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Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?


Jun 17, 2009
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Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?
By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes BBC News, USS George Washington off Guam

The US prefers to talk about engaging with China, but it is clear its navy is now also practising for a potential conflict, reports the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes. You don't get invited out on a US nuclear aircraft carrier all that often, and after writing this I might not get invited back for a while.

On the flight deck of the USS George Washington the noise is like nothing I've ever experienced. A few feet from where I am standing, 11 F/A-18 Super Hornets are lining up to be launched. The first one is hooked on to the catapult; there is a massive crescendo as its engines roar to full re-heat. Then, in a cloud of white steam, the 15-tonne jet is thrown down the deck and off the end of the ship like a toy. Seconds later, the deck crew in their multi-coloured smocks are calmly lining up the next one.

Watching the US Navy close up like this, it is hard not to be slightly awed. No other navy in the world has quite the same toys, or shows them off with the same easy charm. But as I stand on the deck filming my report on how "the US is practising for war with China", I can see my host from the Navy public affairs office wincing. You get used to hearing the PR rhetoric: the US Navy "is not practising for war with any specific country". But the US Navy has not assembled two whole carrier battle groups and 200 aircraft off the coast of Guam for a jolly, either. This is about practising what the Pentagon now calls "Air Sea Battle".
It is a concept first put forward in 2009, and it is specifically designed to counter the rising threat from China.
A few minutes later I am standing on the bridge of the George Washington with Rear Adm Mark Montgomery, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Five. The forces under his command are practising for what he calls an "anti-access, area denial" scenario.

"When we talk about our capabilities," he says, "we are talking about our capabilities to operate in unrestricted way in the waters of our choice". "As some countries have been developing increasingly complex anti-access weapons, we have to develop our tactics, techniques and procedures to continue to operate in an unfettered manner." Rear Adm Montgomery won't discuss the specifics of the exercise. But his ships and aircraft face an increasingly complex web of threats, from beneath the water, from air, land, from cyberspace and from space. "It's generally understood that some countries have the ability to remove satellites or to limit satellite communications," he says, "so we have to practise working in a communications-denied environment."

China's People's Liberation Army Navy is still no match for the US Navy, and won't be for a very long time. Instead, China has been developing other weapons designed to keep America's precious carriers far away from China's shores. These include new quieter submarines, long-range hypersonic anti-ship missiles and, perhaps most worrying, very accurate medium range ballistic missiles that have been dubbed "carrier killers". As if on cue, an alarm bell starts ringing. A voice comes on the public address system:
"This is a drill, this is a drill! Black smoke, black smoke!"

The George Washington is under simulated attack. Part of the ship is reported to be on fire. Teams rush to contain the damage. For the last 10 years, China's most important, and oft-repeated, political slogan has been "peaceful rise". It is designed to reassure Beijing's neighbours its growing military might is no threat.
But since President Xi Jinping came to power last year, there has been a distinct change. China is now asserting claims well beyond its own coastline.
Its ships are aggressively patrolling the Senkaku, or Diaoyu, islands in the East China Sea, long controlled by Japan. It is spending billions building new islands in the South China Sea.

Seems like the USN is concerned and seriously taking the Chinese "Carrier Killer" capability ..
Yes...........I first read this report on the BBC yesterday..........its very annoying that the BBC only wrote this article, from an American perspective only!
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We do not fear USA, just bring it.
said many countries from east to the west.
dont worry though. KSA and Israel want Americans to attack Iran first so you need to wait for your turn.

What worries me is the American government practically wants to start a conflict with many regions of the world, i.e the countries of the Middle East, Iran, China, Russia...........oh yes and of course North Korea?
whats wrong with that... erm English Man?
Yes...........I first read this report on the BBC yesterday..........its very annoying that the US is portraying China as some evil empire that needs bringing down. Unfortunately for us in the West we only hear the American's view of the world, as broadcast by our media, mainly because they are Nato allies, also for historical, political and language reasons...........and the fact that the Chinese view on the world is rarely broadcast to us.
Thankfully with worldwide travel, and the internet many of us know differently.

What worries me is the American government practically wants to start a conflict with many regions of the world, i.e the countries of the Middle East, Iran, China, Russia...........oh yes and of course North Korea?

I am in the opposite of your thinking. US is in fact trying to isolate herself from all those conflict. Ukarine crisis, Syria issue and and failing to stand up directly for Japan/ Philippine/.Vietnam and the late action on ISIS clearly demonstrate US restrain from involving others matter.

As for US preparing war with China. Every countries will model its arm forces based on a possible/imaginery enemy but that does not mean the particular country will want to start a war with others. Preparing and wanted to start a war are both different matters.
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Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?
By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes BBC News, USS George Washington off Guam
The US prefers to talk about engaging with China, but it is clear its navy is now also practising for a potential conflict, reports the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes. You don't get invited out on a US nuclear aircraft carrier all that often, and after writing this I might not get invited back for a while.

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." - George S. Patton

Just the regular state of preparedness and practice, that is all.
Dismantle Air-Sea Battle in a few easy steps:

1. Conduct an ASAT attack on GPS and communications satellites. Read the article.

Analysis points to China's work on new anti-satellite weapon| Reuters

2. Clear the first island chain with missiles.



3. Attack remaining surface ships with DF-21D. The DF-21D reached IOC in 2010. Read the article.

China has carrier-killer missile, U.S. admiral says - Washington Times

Notice that China can do this entirely with missiles. China wouldn't need a single aircraft or ship. This is the problem you would have to deal with when going up against Chinese A2/AD.
"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." - George S. Patton

Just the regular state of preparedness and practice, that is all.

Exactly, during the cold war the US prepared as if war with it's Russian rival was imminent. Now that China is becoming a concern, not a threat, but something to watch with interest, the US prepares to counter what hopefully will never come. Regardless of a Chinese-American conflict, A2/AD type weapons and tactics are proliferating to places such as Iran, another hot spot for the US and regional nations, why not prepare to defeat this type of battle scenario when it's becoming more common? Too much is being made over nothing, no war is imminent, the US is just making sure that if one does occur that it is ready to roll.

Chinese navy lack the experience of battle.They just sinked several inviding battleships of vietnam in1988.The U.S. navy is still a role model 。
Yes...........I first read this report on the BBC yesterday..........its very annoying that the BBC only wrote this article, from an American perspective only!

We all know what an English gentleman means today, don't we?
said many countries from east to the west.
dont worry though. KSA and Israel want Americans to attack Iran first so you need to wait for your turn.

whats wrong with that... erm English Man?

China has already defeated the US military when it drove the US forces out of North Korea.
It is the US that needs to prove its self against strong opposition.

China vs US score is 1 victory for China and 1 defeat for the US.
China has already defeated the US military when it drove the US forces out of North Korea.
It is the US that needs to prove its self against strong opposition.

China vs US score is 1 victory for China and 1 defeat for the US.
please share more on this great victory
I want to learn more how China taught stupid Yankees a lesson of their lives which they seem to have forgotten Now

Exactly, during the cold war the US prepared as if war with it's Russian rival was imminent. Now that China is becoming a concern, not a threat, but something to watch with interest, the US prepares to counter what hopefully will never come. Regardless of a Chinese-American conflict, A2/AD type weapons and tactics are proliferating to places such as Iran, another hot spot for the US and regional nations, why not prepare to defeat this type of battle scenario when it's becoming more common? Too much is being made over nothing, no war is imminent, the US is just making sure that if one does occur that it is ready to roll.

but apparently you guys were defeated during the North Korean war by the Chinese in the Sea.
I am awaiting details from the victorious Chinese to to be impressed and left spellbound.
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