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Why is the World After Gaddafi a Honarable Man for Africa

Gaddafi may not be as bad as Saddam but some part of its own population wants change. And Gaddafi is willing to use violence(even threatens genocide) to stop them.
Nobody is telling western powers dont have vested interest, at least this time they are supporting democracy rather than dictators, which is a good thing.

I hear you, but to see western powers barge in like gun toting cowboys, with vested interests to boot, is alarming. Specially when everyone knows. that it's not for "greater good" or democracy, but to protect/secure the west's interests. In fact, my father in law used to work in Libya from 1995 to 2004. In our discussions, he will hear nothing bad about Gaddafi :) and has only good things to say about the Libyan government.
I wouldn't call him an honorable man, but he is not as bad as he has been depicted. He brought in a lot of development inside Libya, & did not let extremism grow inside Libya. I am baffled that the Kingdom of Bahrain is continuously & blatantly killing their own people day after day, but nothing is being done about them; & their government is treating their people far worse than Libya. Is it because they (Gaddafi) had nuclear ambitions before? I don't know. I am also baffled that the hub of all Islamic extremism 'Saudi Arabia' is escaping any kind of action from the international world. Maybe because Saudi Arabia benefits them in 'some kind of way'? All pertinent questions in my opinion.
You can always say why western countries do not intervene in one when they do in other. They have a vested interest in some and they want to protect is obvious(and it is true for all countries btw). Even if they did not have their own reason, you simply cant intervene in all situations. Can west intervene in Srilanka or Myanmar. It would be too expensive and difficult for them. They can at best make some noises and put some pressure.

Just because they cant intervene in all does not mean we should criticize them for intervening in some. Each situation should be seen in its own merit.

Anybody who thinks US has the capability to act against Soudis is not living in 21st century. On what pretext can they attack?
Well...........besides this issue why America or UK is after Libya..........the Mamar Gaddafi is not an honorable man..........who told u that...............he is drunked all the time with Wadaka and his all personal bodyguards are women............he is sleeping daily with new women.
Well...........besides this issue why America or UK is after Libya..........the Mamar Gaddafi is not an honorable man..........who told u that...............he is drunked all the time with Wadaka and his all personal bodyguards are women............he is sleeping daily with new women.

Drinking and women are personal matter, if you judge on basis of that, you wont find any good leader.
Moamer Qaddafi is as honourable as Zardari..both should have their name in geniuses book as world most corrupt leaders.
First of all Mr Gaddafi ,

Spent billion for Libya's casue sure he had his lavish style but at same time he also spent to build Libya's infrastructure roads , water supply and give money to setup education in Libya.

He even paid an illegal ransom against the alleged airplane incident

West does not wants any democracy they are only interested in making sure , that the oil in Libya is available for their countries , which is why when he wanted to setup oil as a national asset , he was targeted

The 200-300 rebels are nothing more then terrorist who got funding from outside , and these rouge elements are being supported by outside invaders

If West and Nato is so much interested in democracy why did they not support the democracy in Palestine , instead of bombing it via Israel

A person is judged by few factors

a) What did he do for his people
b) How did he react to crisis
c) Did he provided justice for his people

His personal life is least of these elements

Gaddafy is nothing but a nationalist that did actions to promote his country with no interference from UK or USA or NATO.

The illegal war should stop because these countries have nothing better to do then steal oil

Today it is Gaddafy , tomorrow it will be supporting some rebels in TTP in Pakistani border by US and NATO against Pakistan - our leaders should wake up and smell the coeffee
Agreed. Gaddafi was a positive man, but in war scenario you always have to fight the opposition, over-looking if they are your own men.
We cannot say about his personal life, like AP2009 said, but his work for Libya was appriciatable.

Please do not forget the Iraq scenario whilst looking at these things. Egypt is now unstable, how many of us are aware?
Afghanistan was made to look worst of everything. Its just a conspiracy to make their Nations rise and make Muslim/Arab Nations fail and show them bitterness/hate in hearts of Western citizens. We know most of the truth whilst they dont.
Well all of these Arab leaders were once NATO , UK allies

The biggest issue is oil , securing oil supplies for next 100 years by capturing Libya

Do France/ UK and other nations care about democracy no if they did we would have a free Palestine they even had open elections and they selected their government and then Israel bombed all the government civilian offices

The biggest tactical mistake that Qaddafi did was that he gave up his nuclear assets , and nuclear program

One of his sons that died was Pro West I believe and he was always talking about reform and if we look at his end shows how west works

In old , dark ages, when a king attacked a nation the first thing he did was he killed the sons and family of opposing king or rules and the West has not changed this we clearly see same type of agreesion.

There is a high % chance that once , Libya will be out - NATO /US will aim for other Muslim countries that have either armies or oil

Its quite shameful that our Nation is just standing around instead of openly declaring and end to open agression in Libya - an illegal war

Initially when the criminals wanted to attacked only UK and US was interested in bombing and gradually once NATO members noticed that alll Muslim states are cowards they all decided to send their war planes , later in G8 summit they decided how they would share the oil riches between all the rich countries and they all decided to keep the agression

I ask you a simple question , since WHEN does G8 care about welfare of Muslim countries ? Who gave them right to do that

Also , what if tomorrow they decided to support the 100-200 people blowing up the Pakistan Gas pipeline ? or the
region in Pakistan rich with minerals ? or gold or silver ?

We need to open our eyes and be more affirm
It is clear western hypocricy-to support the dictatorial regimes they find fit and elimininate those against their interests,even If it cause thousands to die.It is not west's interest to freedom or democracy-if it was so,their attitude towards dictators everywhere would have been the same.It's simply eliminating those against ones interest,the barbaric philosophy of "might is right",nothing more.
i wouldnt describe gaddafi as honorable.

although i do think if gaddafi was not a popular leader, he would have been overthrown by now
Gaddafi is a benevolent dictator, but he pissed him too many people in the wrong places. He failed to keep friends in the right places.
He is not a bad guy at all. But the problem is the majority part of last century was his market. He should have used Internet more and gain foothold on new market. But he didn't.
A nation starving under the same clown for almost 5 decades. Only mercenaries and his own relatives that have been inbreeding and creating large tribes openly support him. Even here in Canada you see people driving around with the new Libyan flag on their cars. Landscape of the Middle East is changing, though some people think this is all engineered. No one has such resources or fortitude for such a massive campaign. How can you force people to march in the streets under waves of bullets? This all comes as a result of injustice and corruption. Nations who are drowning under corruption will face the same fate eventually.

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