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Why Israel won't survive


Nov 3, 2008
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Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 19 January 2009

The merciless Israeli bombardment of Gaza has stopped -- for now -- but the death toll keeps rising as more bodies are pulled from carpet- bombed neighborhoods.

What Israel perpetrated in Gaza, starting at 11:30am on 27 December 2008, will remain forever engraved in history and memory. Tel al-Hawa, Hayy al-Zeitoun, Khuzaa and other sites of Israeli massacres will join a long mournful list that includes Deir Yasin, Qibya, Kufr Qasim, Sabra and Shatila, Qana, and Jenin.

Once again, Israel demonstrated that it possesses the power and the lack of moral restraint necessary to commit atrocities against a population of destitute refugees it has caged and starved.

The dehumanization and demonization of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims has escalated to the point where Israel can with full self- righteousness bomb their homes, places of worship, schools, universities, factories, fishing boats, police stations -- in short everything that sustains civilized and orderly life -- and claim it is conducting a war against terrorism.

Yet paradoxically, it is Israel as a Zionist state, not Palestine or the Palestinian people, that cannot survive this attempted genocide.

Israel's "war" was not about rockets -- they served the same role in its narrative as the non-existent weapons of mass destruction did as the pretext for the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Israel's real goals were to restore its "deterrence" fatally damaged after its 2006 defeat in Lebanon (translation: its ability to massacre and terrorize entire populations into submission) and to destroy any Palestinian resistance to total Israeli-Jewish control over historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

With Hamas and other resistance factions removed or fatally weakened, Israel hoped the way would be clear to sign a "peace" deal with chief Palestinian collaborator Mahmoud Abbas to manage Palestinians on Israel's behalf until they could be forced out once and for all.

The US-backed "moderate" dictatorships and absolute monarchies led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia supported the Israeli plan hoping to demonstrate to their own people that resistance -- whether against Israel or their own bankrupt regimes -- was futile.

To win, Israel had to break Palestinian resistance. It failed. On the contrary, it galvanized and unified Palestinians like never before. All factions united and fought heroically for 23 days. According to well-informed and credible sources Israel did little harm to the modest but determined military capacity of the resistance. So instead Israel did what it does best: it massacred civilians in the hope that the population would turn against those fighting the occupier.

Israel not only unified the resistance factions in Gaza; its brutality rallied all Palestinians and Arabs.

It is often claimed that Arab regimes whip up anti-Israel anger to distract their populations from their own failings. Actually, Israel, the US and subservient Arab regimes tried everything -- especially demonizing Iran and inciting sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims -- to distract their populations from Palestine.

All this failed as millions of people across the region marched in support of Palestinian resistance, and the Arab regimes who hoped to benefit from the slaughter in Gaza have been exposed as partners in the Israeli atrocities. In popular esteem, Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions earned their place alongside Hizballah as effective bulwarks against Israeli and Western colonialism.

If there was ever a moment when the peoples of the region would accept Israel as a Zionist state in their midst, that has passed forever.

But anyone surveying the catastrophe in Gaza -- the mass destruction, the death toll of more than 100 Palestinians for every Israeli, the thousands of sadistic injuries -- would surely conclude that Palestinians could never overcome Israel and resistance is a delusion at best.

True, in terms of ability to murder and destroy, Israel is unmatched. But Israel's problem is not, as its propaganda insists, "terrorism" to be defeated by sufficient application of high explosives. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it. Israel simply cannot bomb its way to legitimacy.

Israel was founded as a "Jewish state" through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine's non-Jewish majority Arab population. It has been maintained in existence only through Western support and constant use of violence to prevent the surviving indigenous population from exercising political rights within the country, or returning from forced exile.

Despite this, today, 50 percent of the people living under Israeli rule in historic Palestine (Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip) are Palestinians, not Jews. And their numbers are growing rapidly. Like Nationalists in Northern Ireland or non-whites in South Africa, Palestinians will never recognize the "right" of a settler-colonial society to maintain an ethnocractic state at their expense through violence, repression and racism.

For years, the goal of the so-called peace process was to normalize Israel as a "Jewish state" and gain Palestinians' blessing for their own dispossession and subjugation. When this failed, Israel tried "disengagement" in Gaza -- essentially a ruse to convince the rest of the world that the 1.5 million Palestinians caged in there should no longer be counted as part of the population. They were in Israel's definition a "hostile entity."

In his notorious May 2004 interview with The Jerusalem Post, Arnon Soffer, an architect of the 2005 disengagement explained that the approach "doesn't guarantee 'peace,' it guarantees a Jewish- Zionist state with an overwhelming majority of Jews." Soffer predicted that in the future "when 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful."

He was unambiguous about what Israel would have to do to maintain this status quo: "If we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day." Soffer hoped that eventually, Palestinians would give up and leave Gaza altogether.

Through their resistance, steadfastness and sacrifice, Palestinians in Gaza have defeated this policy and reasserted that they are an inseparable part of Palestine, its people, its history and its future.

Israel is not the first settler-colonial entity to find itself in this position. When F.W. de Klerk, South Africa's last apartheid president, came to office in 1989, his generals calculated that solely with the overwhelming military force at their disposal, they could keep the regime in power for at least a decade. The casualties, however, would have run into hundreds of thousands, and South Africa would face ever greater isolation. Confronted with this reality, de Klerk took the decision to begin an orderly dismantling of apartheid.

What choice will Israel make? In the absence of any political and moral legitimacy the only arguments it has left are bullets and bombs. Left to its own devices Israel will certainly keep trying -- as it has for sixty years -- to massacre Palestinians into submission. Israel's achievement has been to make South Africa's apartheid leaders look wise, restrained and humane by comparison.

But what prevented South Africa's white supremacist government from escalating their own violence to Israeli levels of cruelty and audacity was not that they had greater scruples than the Zionist regime. It was recognition that they alone could not stand against a global anti-apartheid movement that was in solidarity with the internal resistance.

Israel's "military deterrent" has now been repeatedly discredited as a means to force Palestinians and other Arabs to accept Zionist supremacy as inevitable and permanent. Now, the other pillar of Israeli power -- Western support and complicity -- is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over.

Israel began its massacres with full support from its Western "friends." Then something amazing happened. Despite the official statements of support, despite the media censorship, despite the slick Israeli hasbara (propaganda) campaign, there was a massive, unprecedented public mobilization in Europe and even in North America expressing outrage and disgust.

Gaza will likely be seen as the turning point when Israeli propaganda lost its power to mystify, silence and intimidate as it has for so long. Even the Nazi Holocaust, long deployed by Zionists to silence Israel's critics, is becoming a liability; once unimaginable comparisons are now routinely heard. Jewish and Palestinian academics likened Israel's actions in Gaza to the Nazi massacre in the Warsaw Ghetto. A Vatican cardinal referred to Gaza as a "giant concentration camp." UK Member of Parliament Gerald Kaufman, once a staunch Zionist, told the House of Commons, "My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town of Staszow, [Poland]. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed." Kaufman continued, "my grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza." He denounced the Israeli military spokesperson's justifications as the words "of a Nazi."

It wasn't only such statements, but the enormous demonstrations, the nonviolent direct actions, and the unprecedented expressions of support for boycott, divestment and sanctions from major trade unions in Italy, Canada and New Zealand. An all-party group of city councillors in Birmingham, Europe's second largest municipal government, urged the UK government to follow suit. Salma Yaqoub of the RESPECT Party explained that "One of the factors that helped bring an end to the brutal apartheid regime in South Africa was international pressure for economic, sporting and cultural boycotts. It is time that Israel started to feel similar pressure from world opinion."

Israel, its true nature as failed, brutal colonial project laid bare in Gaza, is extremely vulnerable to such a campaign. Little noticed amidst the carnage in Gaza, Israel took another momentous step towards formal apartheid when the Knesset elections committee voted to ban Arab parties from participating in upcoming elections. Zionism, an ideology of racial supremacy, extremism and hate, is a dying project, in retreat and failing to find new recruits. With enough pressure, and relatively quickly, Israelis too would likely produce their own de Klerk ready to negotiate a way out. Every new massacre makes it harder, but a de-zionized, decolonized, reintegrated Palestine affording equal rights to all who live in it, regardless of religion or ethnicity, and return for refugees is not a utopian dream.

It is within reach, in our lifetimes. But it is far from inevitable. We can be sure that Western and Arab governments will continue to support Israeli apartheid and Palestinian collaboration under the guise of the "peace process" unless decisively challenged. Israeli massacres will continue and escalate until the nightmare of an Israeli- style "peace" -- apartheid and further ethnic cleansing -- is fulfilled.

The mobilizations of the past three weeks showed that a different world is possible and within our grasp if we support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Although they will never get to see it, that world would be a fitting memorial for all of Israel's victims.

ei: Why Israel won't survive
The title is deceptive and I was expective the usual superlatiives but the article is first class and not jingoistic at all.
good article imo as i've always said israel can kill all it wants but they will still be defeated not by wars but by arab population growth theres over 10 million palestinians living in other countries(mostly jordan) and only around 5-6 million israeli jews if they are ever granted right of return israel will be in serious trouble.
"the article is first class and not jingoistic at all."

Sure. 1300 dead, easily half combattants is "genocide". Uh-huh...

1300 dead...Gaza will lose that many this year to gang violence alone. We are talking about the same Hamas that capped Fatah guys in the knees before throwing them off building roofs.


When you live in a city-state next to a powerful neighbor, it's best not to elect a party who's declared purpose and raison d'etre is the destruction of that neighbor. If you do so and that party refuses to acknowledge your neighbor's right to exist and proceeds to carry out it's charter by firing rockets from densely populated areas yet simultaneously seeking protection by holding said citizens hostage to Israeli retaliation (and even INVITING such), you get ABSOLUTELY ALL THAT YOU DESERVE.

Welcome to the obligation of a responsible voter. You assume responsibility for your choice of leaders. There's no surprise here. Hamas has been clear in it's behavior. It's leaders in Damascus mince no words of their intent.

Remove Hamas. Stop firing rockets and recognize Israel's right to exist. Simple. Then do the really hard work of building a nation that does more than prepare it's children for the next intifada.

Genocide, holocaust, carpet-bombing...:disagree:

Foolish nonsense.

So be it. The Gazans have reaped and will continue to reap the whirlwind of their own seeds of destruction.
"the article is first class and not jingoistic at all."

Sure. 1300 dead, easily half combattants is "genocide". Uh-huh...

1300 dead...Gaza will lose that many this year to gang violence alone. We are talking about the same Hamas that capped Fatah guys in the knees before throwing them off building roofs.


When you live in a city-state next to a powerful neighbor, it's best not to elect a party who's declared purpose and raison d'etre is the destruction of that neighbor. If you do so and that party refuses to acknowledge your neighbor's right to exist and proceeds to carry out it's charter by firing rockets from densely populated areas yet simultaneously seeking protection by holding said citizens hostage to Israeli retaliation (and even INVITING such), you get ABSOLUTELY ALL THAT YOU DESERVE.

Welcome to the obligation of a responsible voter. You assume responsibility for your choice of leaders. There's no surprise here. Hamas has been clear in it's behavior. It's leaders in Damascus mince no words of their intent.

Remove Hamas. Stop firing rockets and recognize Israel's right to exist. Simple. Then do the really hard work of building a nation that does more than prepare it's children for the next intifada.

Genocide, holocaust, carpet-bombing...:disagree:

Foolish nonsense.

So be it. The Gazans have reaped and will continue to reap the whirlwind of their own seeds of destruction.

If you had an iota of shame, your thoughts would have been different.

But oops, my bad, why am i asking it from you people. From them who are running israel or i must say it is the other way around.

And you say neighbor's right to exist? Or may i say a neighbor's right to 'expand'

Feel some shame if you have any when you say they got what they deserved.

They deserved that their children should be killed.

What if the terrorist killed your children, as they also claim that YOU got what you deserved on 9/11??? For God Sake!!! What are you talking about.

You kept mum on this entire israeli episode just because you thought that it was Hamas' fault and what israel did was right.
Don't you think many of the Muslims also think (which is actually wrong) that it was American policies that brought 9/11 onto the US soil????
"If you had an iota of shame, your thoughts would have been different."

Not at all. I think it's foolish to believe that citizens don't bear responsibility for the political choices they make and endorse through election. You cannot elect Hamas without knowing that they renounce Israel's right to exist, intend within their charter it's destruction, and manifest it by firing rockets without any sense of discrimination as to their final target without expecting that state to do what it must.

Since 2005 Hamas has fired 7,000 rockets, missiles, and mortars into Israel without a clue where they land. That's indiscriminate as it gets. They do so in "ones" and "twos". That's a lot of discriminate choices to fire rockets, missiles, and mortars indiscriminately. I hope you get my drift. They choose to wantonly threaten both Israel's and their own citizens each and every time this choice is made.

That Hamas compounds it's irresponsible conduct by doing so from areas which are highly populated shows a calculated callousness that includes inviting Israeli retaliation. DARING it even while PRAYING for the possible consequences.

Israeli forces at least do so wearing the uniform of their nation. Hamas instructs it's forces to remove uniforms and merge with the populace. The IDF address is well-known. So too the near and far H.Q. of Hamas. One set of leaders are encamped beneath Gaza's largest hospital. The other set are in Damascus.


Most say 1300 dead. Most say about half are combattants. Most say 10 Israeli soldiers killed. Most would say that Israel can bear to do this again and again and again. Neither Hamas nor Gaza proved to be anything remotely like POG and southern Lebanon in 2006. Nasrallah might be next. I'd guess that Israel is just itching to show all it's learned since the last go-around. They'll settle for Hamas until then.

I don't know. The Tunisians kicked out the PLO. The Lebanese did too. We know that the Jordanians sure as hell did. Palestinians aren't real welcome in Kuwait.

"They deserved that their children should be killed."

If their children were foremost on their minds they would have resisted with every ounce of power that they could muster any forays by Hamas rocketeers into their neighborhoods. If they'd REALLY cared, they'd never voted for Hamas in the first place.

Hamas' intent has always been clear. Gaza is small. From where did Gazans THINK that rockets and mortars would be fired at Israel- the ocean?

"What if the terrorist killed your children, as they also claim that YOU got what you deserved on 9/11??? For God Sake!!! What are you talking about."

It was the taliban gov't sovereign responsibility to hunt down and hand over al Qaeda to America promptly. They didn't and we made war.

It is Pakistan's responsibility to prevent taliban forces of Afghanistan's defeated government from using Pakistani land as sanctuary from which to make war upon Afghanistan, the U.N., ISAF, and NATO. Because you don't in adequate fashion, we reserve the right to defend ourselves. We do so selectively with PREDATOR but should the risk from your nation ever escalate, we'll defend our forces and mission in Afghanistan by every means possible.

It is Iraq and the KRG's responsibility as sovereign powers to forestall or restrain the PKK from attacking Turkey and using Iraqi land as sanctuary. Where the KRG and Iraq fail, Turkey (with our concurrence) takes matters into hand periodically.

Three current examples of sovereign responsibilities. So too Hamas. They've an obligation to govern. They were elected on a mandate of governance which would sweep out the corruption of Fatah. They've diminished that responsibility against their greater calling- the Hamas charter. Hamas ignored the Group of Four pre-condition to recognizing Israel's right to exist and wonder why they've border crossing issues. Duuuuh!!!!

Nobody owes the Gazans anything that they can't earn by good common sense and reasonable behavior. They've, to date, shown little of either.

Too bad.

You've gotten more from me than you deserve, enigma 947. I shed ZERO tears for these terrible fools. The palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance. Especially the Gazans. Count on it.

Round II coming up shortly for your viewing pleasure.
If you had an iota of shame, your thoughts would have been different.

But oops, my bad, why am i asking it from you people. From them who are running israel or i must say it is the other way around.

And you say neighbor's right to exist? Or may i say a neighbor's right to 'expand'

Feel some shame if you have any when you say they got what they deserved.

They deserved that their children should be killed.

What if the terrorist killed your children, as they also claim that YOU got what you deserved on 9/11??? For God Sake!!! What are you talking about.

You kept mum on this entire israeli episode just because you thought that it was Hamas' fault and what israel did was right.
Don't you think many of the Muslims also think (which is actually wrong) that it was American policies that brought 9/11 onto the US soil????

Can we express ourselves without personal bashing of other person?

S-2 explain this>>The Gazans have reaped and will continue to reap the whirlwind of their own seeds of destruction.
Israel occupied Muslim land Israel started it all u must be one moron who has no clue who started it all and when you read history if its expensive i will buy it for you don't worry!..then realize what you meant by their own seeds of destruction.

I've a good news for you :)Victory is ours >QURAN...
"If you had an iota of shame, your thoughts would have been different."
You really don't have any
Not at all. I think it's foolish to believe that citizens don't bear responsibility for the political choices they make and endorse through election.
Rightly said.
American citizens do bore the responsibility of 9/11. It was entirely their fault.
"They deserved that their children should be killed."

If their children were foremost on their minds they would have resisted with every ounce of power that they could muster any forays by Hamas rocketeers into their neighborhoods. If they'd REALLY cared, they'd never voted for Hamas in the first place.
If the Americans were so worried about their freedom they shouldn't have really fingered any of the poor nations.

"What if the terrorist killed your children, as they also claim that YOU got what you deserved on 9/11??? For God Sake!!! What are you talking about."

It was the taliban gov't sovereign responsibility to hunt down and hand over al Qaeda to America promptly. They didn't and we made war.
Oh wow. Master! sorry they failed. Next time when someone from inside America also fails, do make war with him.
It is Pakistan's responsibility to prevent taliban forces of Afghanistan's defeated government from using Pakistani land as sanctuary from which to make war upon Afghanistan, the U.N., ISAF, and NATO. Because you don't in adequate fashion, we reserve the right to defend ourselves. We do so selectively with PREDATOR but should the risk from your nation ever escalate, we'll defend our forces and mission in Afghanistan by every means possible.
Dude, we are not your servants.
And we are not Iraqi either.
And you know it, otherwise you already had placed your dirty hands on our land.
Or i must say had you have the guts you should have attacked us already.

Now this was a news: you reserve the right to defend yourselves..ahan...and what about other, do they reserve the right to get themselves screwed..??? Sorry we don't follow this statement. We have and will bang any A** that will try to get itself f** from us.

It is Iraq and the KRG's responsibility as sovereign powers to forestall or restrain the PKK from attacking Turkey and using Iraqi land as sanctuary. Where the KRG and Iraq fail, Turkey (with our concurrence) takes matters into hand periodically.
Oh yes, we forgot you are the POLICEMAN!!

Nobody owes the Gazans anything that they can't earn by good common sense and reasonable behavior. They've, to date, shown little of either.
Ahan, but the israelis owe Gaza, just because they were thrown there to rot by their American friends from the stinking ghettos.

You've gotten more from me than you deserve, enigma 947.
i assure you, you'll get even more!:smokin:
I shed ZERO tears for these terrible fools.
Because you are an AH!
Do you really know how many people outside actually wept on 9/11.loser!. Don't be a fool.

Round II coming up shortly for your viewing pleasure.
Bring it on.:enjoy:
"Bring it on.":enjoy:

And you talk of "shame".

Shame this- one more round. Extrapolate. 1300 more for 13 more.

Shame indeed as you calculate those numbers from the luxury of your T.V. set.

Go to Gaza and pick up a weapon and do the right thing before calling me an A.H. Try to be a man and wear an identifiable uniform in the process. Avoid human shields and apartment buildings inhabited by your brothers and sisters if possible, please. The IDF will handle the rest.

Your collective arab and muslim states no longer make identifiable war on Israel. They need those like yourself to do less sideline cheering and more serious testimonies to devotion.

They've tired of getting their azzes handed to them each and every time and now rely upon the citizens of Gaza to provide you with your vengeance "fix". In short, they recognize the futility of their actions and the consequences. The rest of you are considerably slower to the take and, as such, your leaders are happy to sacrifice the Palestinians safety and security on the shoals of frustrated ambitions and ill-concealed hatred.

Remove Hamas. Stop firing rockets and recognize Israel's right to exist. Simple. Then do the really hard work of building a nation that does more than prepare it's children for the next intifada.

Since we are asking Hamas follow the international community's conditions for moving towards peace, has Israel agreed, even in principle alone, to fulfill her obligations under the UNSC resolutions, as highlighted below? Hamas's obligations would also fall under these UNSC resolutions.

"The Security Council,

Expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the Middle East,

Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,

Emphasizing further that all Member States in their acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations have undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with Article 2 of the Charter,

1. Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;

2. Affirms further the necessity

(a) For guaranteeing freedom of navigation through international waterways in the area;

(b) For achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem;

(c) For guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every State in the area, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized zones;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to designate a Special Representative to proceed to the Middle East to establish and maintain contacts with the States concerned in order to promote agreement and assist efforts to achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement in accordance with the provisions and principles in this resolution;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the progress of the efforts of the Special Representative as soon as possible.

"To clear the air on that count, I believe he does ..."

That's good because Hamas and others have this disconcerting habit of failing to do so at all the really important times-like combat.

You'd think that they're ashamed...or looking to blend with the non-combattants. Either reflects poorly and creates potential for confusion that can harm innocents.

Not that Hamas would be concerned there.

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