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Why Pakistan is still undecided about sending troops to fight in Yemen

No troops.

Dispatch Marines, Frigates, Subs & Jets. Contributing is important but we need our Army at home front.

With spending hundreds of billions of dollars on their armies to buy most expensive military equipment, if they still need your frigates or subs and jets to fight Yemenis who practically have nothing except Ak-47s, then it shows what a huge joke Arab armies are, and they have proved it somehow since the operation started.

Here's the things they have achieved so far:

- Destroying some Yemeni army planes and air defenses on the ground (which were not going to be used anyway)
- Destroying infrastructures, bridges and buildings
- Targetting refugee camps, a factory, civilian houses
- Strengthening AQ (in a way that AQ find it the proper time to free 200 of their fellow terrorists from a prison)
- Refusing to target AQ positions even once (which is not strange considering AQ emerged from Saudi Arabia itself and that they find Houthis more dangerous than AQ has ever been)
- Being unable to stop Ansarallah advances. Since the operation started, they have captured various cities and towns, last of them was capital of Shabuh province, Ataq which was captured from AQ and allied tribes last night.
- Being unable to launch a ground offensive without begging other countries to provide the foot soldiers (e.g Pakistan).
Not to mention China too. As you might be aware, China has officially declared Saudi actions in Yemen as a blatant aggression and has termed it against international law. Pakistan jumping on the same side as the China is officially condemning, will not go well in Beijing.

I think the real pressure might actually be coming from China. Its all up to Gen Raheel Shareef how he balances our relations with Saudi Arabia and China. If Pakistan was self reliant today we would have shown the middle finger to Saudis. Many Pakistanis are now realising ugly face of terror exporting Saudi regime.
With spending hundreds of billions of dollars on their armies to buy most expensive military equipment, if they still need your frigates or subs and jets to fight Yemenis who practically have nothing except Ak-47s, then it shows what a huge joke Arab armies are, and they have proved it somehow since the operation started.

Here's the things they have achieved so far:

- Destroying some Yemeni army planes and air defenses on the ground (which were not going to be used anyway)
- Destroying infrastructures, bridges and buildings
- Targetting refugee camps, a factory, civilian houses
- Strengthening AQ (in a way that AQ find it the proper time to free 200 of their fellow terrorists from a prison)
- Refusing to target AQ positions even once (which is not strange considering AQ emerged from Saudi Arabia itself and that they find Houthis more dangerous than AQ has ever been)
- Being unable to stop Ansarallah advances. Since the operation started, they have captured various cities and towns, last of them was capital of Shabuh province, Ataq which was captured from AQ and allied tribes last night.
- Being unable to launch a ground offensive without begging other countries to provide the foot soldiers (e.g Pakistan).
But what Iranians doing help the Yemenis?
Lets hope not. Iran is next door to us. We all ready pissed of Indians, Afghans and now pissing Iranians would mean very serious problems for security of Pakistan.
Any decision wont be good for Pakistan......
I think the real pressure might actually be coming from China. Its all up to Gen Raheel Shareef how he balances our relations with Saudi Arabia and China. If Pakistan was self reliant today we would have shown the middle finger to Saudis. Many Pakistanis are now realising ugly face of terror exporting Saudi regime.

Yes, you are right. But China is much more important than Saudi Arabia. No question about that. They have veto power, which they have used always to the benefit of Pakistan and they have technology and economic might which can benefit Pakistan greatly (specially if Pakistan decides to industrialize and make itself into industrial economy instead of an agricultural economy dependent on foreign aid).
Not sending troops to Saudi Arabia will have its own benefits even if it costs us the short term. For one Saudis will for the 1st time realize that Pakistanis are not for sale contrary to the popular believe. No more Haza Maskeen and second Nawaz this time might not find a way out if he gets booted again, meaning either he corrects himself and actually try to do something good for the country or risk another military intervention and this time there wont be any Saudi Arabia to save his puny ***.

On the economic front we need that pipeline. It is vital to our energy interests. Pakistan should make sure that Iran and P-5 + Germany are able to get through this deal without getting distracted.

On strategic front with Hostile India on our eastern front and not so friendly Afghanistan on our western front, the last thing Pakistan should desire for is another unfriendly neighbour towards South West.
Supporting them politically and lobbying for a cease in airstrikes and fighting, that's what we are doing, last and most importantly, we are not bombing Yemenis who want to get rid of their corrupt and puppet president.
U pretend like iran is a Angel but its not iran is supporting Huthies with weapons in yaman but let me tell u Iran is playing with fire as Saudia played with fire in Syria.I hope Pakistan and turkey will play positive role to reslove the problem InshAllah!!!
U pretend like iran is a Angel but its not iran is supporting Huthies with weapons in yaman but let me tell u Iran is playing with fire as Saudia played with fire in Syria.I hope Pakistan and turkey will play positive role to reslove the problem InshAllah!!!

For the hundredth time on this forum, I ask you to show me Iranian weapons in Houthi hands.

So many people have been fooled by this hoax.
No troops.

Dispatch Marines, Frigates, Subs & Jets. Contributing is important but we need our Army at home front.

But why even that.. Let the Saudi's deal with their shit.. Where were they when you had to deal with yours.. Finally there is a resemblance of normalcy returning to Pakistan, Even though it might be a respite.. Why shoot your selves on the foot ? Why do you think Malaysians and Indonesians are staying the fcuk away ? The only reason Turkey is minutely involved is they are in the Nato
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — War-weary Pakistani lawmakers are balking at committing troops to the Saudi-led campaign against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, complicating efforts by Saudi Arabia to build a broad coalition for a possible ground offensive.

On Wednesday, for the third consecutive day, Pakistan’s Parliament debated whether to send troops, and perhaps aircraft and ships, to the Arabian Peninsula in support of one of the country’s closest allies.

Over the past four decades, the 550,000-member (642.892) :tsk: Pakistani army has repeatedly dispatched forces to Saudi Arabia to back a strategic alliance between the two Sunni-dominated nations. But the latest request from Saudi Arabia is prompting strong opposition from several major Pakistani political parties, reflecting the country’s fatigue with armed conflict as well as unease over whether events in Yemen could further inflame sectarian tensions in the Muslim world.

“Saudi Arabia has always supported Pakistan, but is Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity under threat?” Muzaffar Hussain Shah, a senator from the Pakistan Muslim League-F, asked on the floor of Parliament. “The answer is no. There is unanimity in this house that Pakistan can’t become part of this war. It’s not our war.”

When the Saudi air campaign in Yemen began two weeks ago, it appeared that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would commit forces to support the Saudi government.

Saudi airstrikes in Yemen

As in Saudi Arabia, Sunni Muslims are the overwhelming majority in Pakistan. Oil-rich Saudi Arabia has provided extensive financial help to Pakistan over the years, including a $1.5 billion loan last year to shore up the faltering rupee. Sharif also has deep personal ties to Saudi Arabia, where he took refuge when he was ousted in a military coup during a previous term as prime minister in the late 1990s.

Yet, in recent days, even Sharif has appeared to be recalculating the risks of entangling Pakistani troops in the crisis in Yemen.

Although Pakistan’s constitution gives the prime minister complete control over the armed forces, Sharif said this week that he first wants the blessing of Parliament, where debates have been known to drag on for months.

And while that deliberation continues, Sharif has been signaling that he plans to work with allies such as Turkey, which also has been reluctant to commit troops, to try to defuse tensions in Yemen.

Sharif’s government appeared Wednesday to step back even further from a troop commitment when Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived in Islamabad for two days of meetings with Pakistani leaders. Zarif, who is leading a 22-member Iranian delegation, urged Pakistani leaders to remain neutral in the conflict and instead work toward a cease-fire.

“It’s important for all of us to reach understanding that war is not a solution to the problem, so stop the bombardment, stop ground operation, allow humanitarian assistance, start talking and reach a peaceful settlement,” Zarif said after he met with Sartaj Aziz, Pakistan’s national security adviser.

Although there has been past tension in Pakistan’s relationship with neighboring Iran, Pakistani leaders fear a war in Yemen could be a distraction from efforts to finalize a nuclear agreement between Iran and a bloc of nations led by the United States. That deal could bolster Pakistan’s security by sparing it another nuclear-armed neighbor. The lifting of international sanctions on Iran also could expedite a planned gas pipeline between Iran and Pakistan.

Hasan Askari Rizvi, a security analyst based in Islamabad, said there is a broad desire in Pakistan that the military not be distracted from its battle against Islamist militants in the northwestern part of the country.

Pakistan’s military also remains uneasy about possible conflict with arch rival India along the country’s eastern border. And there are concerns that an extended military operation in Yemen against the Shiite Houthis could exacerbate tensions between Sunnis and Pakistan’s Shiite minority.

In a speech to Parliament on Wednesday, Shireen Mazari of the Movement for Justice party sought to draw parallels to Pakistan’s support for U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan.

“In the past, we fought for the United States in Afghanistan against the Soviets, and post-9/11, we fought another war for the U.S. by opening our country for the American army, CIA and Blackwater,” said Mazari, apparently referring to Pakistan’s decision to allow U.S. military hardware to be transported through Pakistan in the military campaign against the Taliban in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “We are suffering because of all of that.”

Still, with Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-N holding a solid majority in the assembly and the Senate, Rizvi said Parliament still may eventually endorse sending some troops to help Saudi Arabia. But Rizvi said he suspects lawmakers will seek to limit the scope of the operation.

“It might be very vague, such as saying Pakistan will protect Saudi Arabia’s holy places,” Rizvi said.

In the meantime, Pakistan is continuing efforts to rescue thousands of its citizens who are trapped in Yemen. In a rare instance of cooperation between Pakistan and India, the two countries have even been rescuing each other’s citizens.

Eleven Indian nationals arrived home Wednesday night after Pakistan’s navy rescued them along with 171 Pakistani nationals from the southern city of Mokallah in Yemen.

“They’ve taken great trouble to do something, and we need to appreciate that,” India’s foreign secretary, S. Jaishankar, told reporters. “We approach this whole issue as an opportunity to really cooperate with each other.”

Over the past week, India’s air force and navy also have rescued 4,000 Indian nationals and more than 500 foreigners from 32 countries, including three Pakistanis and a dozen U.S. citizens, officials said.

Annie Gowen in New Delhi contributed to this report.

Why Pakistan is still undecided about sending troops to fight in Yemen - The Washington Post
Pakistan has to decide and decide soon and in favor of Saudi Arabia. When 1979 Kaba siege happened and rumors were spread that Jews have attacked Kaba on very same day people attacked and burned down USA embassy, and if today war enters Saudi Borders Pakistan and entire Muslim world will be on fire can't let that happen we have to go in
Pakistan has to decide and decide soon and in favor of Saudi Arabia. When 1979 Kaba siege happened and rumors were spread that Jews have attacked Kaba on very same day people attacked and burned down USA embassy, and if today war enters Saudi Borders Pakistan and entire Muslim world will be on fire can't let that happen we have to go in
wow! KSA is attacking on yemen, yemen is not attacking KSA..
this era is digital.
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