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Women hold up half the sky...


Apr 17, 2010
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The richest self-made women in the world.
The great wealth of China


ZHANG YIN, who made her money in the paper industry, is the wealthiest businesswoman in the world, according to Hurun Report, a Chinese magazine. Its ranking of the 20 richest self-made women (those who earned their money) combines its own findings with those of Forbes and the Sunday Times. Over half of the women in the top 20 are of Chinese origin, perhaps because of a communist ethos of gender equality, perhaps because previous generations of Chinese left so little wealth to be inherited. The richest non-Chinese is a Spaniard, Rosalía Mera, one of three on the list to have made her fortune in fashion.
According to "Yang Liwei, the Deputy Director of the Chinese Manned Space Flight Project, as well as the nation's first astronaut to travel into space," a Chinese woman taikonaut will literally "hold up half the sky" by 2012 (see China To Launch First Female Astronauts).


Taikonaut in space

Chinese Female Taikonaut Identified

"Chinese Female Taikonaut Identified
by Tony Quine
Onchan, UK (SPX) Nov 16, 2010


Whilst China has not given official details of when it intends to send Captain Wang or her unidentified colleague into space, several statements from leading officials (including Yang Liwei, the first Chinese in space) strongly suggest that they are aiming for the two- or three-person Shenzhou 10 mission, which is currently planned to dock with the Tiangong 1 orbital module in late 2012.

Sources in China have confirmed the identity of one of the two female Air Force pilots currently vying to become China's first woman in space.

Captain Wang Yaping, 32, a Transport Pilot in the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), and another currently unidentified colleague were selected in March, from a pool of fifteen female candidates, and joined five male jet fighter pilots to form China's second taikonaut group.

Wang had been widely identified in the Chinese media as one of five pilots from the province of Shandong included in the group of fifteen female candidates, but Chinese space officials had refused to name any of the seven new taikonauts actually chosen, even though the names of their fourteen colleagues, selected in 1996 and 1998 are widely known.

However sources in China, close to the Chinese manned space programme, have recently confirmed that Wang is now being trained at the Chinese Astronaut Training Centre, near Beijing, with another woman pilot.

Captain Wang was born in the prefecture of Yantai, in Shandong province, in April 1978. Her mother and father are farmers and she is reported to have two sisters. She is married to another PLAAF pilot, Zhao Peng, and probably has a child, as Chinese officials have previously said that only women who have already given birth would be considered for the taikonaut programme.

There are relatively few female pilots in the PLAAF, and as a result their career progress and any notable exploits are often reported in the Chinese media, and Captain Wang has featured in a number of such stories.

She is known to have joined the PLAAF as a cadet in 1997, one of 37 members of the so called '7th Generation' of female pilots, and graduated from Aviation University and flight school in 2001 with the rank of First Lieutenant.

In 2008, she was one of six female pilots who took part in relief flights after a major earthquake in Sichuan Province and later that year, she was reported to have been involved in flights related to cloud seeding and weather modification for the Olympic Games in Beijing. She has over 1,100 flying hours on her log book.

Whilst China has not given official details of when it intends to send Captain Wang or her unidentified colleague into space, several statements from leading officials (including Yang Liwei, the first Chinese in space) strongly suggest that they are aiming for the two- or three-person Shenzhou 10 mission, which is currently planned to dock with the Tiangong 1 orbital module in late 2012."
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