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Why Pakistan Needs India Now

Kashmir is not creating any hindrance with economic growth. It's other issues such as WoT, floods, corrupt government, etc. We're already projected to growth at 6-7% in 5 years. With WoT ending by 2015 and perhaps better governance, we will reach extremely high growth rates quite quickly.

Other issues, those are wants, not needs. Yes we'd like to solve the kashmir issue, but you probably know the difference between a want and a need. We can solve the other issues without solving Kashmir. The OP article is very arrogant like another member said because we certainly don't need India and furthermore our economic growth rate isn't stuck at 3% till eternity.
Kashmir is not creating any hindrance with economic growth. It's other issues such as WoT, floods, corrupt government, etc.

Well if you subscribe to the theory that India is causing problems for Pakistan, then dont you think the bone of contention starts with the Kashmir dispute? So repercussions of solving the Kashmir issue are greater than you think...

We're already projected to growth at 6-7% in 5 years. With WoT ending by 2015 and perhaps better governance, we will reach extremely high growth rates quite quickly

Most Pakistanis on this forum are of the view that the WOT ending and the US exiting Afg will usher in the economic prosperity...and that the GOP is the problem...

The murder of the Punjab governor speaks differently regarding the real problem in Pakistan...Ground root extremism is a far greater issue from what I can tell....something that will not just stop post 2015

and I find it to be rather simplistic if one thinks that that the US will ever leave Afg....IMO they are here to stay....esp considering they have established bases to check their "potential threats" from these bases.

Other issues, those are wants, not needs. Yes we'd like to solve the kashmir issue, but you probably know the difference between a want and a need. We can solve the other issues without solving Kashmir. The OP article is very arrogant like another member said because we certainly don't need India and furthermore our economic growth rate isn't stuck at 3% till eternity.

Going by the recent Onion wars between Pak and India, it is clear that both need each other in one way or the other, even though they maybe challenged by ego to accept it...
But one thing is for certain, amicable relations is a far fetch at least for the time being....
Well if you subscribe to the theory that India is causing problems for Pakistan, then dont you think the bone of contention starts with the Kashmir dispute? So repercussions of solving the Kashmir issue are greater than you think...

That's an interesting point, because since you personally don't believe that India is spreading terrorism, you shouldn't be making such comments.

But now that you mentioned it, India is spreading terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan in the hope of getting Kashmir dispute resolved? I highly doubt that.

Most Pakistanis on this forum are of the view that the WOT ending and the US exiting Afg will usher in the economic prosperity...and that the GOP is the problem...

The murder of the Punjab governor speaks differently regarding the real problem in Pakistan...Ground root extremism is a far greater issue from what I can tell....something that will not just stop post 2015

The two can't be compared. The extremism with regard to Blasphemy law won't create any problem with economic growth. Those people don't blow themselves up in a market or in a mosque, i.e. carry out terrorist attacks. It will create other problems, such as perhaps image problem or perhaps no one being able to commit what they call blasphemy. But no economic problem.

The terrorist attacks are carried out by TTP and the likes, and that's what creates problem with economic growth. Two different types of extremism here.

The US exit from Afghanistan will definitely help in solving the problem of terrorist attacks. I personally think that it's crazy to think that ending WoT won't help with GDP growth. It's basic logic and economics.

and I find it to be rather simplistic if one thinks that that the US will ever leave Afg....IMO they are here to stay....esp considering they have established bases to check their "potential threats" from these bases.

I don't discount the possibility of US staying there forever one bit. What I am saying is that US leaving will help a lot.

Now whether US will end up staying there is questionable. US can't play the waiting game, while Taliban and to an extent Pakistan can do so. US is spending around 200 billion dollars per year (maybe even more), and with their economic problems they can't spend that much for too long. Furthermore, if they're unable to defeat the Taliban or at the very least have a deal with Taliban on their own terms, then they won't have much choice but to leave.
There is no need to increase trade with India. India will just dump all its excess goods into pakistan creating problems for pakistani manufacturers ,also when dealing with such a larger country it will undermine pakistan sovereignty. Pakistan India trade may be 2 billion but some 80% of is Indian Trade to Pakistan to Indias Benefit. That is the only reason indian hawks have not stopped trade. Pakistanis cannot even get Go ahead from Indian govt to export Cement, yet markets across pakistan are full of Indian Textiles and indian goods.

the Indian Establishment still dont recognize pakistan as equals, India is imperialistic country thats wants to dominate all its neighbours.

Pakistan needs India to vacate siachin and stop supporting terror through afghanistan. How can Pakistan trade with a country openly hostile to Pakistan and killing fellow muslims in Kashmir.

The Blasphemy issue is hard for non pakistanis to understand but its not really a sign of increase of taliban views it a complicated thing and partly to do with the public feeling the west wants the law changed and people very passionate feeling about the prophet of Islam, due to lack of education they express them in the wrong way and gullible to views of some mullahs.

FDI in Pakistan was 8 Billion + a year once pre 2005 war on terror ends,and Power Crises is resolved the investors will come back and Pakistan will Leapfrog India. There have been no Major Corruption Scams in Pakistan india at the last count had 5 in 2010.

Indias economic growth is an illusion the fundamentals of Indias economy remain weak with a higher unemployment rate than Pakistan and a more corrupt Economy. Tata & co may become even bigger billionaires but most Indians will only benefit from seeing more Dramatic Bollywood Films and Expensive Homes on the way to work for the rest of their lives and think to themselves yes India is a Global Super Power :no:
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There is no need to increase trade with India. India will just dump all its excess goods into pakistan creating problems for pakistani manufacturers ,also when dealing with such a larger country it will undermine pakistan sovereignty. Pakistan India trade may be 2 billion but some 80% of is Indian Trade to Pakistan to Indias Benefit. That is the only reason indian hawks have not stopped trade. Pakistanis cannot even get Go ahead from Indian govt to export Cement, yet markets across pakistan are full of Indian Textiles and indian goods.

the Indian Establishment still dont recognize pakistan as equals, India is imperialistic country thats wants to dominate all its neighbours.

Pakistan needs India to vacate siachin and stop supporting terror through afghanistan. How can Pakistan trade with a country openly hostile to Pakistan and killing fellow muslims in Kashmir.

The Blasphemy issue is hard for non pakistanis to understand but its not really a sign of increase of taliban views it a complicated thing and partly to do with the public feeling the west wants the law changed and people very passionate feeling about the prophet of Islam, due to lack of education they express them in the wrong way and gullible to views of some mullahs.

FDI in Pakistan was 8 Billion + a year once pre 2005 war on terror ends,and Power Crises is resolved the investors will come back and Pakistan will Leapfrog India. There have been no Major Corruption Scams in Pakistan india at the last count had 5 in 2010.

Indias economic growth is an illusion the fundamentals of Indias economy remain weak with a higher unemployment rate than Pakistan and a more corrupt Economy. Tata & co may become even bigger billionaires but most Indians will only benefit from seeing more Dramatic Bollywood Films and Expensive Homes on the way to work for the rest of their lives and think to themselves yes India is a Global Super Power :no:

Ohh God...take a deep breath and calm down...For a moment,you make trade sound like the most evil thing to do in this World.
If the way to trade opens up,then it would be a new opportunity for both the countries,isnt it??Now how much you can utilize this opportunity,is totally upto you.Who can tell,Pakistani cotton and sugar may have huge market here.The good thing about Indian market is it is indeed huge and there is always demand,the population being more than 100 million....
I’d argue that we must at least try to improve our economic relationship even if the political relationship is still frosty.

Agreed with this part.:agree:

With all the animosity, I find it difficult to see how this is possible.
Pakistan needs to understand that Kashmir will not be solved when Pakistan is weak and its political and military questionable. Any result to Kashmir will be viewed as a sellout to India. Indians are smart enough to understand that and any solution now will be a no solution.

This is the time for building economic stability and if India can help, so be it. Pakistan should focus on growth and propsperity. The K word should go into the freezer for the next two decades. Let us build enough trust with each other. When the conditions are right, we should make Kashmir border less on both sides. People of India and Pakistan should have free access to the state but I am sure there are many who find this unfavourable and so it is unlikely. This is the case on both sides of the border.
I would recommend Pakistan and bangladesh join india and convert it into huge muslim land by out breeding and conversion drives.

I thought breeding was a verb normally used with reference to animals.. Please change the tone of your post. Its demeaning to Muslims..
^^ it also has reference to vermin trolls .

India will be bacome a Muslim state soon INSHALLAH !
I would recommend Pakistan and bangladesh join india and convert it into huge muslim land by out breeding and conversion drives.

:lol:.. i would recommend you to have a Mental check up ...
This is the time for building economic stability and if India can help, so be it. Pakistan should focus on growth and propsperity. The K word should go into the freezer for the next two decades. Let us build enough trust with each other. When the conditions are right, we should make Kashmir border less on both sides. People of India and Pakistan should have free access to the state but I am sure there are many who find this unfavourable and so it is unlikely. This is the case on both sides of the border.

Sensible words.
As I see it both countries cannot yank away the portion of Kashmir occupied by the other. So why fight over it for next 100 years? Why not ensure that both countries use their precious resources to better the lives of their own citizens instead of rewarding the foreign powers located thousands of miles away by buying weapons. Currently, indeed the Indian economy is much stronger but think of how much money generated by the hard-work of thousands of NRI goes into buying just one sophisticated aircraft? That is just waste.
Nobody, including me, is suggesting a union of India and Pakistan. But Kashmir can be made into a region where each holds onto what they currently have, make borders 'irrelevant', even allow currencies to be freely used, keep India's special Const. provisions for IoK... I firmly believe that the alienated Kashmiris in the Valley will join the Indian mainstream once both sides make a permanent peace. I know there are concerns about Indians misusing water but I also think that once the Indian state sees the great benefits of peace dividends and the dangers of another long drawn conflict with Pakistan then they will resist using water as weapon. Also, at any rate, the money Pakistan saves by reducing its defence expenditure could be used for the lining up of canals, building dams, desalination plants. If anything the Great Flood in Pakistan will show you that there indeed can be a lot of water coming from the skies--that needs to be harnessed as well.
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