burden on our economy the hosting of refugees is for us.

Never the less.

First point is that in our society a woman without a man has a very difficult life ahead and this is for urban areas. In rural areas especially FATA and huge chunks of baluchistan and kpk the life of a manless women with kids is hard if not impossible. Its just the way it is.

Secondly and this is perhaps the most important part.

we allowed millions of them to enter through a porous border that had zero check and balance. We didnt keep them in camps, or separate areas but actually allowed them to live where ever they wished. We allowed them to intermingle as well as own property, start business and marry within our families. We allowed this blunder to happen and the biggest blunder was that we kept them here for nearly 40 years!!!

do you understand the meaning of this? a generation was born and raised here. we allowed them to marry our women and vice versa bcz the notion of brotherhood and no border was strong and we didnt mind despite the red flags of the 50s and 60s. this was a huge blunder.

The thing is that those poor women are struggling. They are struggling to survive. they are struggling to pay for their kids.

How many in number can their husbands be? 1000, 10000, 20000,30000?

They didnt make any mistake. Our govt did. its very easy to stay here and say ohh illegal immigrants and refugees but before the last 5 years there was absolutely no concept of this. We were so lax that we didnt even contemplate nor did they contemplate ever sending them back. Its not their fault but our govts that allowed the refugees such citizenesque freedom and for so long. when we were bringing them by millions did we ever say they are not us and one day would return. no. The border was open, the mantra was ummah and unity and there was complete freedom. can you blame those women? I dont think so. blame our govt that allowed this.

I say grant those husbands citizenship in return they would renounce their afghan citizenship and live as pakistanis. simple as that. If they dont then we must provide the women compensation and for those that do, we must return their assets and allow them to live their lives as pakistanis.

and with that never make this blunder ever again!!
When did Pakistan deport them? I'm pretty sure UN is paying every Afghani $400 for going back and Pakistan is providing them free wheat. Looks like case of taking $400 to go and now making a scene to come back. Thats Afghani for you.

Other day I was reading average Afghani family is getting between $4000-6000 from UN plus wheat from Pakistan for going back. This is isn't small amount in 3rd world country.
Ok i am gonna play the devil's advocate here.

First point is that in our society a woman without a man has a very difficult life ahead and this is for urban areas. In rural areas especially FATA and huge chunks of baluchistan and kpk the life of a manless women with kids is hard if not impossible. Its just the way it is.

we allowed millions of them to enter through a porous border that had zero check and balance. We didnt keep them in camps, or separate areas but actually allowed them to live where ever they wished. We allowed them to intermingle as well as own property, start business and marry within our families. We allowed this blunder to happen and the biggest blunder was that we kept them here for nearly 40 years!!!

do you understand the meaning of this? a generation was born and raised here. we allowed them to marry our women and vice versa bcz the notion of brotherhood and no border was strong and we didnt mind despite the red flags of the 50s and 60s. this was a huge blunder.

The thing is that those poor women are struggling. They are struggling to survive. they are struggling to pay for their kids.

How many in number can their husbands be? 1000, 10000, 20000,30000?

They didnt make any mistake. Our govt did. its very easy to stay here and say ohh illegal immigrants and refugees but before the last 5 years there was absolutely no concept of this. We were so lax that we didnt even contemplate nor did they contemplate ever sending them back. Its not their fault but our govts that allowed the refugees such citizenesque freedom and for so long. when we were bringing them by millions did we ever say they are not us and one day would return. no. The border was open, the mantra was ummah and unity and there was complete freedom. can you blame those women? I dont think so. blame our govt that allowed this.

I say grant those husbands citizenship in return they would renounce their afghan citizenship and live as pakistanis. simple as that. If they dont then we must provide the women compensation and for those that do, we must return their assets and allow them to live their lives as pakistanis.

and with that never make this blunder ever again!!

Disagree with some points.Pakistan did not invite millions of refugees to come.They came because of the circumstances in thier homeland at that time.We just took them in on humanatarian grounds and to get aid.The gov of pakistan did not ask these women to marry refugee men.It was there and their families choice.Where there not suitable native men available.
Don't you think are mindlessly derailing the thread. But anyways, here is the reply for your comment.
If UK does not have blasphemy laws does that bothers Pakistanis to seek asylum there, education, and work. They even try their utmost to get UK citizenship even if they have to show their allegiance to the Queen
I wasn't derailing the thread.you just didn't get what I was trying to point out anyway forget it. if discussed it surely will derail the thread.
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Ok i am gonna play the devil's advocate here.

Everybody knows how pro repatriation i am and i am fully aware of the security threat that pakistan has from them as well the burden on our economy the hosting of refugees is for us.

Never the less.

First point is that in our society a woman without a man has a very difficult life ahead and this is for urban areas. In rural areas especially FATA and huge chunks of baluchistan and kpk the life of a manless women with kids is hard if not impossible. Its just the way it is.

Secondly and this is perhaps the most important part.

we allowed millions of them to enter through a porous border that had zero check and balance. We didnt keep them in camps, or separate areas but actually allowed them to live where ever they wished. We allowed them to intermingle as well as own property, start business and marry within our families. We allowed this blunder to happen and the biggest blunder was that we kept them here for nearly 40 years!!!

do you understand the meaning of this? a generation was born and raised here. we allowed them to marry our women and vice versa bcz the notion of brotherhood and no border was strong and we didnt mind despite the red flags of the 50s and 60s. this was a huge blunder.

The thing is that those poor women are struggling. They are struggling to survive. they are struggling to pay for their kids.

How many in number can their husbands be? 1000, 10000, 20000,30000?

They didnt make any mistake. Our govt did. its very easy to stay here and say ohh illegal immigrants and refugees but before the last 5 years there was absolutely no concept of this. We were so lax that we didnt even contemplate nor did they contemplate ever sending them back. Its not their fault but our govts that allowed the refugees such citizenesque freedom and for so long. when we were bringing them by millions did we ever say they are not us and one day would return. no. The border was open, the mantra was ummah and unity and there was complete freedom. can you blame those women? I dont think so. blame our govt that allowed this.

I say grant those husbands citizenship in return they would renounce their afghan citizenship and live as pakistanis. simple as that. If they dont then we must provide the women compensation and for those that do, we must return their assets and allow them to live their lives as pakistanis.

and with that never make this blunder ever again!!
30000 husbands may end up having 3 to 4 children. Then if they also marry Afghans and then bring them to Pakistan this compounds. Pakistan is in a state of undeclared war with Afghanistan. Is it wise to do as you have suggested?

You could say its discriminatory against women but in our society men dont go and live in their in laws homes.

But are men restricted from living with in-laws?

Also, when the men were living in their future in-laws homes, and the in-laws allowed their daughters to marry those men, and it was generally understood that the men will continue to live with their in-laws, and daughters will never go to their in-laws, then how come these men were kicked out from the homes and banned from visiting the daughters?

What I am saying, that Pakistan should at least grant them permanent visas with work rights, not the nationality. At least they should be able to live here with their wives and children who happen to be Pakistani nationals. We can't just split the families after we have absorbed them in our society. Some Afghans were born here and consider themselves Pakistanis. They have never in their whole lives visited Afghanistan. That's why they married Pakistani women and Pakistani men married Afghan women. We are talking about 36 damn years.

I don't care what is the immigration law, but if the women are granted nationality because they are married to Pakistani men, but men are not even granted visas, then this is discrimination.

In your words, while we expect that husband will live in his own house, we can't ban him from visiting his in-laws or even live with them.

Good old days :(


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