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Why ZAID HAMID hate geo???

But he is all around news channels of pakistan..............oh i got it.......majority of pakistan don't have TV's in their home.............
YEs only rich indians who sleep in streets and live in slumdog cities have TV.

you misnderstood
We Indians are not jealous but enjoy ZH videos. It amuses us that a person talking random bullshit(4 gen information warfare, paktanis reaching to moon in 2 years etc etc) has huge fan following or neighborhood.
ZH videos are source of entertainment

For me ZH is a very good source of entertainment because he has a very unique way to put indians A$$ on fire :lol:
O dumbo he never applied he went for jihad in Afghanistan and when returned he was too old to apply but an Indian like you will never understand because you guts are biggest b........
Silly man! You seem to know squat about the greatest defence analyst Pakistan has ever produced! That sucks! You should know more about your countrymen than us Yindoos!
HE DID APPLY FOR THE ARMY AT AGE 18 AND WAS REJECTED!!! Period! He only later joined the Afghan Jihad. Go ask him for confirmation if you don't believe me.

Nuff said. This issue is closed as far as I'm concerned. And don't bother to reply until you ask him.


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