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Why Pakistan is fighting its war against Terrorism alone? Where are allies?

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Such a stupid comparison.

India is longstanding ally of Russia but during first Afghan war India did not lend any helping hand to Russia unlike today when India is sleepless to have some influence in Afghanistan.

Now coming to current scenario

1. It was never Pakistan's war rather we were dragged into it by US for its stupid follies so there is no question of China jumping into the an American war.

2. China is extending all out help to Pakistan when US was inked nuclear deal with India out of its stupid policies thinking that India might be a good friend to US and US can earn some money through the deal. It is China that has offered us two nuclear plants. :china:

3. Its China that had also provided us equipment free of cost to improve our local security. :china:

4. Turkey was always there for I dont think so Turkey or China needs to send their forces to fight Indian funded TTP ;)

5. We never expected anything from Arab countries for they have never been so much confident even to solve their own issues. Rather it was Pakistani Airforce that had helped them in getting **** out of Israelis in their war against the Zionists.

6. Uncle Sam needs us as much as we need him thats why he is giving us weapons otherwise Bharatis have tried their level best to get some kind of role in Afghanistan but US have only kept Hindustan on rhetoric

A usual Pakistani habit of bringing india into everything.ok now lets see where indian relnship stands with iots allies

1) russia and india . russia has shared all of its hi tech equipment from nuclear submarines to the stealth bomber pak-fa .

as far as afganistan is concerned russia is extending all its support like intelligence and providing a route for indian logistic through central asia and even sharing its airforce base in tajikistan.

2) wen us ofers help to pak its intelligent ,but wen its comes to offering help to india its stupid ,just because u dont like it . let me remind us is offering most of the hitech weapons which they r using themselves ,from p8i to advanced hercules and even apache longbow and surprise surprie we dont have any obligation of not using it against pakistan unlike u have an clause were u cant use te weapons supplied by us against india because they r donating it to u .

3) china -india relationship .on a recent visit by te indian president to china ,the chinese hinted of lending their support for indian bid for permanent unsc seat .and they did everything to please their indian counterpart.

4) indian funded ttp :rofl::rofl: mam u livin in dreams .it is ur country tht funds terrorist not we .the whole world knows that ,and as result of tht ur fellow brothers in western countries hv to pose as indians.

5) arabs pose as ur freinds and israel is a kind of enemy to u ,but in indias case both r freinds to us .

6) dreams again wake up .wen willl u .we do play a very important role in afganistan ,like building their infrastructure and educating them and training their army. thts wy ur gov, is constantly funding attacks on indian missions in afganistan.
The starting post of this thread is the dumbest one

Looking at your reactions and answers, I am inclined to think otherwise.

In addition, if the question was dumb, you wouldn't bother to reply in such a detail .. Would you ?? :D
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when its down to battle of survival only people who want you to survive for their sake are help full, there's nothing like friendship in International politics, its all about convergence & divergence of interests

nothing surprising Arabs are the biggest financiers of this self righteous idealogical & physical slaughter of our country, something atleast 95% of Pakistanis ignore

Such a stupid comparison.

India is longstanding ally of Russia but during first Afghan war India did not lend any helping hand to Russia unlike today when India is sleepless to have some influence in Afghanistan.

Now coming to current scenario

1. It was never Pakistan's war rather we were dragged into it by US for its stupid follies so there is no question of China jumping into the an American war.

2. China is extending all out help to Pakistan when US was inked nuclear deal with India out of its stupid policies thinking that India might be a good friend to US and US can earn some money through the deal. It is China that has offered us two nuclear plants. :china:

3. Its China that had also provided us equipment free of cost to improve our local security. :china:

4. Turkey was always there for I dont think so Turkey or China needs to send their forces to fight Indian funded TTP ;)

5. We never expected anything from Arab countries for they have never been so much confident even to solve their own issues. Rather it was Pakistani Airforce that had helped them in getting **** out of Israelis in their war against the Zionists.

6. Uncle Sam needs us as much as we need him thats why he is giving us weapons otherwise Bharatis have tried their level best to get some kind of role in Afghanistan but US have only kept Hindustan on rhetoric

I am so confused!!!!!!!!!!!:undecided:
because above three posts are dead right, but contrasting each other.

May be we should learn to keep both brotherhood and interests at same level. Excess of everything is bad.

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Why dont india call for Russian soldiers to fight Moist rebels. ???

In this time china gave us many hardware on soft loans. US is giving Aid. I dont know anything about KSA neither i care. Turkey is not stopping any projects with Pakistan because of the financial crisis Pakistan is having. What else you think allies do. Pakistan in not in any alliance in which it allows foreign country troops to operate in Pakistan.
1) India has done all it can in afgan war by supporting Northern Alliance and there is some humanitarian assistance too. Now India is supporting its old friend defense industry by doing defense deals and JV's.

2) Where is China in 1971 indo-pak war?
Where is China in 1999 kargil war?
India has got russia's support during the two wars but China have't issued a clear cut statement in favor of pakistan.

I agree Chinese are supporting you by giving arms to wage a war with an imagined enemy india, This does not qualify as a best friendship as pakistan thinks.
To remind you pakistans economy (which is in bad shape) is dependent on IMF, World bank and US aid not China.
All china doing is arming pakistan to deter India nothing more.
The so called nuclear reactors are for nuclear weapons and will not help to improve your economy much as compared to the aid you are receiving.

3) TTP is pakistans strategic fault today pakistan is suffering because of lot of groups TTP is one of them.
It is pakistans fault to support extremism thinking it as a one edged sword. God only knows when will pakistan stop thinking extremists as a strategic assets against India, Which is hurting pakistan more these days.

4)Helping Arabs is pakistan strategy to gain superiority in Arab world which did not work well and the end result is enemity with Israel.

5) I don't know Why people here celebrate when they get a new weapon like F16 rather than focusing on current economic and social problems and solving them.
And last but not the least
If INDIA joins the SCO then India can play a far more bigger role in afganistan even after US leaves along with russia and adjacent countries.

1. India jumped in to support Nothern Alliance only when Russia was out and when there was Taliban government. Before that during War against Russia all factions including NA along with Hikmatyar, Rabbani, Rasool Sayaf and others were fighting against Russia and Ahmad Shah Masood was also our (Pakistan's) boy So there is no question about India supporting NA at that time that too against Russia.

2. In 71 we did the blunder of trusted US and there was no way for China to come at a time when everything was ruined by our blind trust in US of A.

And NO India is not an imaginary enemy rather India is Pakistan's enemy from day One when Pakistan came into being. It was India that had sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan.

These were Indian founding fathers who were day dreaming that Pakistan will not survive for more than few weeks.

Besides whats the big deal if China is arming us against India for the matter of fact USA is now arming India against China and USA is now using India.


To remind you about the level of poverty in India despite your strong economy you also get aid from these institutions please do google a bit.

3. India supported and spread extremism rather terrorist by creating and funding terrorist organisation LTTE in Sri Lanka and you are also funding and sheltering Terrorist from BLA for fanning terrorism in Balochistan, Pakistan so India is no saint either.

4. Israel had tried to attack Pakistani nuclear plant with help of India so we can not trust Israel no matter if Arabs support us or not.

Above all we believe that "Allah kisi beghairat sat Ummat ki hifazat ka kam nahi lay laga balkay kuch khas hee log hotay hain jo ummat ki hifazat karay gain" And Pakistan is one of these who have been blessed by Allah to protect the ummmat. :pakistan:

BTW why Indians are worried whether Pakistan support Arabs without expecting anything in return or not

5. And i wonder why People of India get sleepless when Pakistan get an F-16 that too an old version rather older one rather than Indians focusing on solving own Maoist and poverty problems :angel:

And last but not the least

if INDIA joins the SCO then India can play a far more bigger role in afganistan even after US leaves along with russia and adjacent countries.

SCO has shown signs of willingness to include Pakistan and India both in the organisations so stop day dreaming that India will bypass or even surpass Pakistan in Afghanistan.

India is NON-entity in Afghanistan so dont poke your nose even

Why dont india call for Russian soldiers to fight Moist rebels. ???

In this time china gave us many hardware on soft loans. US is giving Aid. I dont know anything about KSA neither i care. Turkey is not stopping any projects with Pakistan because of the financial crisis Pakistan is having. What else you think allies do. Pakistan in not in any alliance in which it allows foreign country troops to operate in Pakistan.

Well i think u dont know anything about maosit.... if Indian leadership wants it can neutralize maosits within matter of days.... but there are many dirty political games being played out here ... some ministers are hand in gloves with maosists... vote bank... and many more stuff.... so it has become mess for India...

India does not require anybodys help it needs their own leaders to be firm and decicive
Isn't this war against terrorism Pakistan's own war according to GOP Ministers.

Then why do you expect anyone else to help you ??
Why dont india call for Russian soldiers to fight Moist rebels. ???

In this time china gave us many hardware on soft loans. US is giving Aid. I dont know anything about KSA neither i care. Turkey is not stopping any projects with Pakistan because of the financial crisis Pakistan is having. What else you think allies do. Pakistan in not in any alliance in which it allows foreign country troops to operate in Pakistan.

first of all india dont need any help to fight with moist or pakistan ...
but pakistan officially announce that they need aid to fight terrorism
and no one here talking about military we are talking about so called allies because all pakistany member always say that their allies (china, turkey, arabs ) help them in any situation but u got aid (or donation) from usa only ... why????
1. India jumped in to support Nothern Alliance only when Russia was out and when there was Taliban government. Before that during War against Russia all factions including NA along with Hikmatyar, Rabbani, Rasool Sayaf and others were fighting against Russia and Ahmad Shah Masood was also our (Pakistan's) boy So there is no question about India supporting NA at that time that too against Russia.

2. In 71 we did the blunder of trusted US and there was no way for China to come at a time when everything was ruined by our blind trust in US of A.

And NO India is not an imaginary enemy rather India is Pakistan's enemy from day One when Pakistan came into being. It was India that had sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan.

These were Indian founding fathers who were day dreaming that Pakistan will not survive for more than few weeks.

Besides whats the big deal if China is arming us against India for the matter of fact USA is now arming India against China and USA is now using India.


To remind you about the level of poverty in India despite your strong economy you also get aid from these institutions please do google a bit.

3. India supported and spread extremism rather terrorist by creating and funding terrorist organisation LTTE in Sri Lanka and you are also funding and sheltering Terrorist from BLA for fanning terrorism in Balochistan, Pakistan so India is no saint either.

4. Israel had tried to attack Pakistani nuclear plant with help of India so we can not trust Israel no matter if Arabs support us or not.

Above all we believe that "Allah kisi beghairat sat Ummat ki hifazat ka kam nahi lay laga balkay kuch khas hee log hotay hain jo ummat ki hifazat karay gain" And Pakistan is one of these who have been blessed by Allah to protect the ummmat. :pakistan:

BTW why Indians are worried whether Pakistan support Arabs without expecting anything in return or not

5. And i wonder why People of India get sleepless when Pakistan get an F-16 that too an old version rather older one rather than Indians focusing on solving own Maoist and poverty problems :angel:

And last but not the least

SCO has shown signs of willingness to include Pakistan and India both in the organisations so stop day dreaming that India will bypass or even surpass Pakistan in Afghanistan.

India is NON-entity in Afghanistan so dont poke your nose even

India has not started any of the wars They are all pakistan failed adventures which your own military commanders agreed. It was pakistan's propaganda to bury its war blunders and to some extent they are successful in sowing the seeds of hatred in future generations :coffee:

India may have created LTTE as per your clams but eventually it was destroyed with the help of India so why not pakistan in case of LET, JEM and etc.

Don't worry about Indian economy it is self sustained and is in upward direction and all the issues will be taken care of.

Just look at the defence deals of india, we are still depending on Russia and israel not the US
US can never bully India and India is a strong country which has its own goals and interests. Our foreign policy is self governed unlike pakistan. Where as China and pakistans case is entirely different it is a strategy of china to contain india rather than friendship.
Israel tried to bomb the nuclear plant Since pakistan claimed that it is in the process of making Islamic bomb and tried to pretend as a saviour of islamic world and it is pakistan's strategic mistake.
if India gets a place in SCO then pakistan too will get but with Russia and other states on indian side India is at advantageous position in afgan region.
India has not started any of the wars They are all pakistan failed adventures which your own military commanders agreed. It was pakistan's propaganda to bury its war blunders and to some extent they are successful in sowing the seeds of hatred in future generations :coffee:

India may have created LTTE as per your clams but eventually it was destroyed with the help of India so why not pakistan in case of LET, JEM and etc.

Don't worry about Indian economy it is self sustained and is in upward direction and all the issues will be taken care of.

Just look at the defence deals of india, we are still depending on Russia and israel not the US
US can never bully India and India is a strong country which has its own goals and interests. Our foreign policy is self governed unlike pakistan. Where as China and pakistans case is entirely different it is a strategy of china to contain india rather than friendship.
Israel tried to bomb the nuclear plant Since pakistan claimed that it is in the process of making Islamic bomb and tried to pretend as a saviour of islamic world and it is pakistan's strategic mistake.
if India gets a place in SCO then pakistan too will get but with Russia and other states on indian side India is at advantageous position in afgan region.

My God, every Indian who come on this forum assumes that Indian won the wars, go and read many threads written to clarify that.

Just a hint, India interfered in east Pakistan and trained traiters like Mukti Buhini for saveral years and than interferd in Pakistani internal affairs.

are u telling us that we are wrong to be allied with U.S. of A. very strange.

When u tow the Russian line in declaring UR self a non alligned country, u should know that U.R.and were fullfilling Russian desires and that is why they suported u.
it has nothing to do with being nonalligned, u did not stop there, U suported Russians invation of Afghanistan, of Vietnam and other advanture, so don't go telling us that Russia does and donot influence u.

Get off your false and self praising nonaligned thing, u were with Rusians. Cupish. Dude.
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Thats the rule of world............
First make safe urself than think about the friend......
Pakistan is the only country in the world which thinks first about friends......

This is the land of lions & Lions don't need dogs for help.

Proud to be a Pakistani.
nothing surprising Arabs are the biggest financiers of this self righteous idealogical & physical slaughter of our country, something atleast 95% of Pakistanis ignore

EmO pls stop bashing arabs in general, just bash there ruler's who r doing all this, keep common arab out of it, he is as helpless as we r.
Thats the rule of world............
First make safe urself than think about the friend......
Pakistan is the only country in the world which thinks first about friends......

This is the land of lions & Lions don't need dogs for help.

Proud to be a Pakistani.

I agree to disagree, Pakistan is a land of farmer's, peasant's and labourer's , ruled by pack of wolve's.

There is no sign of Lion any where, i hope he comes soon................
salam to all
pakistani broz,,,,whether these groups either ttp or let e.t.c
let me clear you something
Jehad can only be declared when state decided it otherwise there shouldn't be any jehad,,if some groups or personnals start fighting and said it is jehad then it is something else not jehad...
these groups should not have such weopons that they have,,plz tell me in any islamic system does any group carry weopons or dictating any terms with the govt..unless the state is not islamic,,,,so you guyz plz clear me is this a islamic state or not....
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