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Wild Life of Pakistan

when we talk about beautiness of the cats Snow leopard easily passes any cat around the globe even tiger,leppard,black leopard,lion and etc snow leopard is much more beauty than these dont know why national geographic ignoring it

There was an amazing documentary about snow leapords of northern pakistan on the bbc about two years ago. It was beautiful to see, the team took weeks to photograph this magnificent hunter.

The most amazing predator on earth, gathering such speeds at such elevations.

Photo shot by Kashif Qadri of rare Blue ambient colored Pakistan pigeon.

The beaches of Pakistan are some of the most important nesting grounds for the Green turtles. Each year thousands of female Green turtles come to the beaches of Hawksbay and Sandspit off the coast of Karachi to lay their eggs.

Since the 1908's WWF-Pakistan is working together with the Sind Wildlife Department on a project for safe release of turtle hatchlings to the Arabian sea. Green turtle nests are laid throughout the year, with most nests occurring between July and December. The egg are carefully kept in closed enclosures and released after the hatchlings are hatched.

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I got the information when I visited the Park myself. I'm not sure if the programme is being coordinated with WWF Pakistan.
so basicly neo,are there any ways i can find out or anyone i can mail to find out if the elephants are being introduced to pakistan.who can i mail?
plz reply .;)
Markhor - National Animal of Pakistan


The Markhor (Capra Falconeri Falconeri) mainly inhabits the sparsely wooded mountainous regions in Northern and Western Pakistan, at an elevation of 600-3,600 m / 1,900-11,500 ft. The total world population is mainly found in Pakistan. Today, Markhor are present in around 20 of Pakistan's protected areas. In the northern mountainous regions is found the Kashmir and Astor Markhor. The Kashmir Markhor (C. f. cashmirensis ) is mainly confined to Chitral Gol National Park and presents the biggest population in Pakistan.
Poaching has been successfully controlled and now there are over 500 Markhor in Chitral Gol National Park. The Kashmir Markhor is also found in areas of Gilgit and Azad Kashmir. The Astor Markhor (C. f. falconeri) is mainly confined to the higher hill ranges of Gilgit, Hunza and Nanga Parbat. The only good population is in the Kargah Nullah and Naltar, near Gilgit. The Kargah Nullah might have a total population of 50 Markhors. Current population estimates are less than 2,500 to 3,000 for the flared horned markhor in Pakistan.
Wild Sheep of Pakistan:

Pakistan shelters various species of wild sheep and goats. The wild sheep of Pakistan belongs to the caprinae family. The country of Pakistan is known for preserving the caprinae family. The Pakistan wildlife inhabits seven major caprinae species coupled with eleven subspecies of caprinae. The urial, Marco Polo sheep, markhor and Siberian Ibex are some of the wild sheep of Pakistan.


The markhor like the Pakistani Siberian Ibex is also found in the northern areas of Pakistan. This species of wild sheep generally weighs between 100 to 109 kilograms. The male markhors have twisted open horns protruding outwards while the females have horns slimmer than the males. The color of the markhors are of reddish grey with yellow tones. It can also be traced along the river Indus. It is marked as an endangered species.

The Marco Polo sheep is known as the roosh. It is mainly found in Kilik and Khunjrab passes. This sheep is named after Marco Polo. The characteristics of this wild sheep is long curving horns with reddish sandy color. Grey with white hairs cover the face and breast while the legs and belly are of cream white. The sheep moves from Pakistan to China, Turkestan in search of food.


The Siberian ibex is also found in the northern areas of Pakistan and is known by different names. The young ibexes are of golden brown color while the aged ibexes are of chocolate color. The urial is another species of wild sheep of Pakistan.

The wild sheep of Pakistan are mostly found in the northern areas of Pakistan making Pakistan the most important caprinae conservation country.
Snow Leopard

Snow leopards are smaller than the other big cats but like them, exhibit a range of sizes, generally weighing between 27 and 54 kg (60–120 lb). Body length ranges from 74–130 cm (39–51 in) with a tail of nearly the same length.

Snow leopards have long thick fur, the base color of which varies from smokey grey to yellowish tan, with whitish underparts. They have dark grey to black open rosettes on their body with small spots of the same colour on their heads and larger spots on their legs and tail.

Snow leopards show several adaptations for living in cold mountainous environments. Their bodies are stocky, their fur is thick, and their ears are small and rounded, all of which help to minimise heat-loss. Their feet are wide, which distributes their weight better for walking on snow, and they have fur on their undersides to increase their traction on steep and unstable surfaces, as well as to assist with minimising heat-loss. Snow leopards' tails are long and flexible which help them to maintain their balance. The tails are also especially thickly covered with fur which, apart from minimising heat-loss, allows them to be used like a blanket to protect their faces when asleep.
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