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Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?

"Soviet territory"????

If Russia had troops inTurkey would you consider it "Soviet territory" too?

Are we going to be emotional or realist? The soil that you don't govern does not belong to you, and at the point when an enemy soldier puts it's feed on your soil, you officially won't be governing that soil.

However in order to be more politically correct I could've said "Soviet Zone" just like Americans did in those times. As if it does change something.

Can I ask you a personal question? Why all the Americans trying so hard to be politically correct? I mean it's just the words that change, the actions are always similar. It seems as if some important portion of American political life is trying to be proven right or wrong by just picking up the right words but doing the same old disgusting things.
If your aircraft and your batteships and submarines cannot attack assets on mainland u s on regular basis---do not start a war against the united states.

China can shut down the entire US electrical grid permanently by doing this. No need for a single aircraft, battleship or submarine.


If you are an enemy of the u s with a large industrial infrastructure----find a way to make peace----. The u s naval forces and submarine fleet will totally annihilate your industry----.

Tomahawk doesn't work very well without GPS. Read the article.

Analysis points to China's work on new anti-satellite weapon| Reuters
Apparently the only dumbass her are you. I never claimed that the Korean war was a war between the US and China. If you cannot read, you shoudnt try to answer my post. I only answered claims from the previous posters that China won the Korean war, but you're apparently too dumb or lazy to read this post. McArther was first limited to use the technological capacity that the us had to offer. The communist alliance wanted to liberate the whole of Korea, so it didnt achieve its objectives.

ps.The USA has some of the best universities in the world, yet you are so retarded I cant believe you're flags.

PPS, you claim the us and China suffered the same amount of casualties? You're a joke. If you dont know jack about this subject you shoudnt participate in this debate.
Chinese sources say 450000 casualties (100000 KIA) while some western sources suggest 600000 to One million Chinese casualties.While the US casualties are 54,260. . And those 54k include all military members who died during the period of the war, not just those lost in Korea.

You wrote this in a previous post: "Even tough the number of Chinese casualties far exceed that from the US."

This proves how dumb you are. The Korean War was between a communist alliance vs. a US-led alliance. I already said this a previous post, but you have inferior literacy. Focusing on China vs. the US is stupid, because it was China and its allies vs. the US and its allies. China provided the main land units during the second part of the war, while the US used its allies as meat shields on the ground.

Again I repeat myself to your lacking intelligence: the communist alliance had far fewer quantity of technology and resources than the US alliance, and the communist alliance had, overall, inferior quality of technology and resources than the US alliance. Yet, the war ended or still is a draw.

Then you used a straw man argument and unproven claims to back up your stupidity. I could see facts are your weakness.
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They are a military, they do these kind of exercises. All military have these kind of exercises with a specific country in mind. It's nothing out of the ordinary.
If you people understood anything about the Korean War, you would understand that China was defeated by overstretched supply lines rather than anything else. The PVA literally marched hundreds of miles at night into Korea. Soldiers were to remain motionless during the day to avoid being spotted by American aircraft. Food, ammunition, and supplies were carried nightly on foot, bicycle, and donkey carts from the border at the Yalu River to the front lines. China hardly had any trucks back then. Only one firearm was available for every three Chinese soldiers and mortars were the heaviest weapon available.

And despite all those limitations, China still managed to cause the longest retreat in US military history. Yes, the war ended in a stalemate.

But that was a long time ago. Does China still have those logistical limitations today? China now has the world's largest auto industry. We can now transport tens of millions of troops across Asia and maintain supply lines with no difficulty.

2013 Statistics | OICA


During the Korean War, China had no control of the air at all. The US had total air superiority.

Nowadays, China will soon have the J-20.


In reality, China today owns Asia. China can annex Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Mongolia with no problems at all. China can kick the US off the entire Korean peninsula. So go ahead and attack us and start WW3. China will expand across Asia like the Mongol Empire and the US Navy can't stop it.

In reality, China today owns Asia. China can annex Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Mongolia with no problems at all. China can kick the US off the entire Korean peninsula. So go ahead and attack us and start WW3. China will expand across Asia like the Mongol Empire and the US Navy can't stop it.


Guess that pretty much answers the question asked in the thread title. :dirol:
You wrote this in a previous post: "Even tough the number of Chinese casualties far exceed that from the US."

This proves how dumb you are. The Korean War was between a communist alliance vs. a US-led alliance. I already said this a previous post, but you have inferior literacy. Focusing on China vs. the US is stupid, because it was China and its allies vs. the US and its allies. China provided the main land units during the second part of the war, while the US used its allies as meat shields on the ground.

Again I repeat myself to your lacking intelligence: the communist alliance had far fewer quantity of technology and resources than the US alliance, and the communist alliance had, overall, inferior quality of technology and resources than the US alliance. Yet, the war ended or still is a draw.

Then you used a straw man argument and unproven claims to back up your stupidity. I could see facts are your weakness.
This post yet again shows how retarded you are. Ill answer your post with the exact same answer i gave you before
Apparently the only dumbass her are you. I never claimed that the Korean war was a war between the US and China. If you cannot read, you shoudnt try to answer my post. I only answered claims from the previous posters that China won the Korean war, but you're apparently too dumb or lazy to read this post. McArther was first limited to use the technological capacity that the us had to offer. The communist alliance wanted to liberate the whole of Korea, so it didnt achieve its objectives.

ps.The USA has some of the best universities in the world, yet you are so retarded I cant believe you're flags.

PPS, you claim the us and China suffered the same amount of casualties? You're a joke. If you dont know jack about this subject you shoudnt participate in this debate.
Chinese sources say 450000 casualties (100000 KIA) while some western sources suggest 600000 to One million Chinese casualties.While the US casualties are 54,260. . And those 54k include all military members who died during the period of the war, not just those lost in Korea.

Source: Why is the US Navy practising for war with China? | Page 3

"the communist alliance had far fewer quantity of technology and resources than the US alliance, and the communist alliance had, overall, inferior quality of technology and resources than the US alliance. "

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