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Why parents of stone-pelting Kashmiri kids don't control them and put them to study?


Paks are Indian by all of these as well.

Especially if you take the Indus as the civilizational cleave line.

Dear indian friend,

Our paths cross again..

Indeed by virtue of our humanity we all are related. Good thing.

However, Indus Civilisations and Children of Indus are different from your great Gangees civilisation.

There might have been cross-polination in the ancient times...as seen with DNA tests... yet the traffic has been one way.

Water always moves from higher to lower.. it is the Nature of Things. Read The Great Tao.

We must strive for permanent Peace and enter an era of win-win cooperation and shared prosperity.

Your sentiments of keeping the realestate under your occupation permanently under your control is understandable and valid from yourside, even if you are an anti-national one at that!

May our future interactions be fruitful.

You take care.



Dear indian friend,

Our paths cross again..

Indeed by virtue of our humanity we all are related. Good thing.

However, Indus Civilisations and Children of Indus are different from your great Gangees civilisation.

There might have been cross-polination in the ancient times...as seen with DNA tests... yet the traffic has been one way.

Water always moves from higher to lower.. it is the Nature of Things. Read The Great Tao.

We must strive for permanent Peace and enter an era of win-win cooperation and shared prosperity.

Your sentiments of keeping the realestate under your occupation permanently under your control is understandable and valid from yourside, even if you are an anti-national one at that!

May our future interactions be fruitful.

You take care.



Dear SPF,

Traditionally the Indus has always been the boundary between the Indian civilization and the Persian one.

The Hindu Kush and Pars regions have almost always been Persian.

Pakistan itself is a rump state cobbled together by land and peoples of three of its neighbors. With conflicts ongoing with all three.

Coincidentally of course. Because they are really great people. No idea where all the animosity directed towards them comes from.

Pakistan itself is a rump state
Rich coming from an Indian :-)
peoples of three of its neighbors.
Nope we formed our country from an artificial country called British India which itself was made from conquering multiple countries inside this region :-)
With conflicts ongoing with all three.
With 2 yes with the other 2 nope
Coincidentally of course. Because they are really great people.
Ah shucks

No idea where all the animosity directed towards them comes from.
Dear SPF,

Traditionally the Indus has always been the boundary between the Indian civilization and the Persian one.

The Hindu Kush and Pars regions have almost always been Persian.

Pakistan itself is a rump state cobbled together by land and peoples of three of its neighbors. With conflicts ongoing with all three.

Coincidentally of course. Because they are really great people. No idea where all the animosity directed towards them comes from.


Dear friend,

I mean it from the depth of my Soul we must strive for Peace.

This can not go on forever.

Despite your patriotic bend (and anti-national conduct) there is light in your heart... we must find a way out of these killing fields...

It has lasted lasted too long and gone too far...

We may disagree on policies but let us value each other's humanity...with good hearted humour every now and then...otherwise, we would as good as dead wood.

Indus Civilisations are quite unique to human heritage and Pak has always been there... the so-called three neighbours having problems with Pak are of course part of greater choreo...all part of the script... we should discuss it but in a differnt thread and in differnt time...

I shall love nothing more than the revival of Indus Heritage and true essence of your own...

Just for the record... Kashmir is Everything. Kashmir can never be without Pak. Pak can never be without Kashmir.

Let Peace pervail.

You take care,

Well ...

There's always been a Chinese civilization. And we have modern China as its inheritor.

There's always been a Persian civilization. And we have modern Iran as its inheritor.

There's always been an Indian civilization. And we have modern India as its inheritor.

Afghanistan - cleaved from north western Persia.

Pakistan - cleaved from India, Afghanistan and Iran.

I agree about the killing.

The Indus guys are more likely than not still Indian.

The Pakistanis of today are genetically those that pushed them out. As you rightly said, historically the push has almost always been from one direction.

I say almost because of the Mauryas, the Sikhs, and the Marathas.

Ah, Padamchen, my friend,

Sikhs are part of Pak. Though they should choose themselves in the final settlement whether they want their own state or become one with their brethren again. @Dhara

Regarding your views of inheritance... mirror is a great equalizer.

The great Tragedy is the Fact that mullahs have hijacked not only religion but also the Pak Heritage...and in the name of hindu-muslim nonsense. Religion is the opium of the masses.

If/when Young Paks become alive to their true Heritage you would love to see a new Pak emerge... you might love to visit that Pak.. the Land of Dancing Horse! @DESERT FIGHTER @django @Max @PaklovesTurkiye

I totally understand why some like to undermine the Heritage of Pak and claim all as their own civilisation.. yet it is Pak's Heritage, that little sculpture of the dancing girl, that your state is illegally occupying as well.. @Kaptaan

When you return that sculpture... you will accept Pakistan.

It is once again a great tragedy that Sumer, Assyria and Eypte get so much attention yet one of the most fasicnating Civlisation of all times gets buried in the noise of the mullahs... of course, you like it this way. Understandable.

But not for long... let Gangees civilisation reach its zenith.. and Let the Indus Rise!

Both can be jewels in the family of humanity...

Peace is the only Choice!

We should discuss such matters in Pak History section.. where your diverging views are most welcome..

You Anti-National you!

Take care,


PS. Seems like your usual tormentors are on leave... I don't mind our interaction. But still...
Well ...

There's always been a Chinese civilization. And we have modern China as its inheritor.

There's always been a Persian civilization. And we have modern Iran as its inheritor.

There's always been an Indian civilization. And we have modern India as its inheritor.

Afghanistan - cleaved from north western Persia.

Pakistan - cleaved from India, Afghanistan and Iran.
On this topic i think i should let @Kaptaan speak :D
Ah, Padamchen, my friend,

Sikhs are part of Pak. Though they should choose themselves in the final settlement whether they want their own state or become one with their brethren again. @Dhara

Regarding your views of inheritance... mirror is a great equalizer.

The great Tragedy is the Fact that mullahs have hijacked not only religion but also the Pak Heritage...and in the name of hindu-muslim nonsense. Religion is the opium of the masses.

If/when Young Paks become alive to their true Heritage you would love to see a new Pak emerge... you might love to visit that Pak.. the Land of Dancing Horse! @DESERT FIGHTER @django @Max @PaklovesTurkiye

I totally understand why some like to undermine the Heritage of Pak and claim all as their own civilisation.. yet it is Pak's Heritage, that little sculpture of the dancing girl, that your state is illegally occupying as well.. @Kaptaan

When you return that sculpture... you will accept Pakistan.

It is once again a great tragedy that Sumer, Assyria and Eypte get so much attention yet one of the most fasicnating Civlisation of all times gets buried in the noise of the mullahs... of course, you like it this way. Understandable.

But not for long... let Gangees civilisation reach its zenith.. and Let the Indus Rise!

Both can be jewels in the family of humanity...

Peace is the only Choice!

We should discuss such matters in Pak History section.. where your diverging views are most welcome..

You Anti-National you!

Take care,


PS. Seems like your usual tormentors are on leave... I don't mind our interaction. But still...

My dear SPF,

I don't understand why you keep referring to me as anti-national?

Most guys my age still have some emotional ties to the idea of the oneness of Pakistan.

Such is not so with the younger generation who have only see the mulla side, zero cricket, and 26/11.

My generation, and that of Yogi Adityanath and Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav, we are all around the same age, are probably the last chance Pakistan has of real peace as equals.

Which is a window of the next 15-20 odd years.

After that, the de-humanization will take over. And blank out all historical ties.

I have no tormentors. Most who try are ill equipped. And fall quickly by the wayside. Sadly. Because I enjoy attrition.


In the end, I can only leave you with this,and ask you to make up your own mind whether the Indus people were Indian or not ....


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There was no indian civilization, india is creation of british indian empire, before that there was no united india, let alone civilization.

Civilization does exists in the land though, there was indus, harrapan, gandhara, mehrgarh and we Pakistanis are its inheritors not eastern bhangi, you are inheritor of what you can found in ganga basin...


All I can say, my Pakistani brother, is that I understand your very human desire for roots.

For history.

For continuity.

Of course, without any link to us.

How do you do that?

What were you before you were Muslim?

Were you Hindu?

Were you Buddhist?

Were you Zoroastrian?

Were you Chinese?

There was no indian civilization, india is creation of british indian empire, before that there was no united india, let alone civilization.

Civilization does exists in the land though, there was indus, harrapan, gandhara, mehrgarh and we Pakistanis are its inheritors not eastern bhangi, you are inheritor of what you can found in ganga basin...


Inheritors how?! What cultural, racial, lingual, or socio-religious similarities exists between the people of IVC and the present day Pakistanis?!
Hell do you even know enough about the people of IVC to make an effective comparison?!

Why don't you present us with this analysis so we can effectively settle this claim on "inheritance"?
India is a land of rivers.

Why do you only limit yourselves to human settlement and evolution around the ecosystems of two large rivers?

We have many more.

Each with their own cultural ecosystems. And each would have shades of grey as they merged with adjoining ones.

We see it to this day in India, where state boundaries oftentimes mean nothing.
There was no indian civilization, india is creation of british indian empire, before that there was no united india, let alone civilization.

Civilization does exists in the land though, there was indus, harrapan, gandhara, mehrgarh and we Pakistanis are its inheritors not eastern bhangi, you are inheritor of what you can found in ganga basin...


Ah, my Pak Brother,

Pak is the Inheritor and the Continuation of Indus Civilisations. I have been using prural for a reason.

Thank you for underlying that. Also, archeology has not even scrachted the surface in Pak Lands... so who cares.

@padamchen thank for the pictorial attempt. Of course Gujrat province is under illegal indian occupation.. Though the Bust of the Chief has far more closer resemblance in Sindh and Southern Punjab of Pak.

Just to underline Pak Desert of Thur has lost its half to indian occupation. Your attempt to interject hinduism into the dicussion is half hearted really. I understand why you do that...but by same logic you were animists before the arrival of arryans...

Please, do consider the generosity of Ancient Paks who bestowed upon you not only hinduism, brahiminism and Vedas but also contributed genetically... the local populatioins went either to forests or got mingled with this... Mirror thing again. Your turn!

Anyhow, this thread is about Kashmiri Freedom fron illegal indian occupation and not about Pak Heritage which has a dedicated section Pak History.

Regarding 15-20 years period.. I believe a permanent settlement and division is in that timeframe. Patience is Virtue.

On this topic i think i should let
What should I speak of? Half naked jungless from the Ganga? Everything and anything we gave them. Hey we even gave them the friggin name India - it is from derived from Indus or else they would have been called "Gangia or Gangadesh". And then these junglees thank us by claming everything under our feet as theirs.

What else do you expect from Gangia people? And if any Gangia brings up the stupid "it was India" line of thinking. Well ask them is "West India, Indonesia, Indo-China, Indiania" also part of their Gangia? Just because of shared name?

This Gangia logic is as dumb as Romania claiming Roman Empire was theirs and even more dumber Roma gypsies clamiong they are direct inheritors of the mighty Roman Empire. These Roma (below) gypsy beggers are proud inheritors of the mighty Roman Empire coz they have the same name?


A conversation between a Italian and Roma begger:-

Roma "My people are the inheritors of the mighty Roman civilization".

Italian "No you fckin are not. We are Italian. We are inheritors of Roman civilization".

Roma "No your not. Your country only came into existance in 1885 and is called "Italy". You are Christian people and your roots are in Middle East where your Jesus was born".

Italian "No, No".

Roma "Yes, Yes we are called Roma people, from a country called Romania which means Roman civilization is ours"

@Valar Dohaeris
All I can say, my Pakistani brother, is that I understand your very human desire for roots.

For history.

For continuity.

Of course, without any link to us.

How do you do that?

What were you before you were Muslim?

Were you Hindu?

Were you Buddhist?

Were you Zoroastrian?

Were you Chinese?

All I can say, my Pakistani brother, is that I understand your very human desire for roots.

For history.

For continuity.

Of course, without any link to us.

How do you do that?

What were you before you were Muslim?

Were you Hindu?

Were you Buddhist?

Were you Zoroastrian?

Were you Chinese?


mostlly buddhists along with Hindu paginsm before that more primitive way of paganism and so on, does it make us same? The fact is people of indus gave birth to those civilization and you gangalanders were not party to it, hence you cannot found a site of same or older time period even in east Punjab or Gujrat related to our civilzation, unless you find something similer to our sites and more older till then you have to accept you gangalanders were anything but inheritor, followers would be more suitable word.
What should I speak of? Half naked jungless from the Ganga? Everything and anything we gave them. Hey we even gave them the friggin name India - it is from derived from Indus or else they would have been called "Gangia or Gangadesh". And then these junglees thank us by claming everything under our feet as theirs.

What else do you expect from Gangia people? And if any Gangia brings up the stupid "it was India" line of thinking. Well ask them is "West India, Indonesia, Indo-China, Indiania" also part of their Gangia? Just because of shared name?

This Gangia logic is as dumb as Romania claiming Roman Empire was theirs and even more dumber Roma gypsies clamiong they are direct inheritors of the mighty Roman Empire. These Roma (below) gypsy beggers are proud inheritors of the mighty Roman Empire coz they have the same name?


A conversation between a Italian and Roma begger:-

Roma "My people are the inheritors of the mighty Roman civilization".

Italian "No you fckin are not. We are Italian. We are inheritors of Roman civilization".

Roma "No your not. Your country only came into existance in 1885 and is called "Italy". You are Christian people and your roots are in Middle East where your Jesus was born".

Italian "No, No".

Roma "Yes, Yes we are called Roma people, from a country called Romania which means Roman civilization is ours"

@Valar Dohaeris

Roma gypsies are actually Indic in origin.

I thought someone Joe considers well read would have known that ...

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