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Why Japan tilted towards India

you should have knowleage of what your own govt policy on india before make a statement on bilateral relations...

relations has derailed over visa issue ..you need a complete sentences on it ?

don't you get what i am talking about..?

Look, not being clear in communicating doesn't give you any right to be condescending and I was referring to threads and discussions being derailed not relations, if you didn't understand that, that's not my fault.

You are arguing completely off point.
Sure, I know plenty of Indian "problems" but I happen to know lots of Chinese ones too. So keep that in mind before reminding anything.

And by the way, he was curious about the meaning of that phrase and I explained it to him. So why is it causing your rectum to burn?!

Yes, we all got problems, however differences= our problems are open to discuss on a daily basis on this forum and yours?:lol:
Why Japan tilted towards India

what it has to do with china..?
A conclusive answer:
Japan invested billions of dollars in China,which triggered its growth.
Now,India's growth is already triggered and with additional Japanese investment,the future looks brighter than shinning for India.
I really don't care that you think my statements are veiled insults. Your criticism would make more sense if the vast majority of flamers and derailers in China-India threads aren't of Indian origin. How many sub 100 post then banned Indian members are there here? It has been impossible to discuss anything reasonably.

Same goes with me too, however i was only educating my country man that the same goes the other side too with just one exception. There are lot of people who have become senior members from my side, Benny Sancho Dash etc are some of them only. I am not a senior member but i have never been banned and i never troll, it was once or twice when i lost my cool.

Infact i don't care about the drivel spalshed at my country because it doesn't change anything. I can name people here with Chinese flags posting lots of nonsense. They join smartly along with Pakistani fanboys and post all kinds of nonsensical posts about Toilets and what not. Infact i have seen u too many times joining the fun (no pun intended). One of the best example is conworldus and peaceful.

The only exception standing out high and tall is Chinese Dragon who epitomises peaceful existence.
japan+ India =china out from south and south east Asia.

Your off -topic posts will get deleted.as this Japan-India thread,not related to China.
herefore, putting together the negative and positive ramifications for the Chinese economy, it is easy to conclude that China’s financial and real estate troubles are real. The manufacturing economy, although linked to consumers in the West, will chug it along. This is the best that the Chinese can hope for.

Unexpectedly, the United States may see an opportunity to press China to revise its currency, which has stayed largely undervalued. This is not a pretty picture for China.

Additional concerns arise when one notes that in an average good year prior to 2009, 20 percent of China’s bank loans went sour. In contrast, average bad bank loans elsewhere in the world were 2 percent. With huge bank disbursements in 2009, mostly to unsavory but well-connected people, China’s bad loan position may jump to 30-40 percent. So no matter how one looks at it, China’s financial markets are headed for trouble.

China’s manufacturing economy will soon face problems of its own. It was in 1979 that Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping instituted a one-child policy that won accolades in the West. Since then, the population base is growing old. The manufacturing sector will have trouble replacing old retiring workers with young ones.

Also, smartly educated youngsters may not opt for factory jobs, preferring office jobs or high-end technical jobs. There is no dearth of labor in China to run assembly lines or work on simple construction projects. But a major production disruption is possible if nobody wants to work on these jobs.

Big troubles are forecast for the Chinese economy in the near term and it is all because it is trying to outdo the West. If trouble strikes, it is the West that will gain.

Infact i don't care about the drivel spalshed at my country because it doesn't change anything. I can name people here with Chinese flags posting lots of nonsense. They join smartly along with Pakistani fanboys and post all kinds of nonsensical posts about Toilets and what not. Infact i have seen u too many times joining the fun (no pun intended).

I"ve never seen Cardsharp indulge in such fun.

Besides other Chinese members like sigecrossbow, chauism and many more to mention don't indulge into any of those sissy troll contests.

By the way! why are we discussing people?:D
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