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Why Japan tilted towards India


Feb 23, 2009
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Why Japan tilted towards India - Hindustan Times

The Manmohan Singh government gives pride of place in its foreign policy to countries with the ways and means to transform India. The leader of the pack today, in a typically understated fashion, is Japan. The story goes back to the late 1990s. Japan had invested hundreds of billions of dollars in

China and had contributed hugely to the rise of the Middle Kingdom. But it wasn’t earning much gratitude for it. The Chinese Communist Party, whose legitimacy partly arises from fighting the Japanese invasion before the second world war, became more nationalistic as China became stronger.

Japan, facing an ageing workforce and in need of a new overseas manufacturing hub, considered Vietnam (too small), Indonesia (too seismic) and India. India’s problem was its shoddy infrastructure and seeming inability to do anything about it. As a Japanese diplomat said then, “We decided to shift our aid programme to infrastructure rather than poverty alleviation.” One consequence was the Delhi Metro.

Post-Cold War uncertainty helped feed a new conservative Japanese politics that manifested itself in the election of prime ministers like Junichiro Koizumi, Shinzo Abe and Taro Aso. Each of them saw India as a potential player in a Pacific Great Game in which hedging against China was pretty much the only rule.

Three things changed the game. One, Chinese bellicosity and Japanese economic decline helped seal a political consensus in Tokyo that for reasons either strategic or economic, India was an essential part of Japan’s foreign partnering. Thus, when the present Democratic Party of Japan came to power, virtually their first action was to kick off the industrial corridor. They were soft on China, but their economic growth strategy had a huge India component. This helped reassure New Delhi as well. Indian officials often fretted about Japan’s short-lived governments.

Two, closer relations between India and the US helped Japan get the confidence to raise the stakes. Thus was born the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, a $90 billion whopper that, when completed, will give India a state-of-the-art manufacturing and exporting base. When Indian officials talk about Indo-Japan relations being transformational, they are talking about this sort of thing.

Three, India Inc knocked the kimonos off Japan Inc by winning Alfred Deming Prizes. Demings are given for quality manufacturing. Over the past decade, unknown Indian auto-component firms began beating competitors, including Japan. In the past 10 years, India has won more Demings than any other country other than Japan itself. Corporate Japan was convinced: India had proven it wasn’t just another grimy face.

After muddling around at about Rs 2,000 crore a year, Japan firms invested a hefty Rs 9,000 crore in 2007. Recent polls show that 70 per cent of Japanese firms say India is their preferred investment destination. Today, an average of 100 Japanese firms are moving here every year. As the comfort level rose, mergers and acquisitions such as Daiichi-Sankyo’s $4.6 billion purchase of Ranbaxy, India’s largest pharma company, too place. The economic relationship is now a fixture. The soon-to-be-completed free-trade agreement will put in place the last missing piece: the drawing of India into the global supply chains of Japanese manufacturers.

Today, the circle is complete. Japan’s initial strategic interest manifested itself in the creation of an economic bond. That bond is now so large that it is giving birth to an independent strategic policy.

Last year, India and Japan signed a bilateral defence framework. A former Japanese official noted, “Japan has only two other comparable agreements, with the US and Australia. And the Australian one is hazier than the one we have with you.” The final culmination of this will be an Indo-Japanese nuclear deal. Both sides know this will be a tough baby to deliver, but both capitals have a political consensus that this is a marriage made in the hard realities of earth.
Why Japan tilted towards India - Hindustan Times

The Manmohan Singh government gives pride of place in its foreign policy to countries with the ways and means to transform India. The leader of the pack today, in a typically understated fashion, is Japan. The story goes back to the late 1990s. Japan had invested hundreds of billions of dollars in

China and had contributed hugely to the rise of the Middle Kingdom. But it wasn’t earning much gratitude for it. The Chinese Communist Party, whose legitimacy partly arises from fighting the Japanese invasion before the second world war, became more nationalistic as China became stronger.

Japan, facing an ageing workforce and in need of a new overseas manufacturing hub, considered Vietnam (too small), Indonesia (too seismic) and India. India’s problem was its shoddy infrastructure and seeming inability to do anything about it. As a Japanese diplomat said then, “We decided to shift our aid programme to infrastructure rather than poverty alleviation.” One consequence was the Delhi Metro.

Post-Cold War uncertainty helped feed a new conservative Japanese politics that manifested itself in the election of prime ministers like Junichiro Koizumi, Shinzo Abe and Taro Aso. Each of them saw India as a potential player in a Pacific Great Game in which hedging against China was pretty much the only rule.

Three things changed the game. One, Chinese bellicosity and Japanese economic decline helped seal a political consensus in Tokyo that for reasons either strategic or economic, India was an essential part of Japan’s foreign partnering. Thus, when the present Democratic Party of Japan came to power, virtually their first action was to kick off the industrial corridor. They were soft on China, but their economic growth strategy had a huge India component. This helped reassure New Delhi as well. Indian officials often fretted about Japan’s short-lived governments.

Two, closer relations between India and the US helped Japan get the confidence to raise the stakes. Thus was born the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, a $90 billion whopper that, when completed, will give India a state-of-the-art manufacturing and exporting base. When Indian officials talk about Indo-Japan relations being transformational, they are talking about this sort of thing.

Three, India Inc knocked the kimonos off Japan Inc by winning Alfred Deming Prizes. Demings are given for quality manufacturing. Over the past decade, unknown Indian auto-component firms began beating competitors, including Japan. In the past 10 years, India has won more Demings than any other country other than Japan itself. Corporate Japan was convinced: India had proven it wasn’t just another grimy face.

After muddling around at about Rs 2,000 crore a year, Japan firms invested a hefty Rs 9,000 crore in 2007. Recent polls show that 70 per cent of Japanese firms say India is their preferred investment destination. Today, an average of 100 Japanese firms are moving here every year. As the comfort level rose, mergers and acquisitions such as Daiichi-Sankyo’s $4.6 billion purchase of Ranbaxy, India’s largest pharma company, too place. The economic relationship is now a fixture. The soon-to-be-completed free-trade agreement will put in place the last missing piece: the drawing of India into the global supply chains of Japanese manufacturers.

Today, the circle is complete. Japan’s initial strategic interest manifested itself in the creation of an economic bond. That bond is now so large that it is giving birth to an independent strategic policy.

Last year, India and Japan signed a bilateral defence framework. A former Japanese official noted, “Japan has only two other comparable agreements, with the US and Australia. And the Australian one is hazier than the one we have with you.” The final culmination of this will be an Indo-Japanese nuclear deal. Both sides know this will be a tough baby to deliver, but both capitals have a political consensus that this is a marriage made in the hard realities of earth.

I read it on the toilet seat this morning..
China has put a limitation on export of rare earth minerals to Japan. This will adversely affect the Chinese hi-tech industry. This move came after a Chinese ship was caught lurking around one of Japanese islands. Of late Sino-Japanese relations have hit rock bottom. This will indirectly help India.
Japanese-Chinese relations have been hurt badly.
So now,the main player for Japan left in Asia is India.
Leave that aside,Indo-Japanese relations were good all time.

Japanese economy has seen a decline while India's economy has seen a rapid advancement,India can get better technology and expertise from Japan while Japan can wet its hands in India's powerful emerging economy.

Both countries can only benefit from each other.
Japan will tilt where they can sell..an attitude of any business man!
American and European market is rapidly eroding while Chinese and India is rising!
Japan will tilt where they can sell..an attitude of any business man!
American and European market is rapidly eroding while Chinese and India is rising!

That is what world economy is all about. Its the international trade that contributes so significantly to the GDP growth. See what China did in last 20 years..
China and had contributed hugely to the rise of the Middle Kingdom. But it wasn’t earning much gratitude for it. The Chinese Communist Party, whose legitimacy partly arises from fighting the Japanese invasion before the second world war, became more nationalistic as China became stronger.
Japanese-Chinese relations have been hurt badly.
So now,the main player for Japan left in Asia is India.
Leave that aside,Indo-Japanese relations were good all time.

Japanese economy has seen a decline while India's economy has seen a rapid advancement,India can get better technology and expertise from Japan while Japan can wet its hands in India's powerful emerging economy.

Both countries can only benefit from each other.

China has put a limitation on export of rare earth minerals to Japan. This will adversely affect the Chinese hi-tech industry. This move came after a Chinese ship was caught lurking around one of Japanese islands. Of late Sino-Japanese relations have hit rock bottom. This will indirectly help India.

East Asian politics through Indian eyes. What you see is angry citizen protests on both sides, what you don't see is a cool and level-head on both governments. You can call the fishing boat thing aggression by China (invasion force of one fishing boat? ok.)and very very damaging if you want but trade hasn't been affected. If China puts an cap on the export of rare-earth metal, the Japanese will just move operations inside China as there are no limitations on rare-earth metal content in finished products. If I had to guess who Japan's largest trade partner is 10 years down the road, I know where my money would be and it won't be India.
If we let Japanese companies do that. Currently, we can't afford any more loss of rare earth materials. If there is a shortage, the US can open its mines. They closed it due to "environmental concerns" (probably posted by fake journalists), now we do the same and they're protesting? that shows that we MUST severely limit the export rate. It's ridiculous that we have 97% control of this market yet we do not have price dictating power.
If we let Japanese companies do that. Currently, we can't afford any more loss of rare earth materials. If there is a shortage, the US can open its mines. They closed it due to "environmental concerns" (probably posted by fake journalists), now we do the same and they're protesting? that shows that we MUST severely limit the export rate. It's ridiculous that we have 97% control of this market yet we do not have price dictating power.

Rare earth metal prices have been way too low and the environmental cost way too high. It's about time that the rest of the world produced their own . You can't complain about China's pollution while at the same time shifting your own cost in pollution overseas.
What irks me right now is how Indian members revel in China's contentious relations with other nations. As if China is paying some kind of "price" for its "aggression" and as if they prove their moral superiority wooing those who's feeling were hurt by China.

The world is not dictate by niceties like friendliness. There is only overlapping interest and opportunities. At the end of the day, nothing else matters.
india has already moved on ...has it better japan decided it 15 years back..but they preffered china that time ..and now china copied everything they had ,left japan with a yallow face....

japan has left very little to offer now in india , and it will be hard for them to penitrate into the indian market.....

korien has out smart japan in india related policies , they pick india at the right time and now they are well place ...

Translation that's what you get for picking the treacherous Chinese over the us friendly Indians. You didn't pick us then, so now we don't want to play with you.

Nevermind that neither party was right for each other in the early 80's and that India has plenty to gain from Japan now.
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