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Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

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You for got to mention that in Hinduisim Animals are worshiped to an extent where the urine is consumed as a holy drink.

No, it is not mentioned in the scriptures. It is a part of Ayurveda.

Urine therapy has been advocated in Islamic scriptures.

Maybe you should read up.
When you keep butchering Muslims from all over the world, from Palestine to Bosnia to Kashmir; and now to Afghanistan, Bahrain, Pakistan; some of the followers of the religion are going to get violent. Religion doesn't have to do anything with this, some of the followers just lose their cool, & religion shouldn't be made a scapegoat for this. The IRA did the same to the UK, & those people weren't Muslims either.
When you keep butchering Muslims from all over the world, from Palestine to Bosnia to Kashmir; and now to Afghanistan, Bahrain, Pakistan; some of the followers of the religion are going to get violent. Religion doesn't have to do anything with this. The IRA did the same to the UK.

I take it that you are suggesting that the Muslims are cherubs?

Get to the genesis and then come back.
Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

Mr Vcheng

Since when Islam (a religion) starts to take a violent turn in different point of time.There is a difference between the people choosing their way and the things the way they are.The things always remain the way they are back 1400 years.It is the mistake of the people who are acting differently.So your ignorance and the author ofcourse has ended the debate even before it started.
@v Cheng why do u create threads Like that every time ur animosity is quite clear from your posts in the past
the answer to this is simple....pakistani society has islamic culture but not islamic way of implementation....this gives birth to difference of thoughts and hence the population is divided into different school of thought.and in a country like pakistan in which we all frankly know that which kind of democracy is in place....people resort to taking arms for settlment of matters....so the root problem is that we have a islamic culture but we are not ready to implement our lives according to islam but we are willing to die for religion!!
In all fairness to those who say Islam is not a peaceful religion... there is truth to it... Islam is not buddhism... we do have such a thing as Jihad i.e Armed conflict for the sake of ideology...

but then all that is for justice and fair treatment... Its a different matter that some Muslims are using Islam to spread senseless violence and terrorism etc...

As an example... it was a Christian delegation that came to Caliph Umar and asked him to send his army to Palestine to protect them from the Romans who were oppressing the people living there... So Palestine was liberated by Muslims at the request of Christians being oppressed there... Sometimes to prevent violence, one has to violently stop the aggressors...

a) Sake of Ideology - Can you please tell me what is the ideology? To save Islam? To stop the spread of Paganism, as your Maujlvis would tell you?

So, what was the Ideology of Nadir Shah or Bakhtiyar Khalji? What was Aurangzeb Alamgir doing with destruction of the Vishwanath Temple of Kashi?

To save Islam? To stop spread of Paganism?

Most will say Islamic Iconoclasm. And religious bigotry.

b) Hassan Nisar says in one of his interviews "Gaddar Islam" me paida hote hain" There is some truth to it, it requires a special atmosphere if "Distrust" and "Mischief"..

People, who do not know history, particularly in India, would be astonished to know that Shah Jahan, one of the most benevolent of all Sultans also conspired against his own kinsmen.

Aurangzeb killed Murad Baksh, Shah Shuja and Dara Shikoh....throughout annals of human history, we can find these examples.

What were they fighting for? Against Infidels? Saving Islam? Stopping the spread of Paganism?
Let me try.

Religion is merely a tool to guide or sometimes force people to act humanly. Its the way of life that makes things secure, peaceful and convenient for human existence. This is fact that create difference between human and animal.
If you understand humanity, you dont need the stick of religion to be called as human.

But the concepts of humanity are not enforced through some sort of system whereby the subjects feel that their actions will be judged or rewarded. Thus religion plays an important role especially for those who do not understand humanity.

The need of hour for all extremists is to rethink that the religious ideology they follow, whether in its pure or impure form, really making their lifes more convenient, constructive and progressive to the human existence?
If my religion or say my way of living is humanly and not a threat to anyone, then I could say its equal to hinduism, christianity or Islamism.

Extremism is another form of self developed infatuation with religion that makes a subject feel that the entire purpose of life is secondary to the propagation of religion. This is another reason which should entice observers to note that the purpose of religion becomes ineffective once the idea itself is used for reasons it was not meant to be used for.

In terms of equality, I agree but you cannot call any religion to be true, they are mere beliefs.
I have to disagree with you. The values of compassion, kindness, truthfulness, etc have existed in all human societies. Even tribal societies where none of the major religions were introduced had these values as part of their culture. There is even documented evidence that neanderthal societies took pains to feed their old who could not even chew their food.

The values existed but they were not practiced entirely, take for example the region where Saudi Arabia exists today, some of the practices pre Islamic era were just downright inhumane but they were part of these societies and it was only religion that changed them.

You might claim that it is the religious beliefs that these societies hold. However how do we explain the fact that somehow all the religions, immaterial of where they are or how many followers it has, espouse these same values? We cant even be sure the neanderthals had anything similar to modern religions.

Not all societies, in fact societies evolved to encompass more and according to times. Before religion, it was local customs and practices that took precedence over everything else, many of which were like the values taught by religion but they faltered later. Since the inception of religion, the idea was to guide humanity towards a more just society whereby religion would be the tool to govern, develop and implement law and uphold the core values which were slowly withering away.

The simplest explanation to this common string is that religions simply take the values of the societies they are present in.
Any society which for example espouses stealing as a good thing will spend too much time protecting its goods from itself to efficiently utilize them and will die out.

Not necessarily, religion always took the best of what was present in the society, in terms of practices and gave them a spiritual outlook.

Religion is the codification of the values that societies hold and not the source of those values.

I agree but the 'codification' is key here because without any enforcer, these values are useless. Much like you need a government to implement laws and make sure their subjects abide by them.
Edit: T faz, Yours was a wonderful reply, and i appreciate that. However i myself dont agree with that.

Here, can I ask you to give your opinion, what you think went wrong with Pakistan ?

The use of religion in every sphere of life for materialistic gains caused a great deal of damage to our society.

Why Pakistanis are killing each other. And they are doing it on daily basis ?

Pakistani's kill each other because since the 80's, they only know one way of proving themselves to be right, that is by killing the other.
The use of religion in every sphere of life for materialistic gains caused a great deal of damage to our society.

Pakistani's kill each other because since the 80's, they only know one way of proving themselves to be right, that is by killing the other.

T-FAz, you have got a major fallacy in your point. i will get back to you tomorrow. Im busy with something else at this time.
No, it is not mentioned in the scriptures. It is a part of Ayurveda.

Urine therapy has been advocated in Islamic scriptures.

Maybe you should read up.

Still does not change the fact Hindus consume Cow urine on daily bases and also consider it holy.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH prescribed cow urine for those who had no medicine at that time and for specific condition. One still has the choice to consume it if he she has no other option and knows it will cure his problem. Today modern medicine will cure every problem which Cow and camel can do.
Btw its amazing for me to know that our prophet knew about the treatment even though he was not a doctor and only today modern science in India proved this.
@ Myth_buster_1
Your posts are so tempting that they just tend to pull me to bash them.
I swear it happened so many times in past 1 hr, when i wrote a whole reply for ure post and later deleted. coz it ll make it too ugly here.

so i would only ask you to stay limited to the limit of the thread. Thread is
Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan
And im sure cow-urine had no role in it.
Still does not change the fact Hindus consume Cow urine on daily bases and also consider it holy.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH prescribed cow urine for those who had no medicine at that time and for specific condition. One still has the choice to consume it if he she has no other option and knows it will cure his problem. Today modern medicine will cure every problem which Cow and camel can do.
Btw its amazing for me to know that our prophet knew about the treatment even though he was not a doctor and only today modern science in India proved this.

No one consumes it.

It is a figment of fevered delight of some Pakistanis. Little things please little mind.

Cow urine, not being in the scriptures, is not holy.It is a part of Ayurveda just like Unani. Unani has nothing to do with religion, or does it?

I saw someone who informed you that camel urine therapy is sanctioned by your scripture.

Therefore, what is your point?

To my mind, your raising irrelevant issues repeatedly that have been clarified before, indicates a touch of asinine stubborn mischievous intent to inflame.

Of course, I am not bothered, since I find it so sadly juvenile!
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