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Why Pakistan needs more provinces

why should only Punjab lose power and get divided into pieces while other retain theirs.

For the good of the nation? Punjab has been a hurdle for Pakistani development since the dawn of Pakistan. It has taken resources, land and intellect. Politicians care not for Balochistan/Sindh/KPK because they know that if they get most of Punjab's votes then they will be in power. If Punjab is broken up into more provinces, politicians will have to appeal to other people than Punjabis.

Why shouldn't Punjab sacrifice some political power for the betterment of millions?

Sindh has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the beauty of Karachi due to the immigrants who came from Afghanistan, Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan who refused to be considerate and dirtied our streets.

Balochistan has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the peace of our province so as to grab the attention of the useless government in Islamabad. To make them realise that they do not just represent Punjab but us to, that they need to work for us to. Do something for us too. Seeing as they have failed we demanded independence.

KPK has sacrificed. It has sacrificed water rights, its brightest minds, its peace and security due to constant tribal conflict because the idiots in Islamabad aren't finished filling their Swiss bank accounts with our stolen money.

Pakistan is fed up. Fed up of this economy, politics and government centred around Punjab.

We are not your colonies.
For the good of the nation? Punjab has been a hurdle for Pakistani development since the dawn of Pakistan. It has taken resources, land and intellect. Politicians care not for Balochistan/Sindh/KPK because they know that if they get most of Punjab's votes then they will be in power. If Punjab is broken up into more provinces, politicians will have to appeal to other people than Punjabis.

Why shouldn't Punjab sacrifice some political power for the betterment of millions?

Sindh has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the beauty of Karachi due to the immigrants who came from Afghanistan, Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan who refused to be considerate and dirtied our streets.

Balochistan has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the peace of our province so as to grab the attention of the useless government in Islamabad. To make them realise that they do not just represent Punjab but us to, that they need to work for us to. Do something for us too. Seeing as they have failed we demanded independence.

KPK has sacrificed. It has sacrificed water rights, its brightest minds, its peace and security due to constant tribal conflict because the idiots in Islamabad aren't finished filling their Swiss bank accounts with our stolen money.

Pakistan is fed up. Fed up of this economy, politics and government centred around Punjab.

We are not your colonies.
first of all that is how democracies works we form the majority (more then 101 million) of this country's population so its our democratic right to have majority of the representation.
secondly majority of the tax is collected from the Punjab (courtesy of our indirect taxation system) so don't cry if our money is being spent on us.in Pakistan now every Province collect it's own taxes and federal government only get part of it rest stays with that Province so if your province don't have enough money or isn't developed like punjab either it is because your people aren't paying enough taxes, you don't have enough people to begin with(Baluchistan's case) or your provincial government isn't spending it on you.so go grab their throat don't charge on us.
so my point either all of our provinces are divided on divisional bases or no one get slashed.enough with this Punjab kha gya mentality.why should only we lose our ethnic identity while you guys get to keep yours.
last thing if you are not our colonies. neither are we your dad who should sacrifice every thing for you.so go take care of your self big boys.and one more thing where was your greater good when kalabagh was made controversial.
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For the good of the nation? Punjab has been a hurdle for Pakistani development since the dawn of Pakistan. It has taken resources, land and intellect. Politicians care not for Balochistan/Sindh/KPK because they know that if they get most of Punjab's votes then they will be in power. If Punjab is broken up into more provinces, politicians will have to appeal to other people than Punjabis.

Why shouldn't Punjab sacrifice some political power for the betterment of millions?

Sindh has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the beauty of Karachi due to the immigrants who came from Afghanistan, Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan who refused to be considerate and dirtied our streets.

Balochistan has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the peace of our province so as to grab the attention of the useless government in Islamabad. To make them realise that they do not just represent Punjab but us to, that they need to work for us to. Do something for us too. Seeing as they have failed we demanded independence.

KPK has sacrificed. It has sacrificed water rights, its brightest minds, its peace and security due to constant tribal conflict because the idiots in Islamabad aren't finished filling their Swiss bank accounts with our stolen money.

Pakistan is fed up. Fed up of this economy, politics and government centred around Punjab.

We are not your colonies.

2010 ended this. The 2009 amendment of 18th number created pakistan as a federation. A federation of autonomous provinces and those autonomous have the autonomy to raise paramilitary forces for security ( dolphin force for punjab), create taxes for revenue ( taxes of sindh govt) , pass laws for legal implementation ( right to information law) and open meetings for developmental projects in provinces without approval of federal government provided its in line with the federation.

With this the limelight is now on CMs and provincial govts and cabinets. For example under ANP kpk suffered greatly but under Imran khan KPK has grown vigorously due to the autonomy and at some points has left Punjab behind.

So now blaming Punjab for every failure of provincial govt is simply a convenient excuse. Quite frankly those days are dead when it was punjabistan and punjabi army and punjabi rubbish.I myself am not a punjabi and used to blame the centric politics but with 18th amendment the CMs are more responsible. I understand that Punjab has massive representation but its simply due to its over population and our Democratic set up which allows for seats based upon population.

Although there is a need for Punjab break up but other provinces must follow suit as well. The south sindh is completely different to central and northern sindh even in their political thinking. The northern Baluchistan is more in line with kpk and the population sparsity requires lasbela, kalat and makran to be separated so that the populace can be reached. Administrative bases.

Oh by the way one who has Punjab does not necessarily mean they have federal. It simply means they have very very little majority and will require coalition which means political parties that have won largely in other provinces. This was the Parliament we had in 2008-2013 although no one won majority but PPP formed a leading govt due to winning relative majority and creating an all party alliance. In 2013 PML N won the second most number of seats on kpk, the most number of seats in Baluchistan, completely in punjab and also won in the gilgit baltistan election. They formed a strong federal by winning NA seats all over pakistan and formed provincial govts in Punjab, Baluchistan and gilgit. They have won 2/3rd majority. This is not punjab.

You want to bring change but your mantra of blame Punjab is the old one that every sardar his behind to hide his own corruption and incompetence. Those days are gone with 2009 and this mantra today won't work. Nobody destroyed this mantra more than Imran khan who showcased the fruits of the amendment by his work in kpk. He showcased Punjab is not the problem anymore, local govts are. You want to bring change. Teach people to vote in the best party.
For the good of the nation? Punjab has been a hurdle for Pakistani development since the dawn of Pakistan. It has taken resources, land and intellect. Politicians care not for Balochistan/Sindh/KPK because they know that if they get most of Punjab's votes then they will be in power. If Punjab is broken up into more provinces, politicians will have to appeal to other people than Punjabis.

Why shouldn't Punjab sacrifice some political power for the betterment of millions?

Sindh has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the beauty of Karachi due to the immigrants who came from Afghanistan, Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan who refused to be considerate and dirtied our streets.

Balochistan has sacrificed. We have sacrificed the peace of our province so as to grab the attention of the useless government in Islamabad. To make them realise that they do not just represent Punjab but us to, that they need to work for us to. Do something for us too. Seeing as they have failed we demanded independence.

KPK has sacrificed. It has sacrificed water rights, its brightest minds, its peace and security due to constant tribal conflict because the idiots in Islamabad aren't finished filling their Swiss bank accounts with our stolen money.

Pakistan is fed up. Fed up of this economy, politics and government centred around Punjab.

We are not your colonies.

One question, Karachi should be separate province?
2010 ended this. The 2009 amendment of 18th number created pakistan as a federation. A federation of autonomous provinces and those autonomous have the autonomy to raise paramilitary forces for security ( dolphin force for punjab), create taxes for revenue ( taxes of sindh govt) , pass laws for legal implementation ( right to information law) and open meetings for developmental projects in provinces without approval of federal government provided its in line with the federation.

With this the limelight is now on CMs and provincial govts and cabinets. For example under ANP kpk suffered greatly but under Imran khan KPK has grown vigorously due to the autonomy and at some points has left Punjab behind.

So now blaming Punjab for every failure of provincial govt is simply a convenient excuse. Quite frankly those days are dead when it was punjabistan and punjabi army and punjabi rubbish.I myself am not a punjabi and used to blame the centric politics but with 18th amendment the CMs are more responsible. I understand that Punjab has massive representation but its simply due to its over population and our Democratic set up which allows for seats based upon population.

Although there is a need for Punjab break up but other provinces must follow suit as well. The south sindh is completely different to central and northern sindh even in their political thinking. The northern Baluchistan is more in line with kpk and the population sparsity requires lasbela, kalat and makran to be separated so that the populace can be reached. Administrative bases.

Oh by the way one who has Punjab does not necessarily mean they have federal. It simply means they have very very little majority and will require coalition which means political parties that have won largely in other provinces. This was the Parliament we had in 2008-2013 although no one won majority but PPP formed a leading govt due to winning relative majority and creating an all party alliance. In 2013 PML N won the second most number of seats on kpk, the most number of seats in Baluchistan, completely in punjab and also won in the gilgit baltistan election. They formed a strong federal by winning NA seats all over pakistan and formed provincial govts in Punjab, Baluchistan and gilgit. They have won 2/3rd majority. This is not punjab.

You want to bring change but your mantra of blame Punjab is the old one that every sardar his behind to hide his own corruption and incompetence. Those days are gone with 2009 and this mantra today won't work. Nobody destroyed this mantra more than Imran khan who showcased the fruits of the amendment by his work in kpk. He showcased Punjab is not the problem anymore, local govts are. You want to bring change. Teach people to vote in the best party.

Ridiculous. How do mega projects get allocated then? Why is the CPEC road randomly going through punjab? A curve is not the shortest path from point A to point B.

Your claims of proportionate allocation are not consistent with reality.
Every district of or division at max should be converted into a province. It is extremely important for the strengthening of the nation. We have to get out this provincialism. Punjab has been blamed, bot fairly and unfairly, for controlling the federation and its resources and thus creating a sense of deprivation among the people of other provinces which is really dangerous for the integrity of the nation and these fault lines can always be exploited by the enemies and their agents and not just them both the major parties of Pakistan PPP and PMLn have been using the province-card from time to time.
Pakistans has invested a lot in the military defence of the nation, but we have not invested enough in the ideological and social defence of the nation. We should have promulgated policies and institutions to find out the fault lines, develop remedies to address them and also implement them.
Because of Pakistan's land area is not too large, so I do not recommend the establishment of more provinces.
The establishment of more provinces, it means that will produce more administrative units, will affect the implementation of the policy and the dispersion of resources and prone to corruption

This's my personal opinion.
All the divisions should be elevated to provincial status.





Because of Pakistan's land area is not too large, so I do not recommend the establishment of more provinces.
The establishment of more provinces, it means that will produce more administrative units, will affect the implementation of the policy and the dispersion of resources and prone to corruption

This's my personal opinion.

Sorry to disagree....
More provinces mean easy adminstration and less corruption.

Federal government should transfer more power to Provincial, District and City level

Federal government :

National security (national defense, Ports, Airports, border Security)
Economy - Trade (international and interprovincial trade)
Banking & Currency
Foreign Affairs
Criminal Laws
Social Welfare
Universities and tertiary education
Primary and seondary education
Laws and oder
Water Supply

Province government:

Law Enforcement (Provincial police and Highway police)
Health Care
Direct Taxation
Labour laws
Pulic Works

District office:
Serves as a custodian of all records for the District Courts.
Indexes and secures all court records, collects filing fees.
maintence of public works
maintence of road and public parks.
Water and wastewater maintenance,
vehicle registration, property tax office.
Schools district (pre-k to 10 grade).

City government: Adopt ordinances, resolutions, policies and regulations for the health, safety and welfare of the current and future inhabitants of the City.

Establish policies for the effective and efficient delivery of municipal services to the City.

Adopt master plans for water, wastewater, storm drainage, parks, municipal facilities to guide the City’s future development of critical infrastructure.

Promote good relations with federal, state, county, and other municipal government agencies.
The Mayor and City Council will take an active role in working with appropriate officials on Inter-jurisdictional issues and regional problems affecting the residents of the city.

Fire Station
City Transportation
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Sorry to disagree....
More provinces mean easy adminstration and less corruption.
Maybe you are right, I am based on the experience of China's development.
China is now in the process of reducing the number of administrative units, streamline processes, improve efficiency

This is my personal point of view
Ridiculous. How do mega projects get allocated then? Why is the CPEC road randomly going through punjab? A curve is not the shortest path from point A to point B.

Your claims of proportionate allocation are not consistent with reality.

Mega projects of federal level get allocated in accordance with the requirements seen by the federal. For example CPEC is a federal project with China. Provinces can get their projects into CPEC for example we have sindh trying to allocate some energy projects into CPEC by dealing with China and we also have Baluchistan govt which also got couple of projects one agri I believe into CPEC.

CPEC was originally the western road but to benefit Punjab and sindh the eastern road was created as well along with the western road.

The thing is that Punjab is heavily populated and in our kind of democracy where population decides seats, parties try to appeal to that massive vote bank aka we have bilawal creating district level teams for Punjab sector, we have seen imran's obsession with Punjab vote and BNP mengal a very nationalist party has also created teams to do politics in Punjab.

Its not punjabs fault if the federal is pandering to the majority, something every democracy and all political parties do bcz the federal will not be able to get reelected if it does not pander to a majority.

The one we elect on its first day does not think about what he should do for his country's good but what he should that would help him get elected after five years.

CPEC reservations are not be taken with Punjab but with federal government in power. Tomorrow it could be PTI. Think like a federation.

Each provinces have their own budgets and the federal have their own budgets. The federal government and a foreign govt have started a mega project that will cross various provinces. Now those provinces have to deal with federal for more projects and not with other provinces. Aka the kpk govt dealing with the federal govt on CPEC reservations.

But this is federal structure.

I was talking mostly about provincial structure and the power of provincial development that the provincial govts have and how now the lack of development in provinces and stalling of progress is squarely to be blamed on provincial govts. You can blame federal as well but not Punjab or kpk or any other province.
Because of Pakistan's land area is not too large, so I do not recommend the establishment of more provinces.
The establishment of more provinces, it means that will produce more administrative units, will affect the implementation of the policy and the dispersion of resources and prone to corruption

This's my personal opinion.

If we had more provinces we may have had avoided the loss at the hands of terrorists. Many competent people don't get the opportunity to serve reason they don't get equal opportunity in their region, result the whole family has to migrate from that region to Punjab or Karachi. Second in my personal opinion burden on cities like Karachi, Lahore even now Islamabad can be reduced if different regions are given autonomy to govern themselves. Its better for people because they would know more about their region than someone making policies for them who has nothing to do with their region.
If we had more provinces we may have had avoided the loss at the hands of terrorists. Many competent people don't get the opportunity to serve reason they don't get equal opportunity in their region, result the whole family has to migrate from that region to Punjab or Karachi. Second in my personal opinion burden on cities like Karachi, Lahore even now Islamabad can be reduced if different regions are given autonomy to govern themselves. Its better for people because they would know more about their region than someone making policies for them who has nothing to do with their region.

The question is how to create new provinces? It creates huge provincial issues? We all know its good.
If we had more provinces we may have had avoided the loss at the hands of terrorists. Many competent people don't get the opportunity to serve reason they don't get equal opportunity in their region, result the whole family has to migrate from that region to Punjab or Karachi. Second in my personal opinion burden on cities like Karachi, Lahore even now Islamabad can be reduced if different regions are given autonomy to govern themselves. Its better for people because they would know more about their region than someone making policies for them who has nothing to do with their region.
Looks like you said it makes sense.
I don't understand this debate. Can someone enlighten me, please?

On the one hand you guys are demanding a stronger Pakistani national identity. On the other hand you are demanding more provinces, more administrative unites. Are provinces less autonomous, according to Pakistani constitution? I don't get this.
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