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Why is Rahul baba still in politics ?

You have tried to distract me a lot with irrelevant stuff. But now I have put the IGNORE button on you.

Have a nice day!

Nice edit ... :omghaha:

Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 13.24.52.png
Nice edit ... :omghaha:
Let it go, man.

The both of you are seriously derailing this otherwise interesting thread.

btw, I happen to agree with your assessment of why Rahul is unfit to lead his party.

@Shantanu_Left quit being such a snowflake. I suspect there's a lot more Indians who can't stand RaGa than Pakistanis.

back on topic now. I think he's doing a great disservice to our democracy by not walking away.

Thoda time off he le leta after Amethi, done some proper chintan.

Mostly satisfied with the BJP platform and their policies here, but a strong and credible opposition is important for any functioning democracy. Rahul isn't helping anyone by persisting.

He really ought to quit, that stubborn petulant silver-spoon fed out of touch motherfucker.
I am sorry as it turns out that you're one of the oppressed classes among Dravidians, I take back that jibe. It was not meant to be hurtful although I do realize it can be hurtful. Please note had I known you were really of a historically oppressed caste, I would have never made that remark.

Rahul Gandhi is 50% Italian. He can say whatever he wants to score political brownie points ("Dattatreya" what?) with the rabid Hindutvadi masses of India. He barely interacted with his father at any time, and was mostly raised by his mother. And is also very close to his full-blooded Italian maternal grandmother. My situation was somewhat similar as my Hindu father had less role in my upbringing, although I was close. My late maternal grandmother was Muslim and I was kinda raised by her for some time. My mother insists on a Muslim burial although I have never seen her go to a mosque. She's a bit into Sufi mysticism but I'm not even into that. That's why I consider myself an atheist.

So you see I'm not really that much of a Hindu. Neither is Rahul Gandhi as you can deduct. So we are more similar to a Dalit from Tamil Nadu, such as you. In more ways you can imagine, we connect with you. As I said, I would have never really said those words had I known indeed an ex-Dalit. Of course, I'm glad you left the Hindu religion.

Why do you hate someone with a European ancestry and mindset i.e. Rahul Gandhi? He's a different being from his whole family. He's a practicing Roman Catholic. He goes to Mass, and his family have good connections with the Vatican. Robert Vadra is a Christian too. Of course, this is tightly guarded secret and they don't come out as Christians openly in a Hindu-dominated India. But many do know it, so not that much of a secret either.

I apologize to you one last time for that jibe.

APologizing for what? you didnt insult any opressed classes in your previous post. you might have hallucinated you did (madrasi is not just a dalit he could be a tamil brahmin too) as is wont with even a silghtly agitated indian . But yes you dedicated an entire post later how it is insulting to call one as tamil and dalit and how you are fake sorry about it. why would that be an insult? well because you are an "indian".

i am enjoying the way you unravel and left your indian vileness exposed. . You inserted yourself in to a conversations you weren't even originally involved at with your venemous best "madrasi leper" - with a racist slur madrasi . It didnt take long at all for you to come out. And you made my case for me (one more time)indians cant just stand each other. And now on you will see me referring to that a lot when you waddle around with "indian" crap.

Did you not have some sort of self imposed rule not to engage with me ? And you engaged me anyway in a conversation you werent involved at all. THere is also that little $hitty code of conduct as your signature which forbades you over nationality of other people. You dumped it immediately. The jokers you lot are.

No one is interested in your trumped up ancestry whether real or fake. Your behavior makes it obvious another run of the mill Indian rat who belongs to sewers. One who lacks morals, gets agitated quickly, racism, cannot grasp single logic etc

Rahul gandhi himself says he is a brahmin but being a bhakth you are certifying he is catholic. Apparently the great fellow lies in public about his identity and thats very normal according to you - especially such a loaded lie. Nothing in reality matters to you lot and nothing is open and clear with you. Delusionay af, racist ,miserable, craving for some respect but you will never get it anywhere. i doubt whether you got any self respect at all.

But you think you will. THAT'S kinda sad.

Aah - caught the minkey.

We are to believe that you are not miserable? Spending hours convincing everybody else that they are in desperate mental and physical trouble? Pathetically trying to get attention from whoever will listen, slandering and mocking other (sic) they think are beneath them?

Strange how you resemble so closely those whom you proclaim you despise most completely!

No i quiet enjoy taking on indians. It doesnt take it long to take them apart. I am not miserable i know right from wrong - i could be angry against injustice. But i dont know how you guys could be anything but miserable.
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What's amazing is the heroes the BJP has hijacked who themselves loathed the BJP and its forebears.

Sardar Patel - a Congressman
Bhagat Singh - an atheist and a communist
Bose - a social nationalist.

Who is their hero? Godse? Savarkar? It's a joke really that people buy the BS the BJP spreads.

This is what happens when one party decides to highlight the contribution of one family over all other tall leaders leading to appropriation of main leaders as their leaders. I have forgotten count of number of Jawaharlal Nehru stadiums in TN and all over India. Even Mahatma isn't given such importance and is now actively appropriated by the BJPs.

hahahaha where is that guy @Arulmozhi Varman (and your @Joe Shearer who stays in south but quiet likely harbors similiar feelings) and some other south indians i forgot. This is your "real" indian and thats what these guys think of you behind your back. I am giving him the obvious solutions why stay together why not break up - but he can neither accept that nor hide the hate.

I think india is a mental disease. No wonder they all sound so miserable. Pathetically trying to suck up what they imagine as higher ups and slandering and mocking other they think are beneath them.

Yea right - "it takes centuries you see. How dare you dalits or lower caste want quick justice - know your goddamn place and wait. wait for decades and centuries - its all very complicated to end caste we are figuring it out. Only when we are comfortable we will let you be priests of temples and other things."

How is rahul eliminating it when he declared himself to be a brahmin. You cannot engage with facts just like another bhakth - you resort to hate speech. I am sure you are muttering even more under your breath. It didnt take much for mask to fall. Go in to some mindless rants.

As a conscious indian you will never belong to civilzed company . Its kinda sad .

I can't really make out on what you are trying to make. If you are an trying to make an impression out of an response of an commie duffel bag, I would say just ignore like many others do.
Congress should stop this political hara-kiri, and appoint a non-Gandhi president

Sanjay Jha

I had just finished a TV debate when within minutes, the same channel flashed my immediate suspension from the Congress party in gigantic fonts. Momentarily, I was stunned by the abruptness of it all; the Congress had a month earlier similarly dumped me as the national spokesperson with a cold brusque one-line dispatch. Clearly, I was committing perfidious acts that were deemed blasphemous by my Grand Old Party. If writing two op-eds in The Times of India (March 3 and June 7, 2020) that raised red flags on serious fault-lines within the party is an act of treachery, I am guilty of intransigence. If advocating a measured response to the cross-border military tensions with China is deemed as apostasy, I must apologise. If supporting the case of Sachin Pilot for Rajasthan CM makes me a BJP accessory, I humbly crave forgiveness. Honestly, Congress appears thin-skinned, intolerant of dissenting voices giving contrarian views, and demonstrating raging impatience with those having political ambitions. It legitimately accuses BJP of illiberal democracy, but encourages a similar imperious culture within. The luminous hypocrisy is showing. But most importantly, the Congress is suffering from delusions of grandeur and that could prove perilous if there is no immediate course correction. There are five factors that signal a blockbuster washout.

The Congress traditionally aggregated average vote-share of 45%, which peaked at 48.1% in 1984 (a black swan election because Mrs Indira Gandhi was assassinated just a few months earlier). Since then, there has been a precipitous decline. Just a decade later in 1998, the Congress had slumped to 25.8%, nearly 50% of its supporters had vaporised. Clearly, few paid heed. The UPA years saw a minor bump to 28.5% in 2009 (Dr Manmohan Singh’s middle-class romance flourished briefly), before the catastrophic fall in 2014 to 19.52%, a fall of 59.5% from 1984. Worryingly, a strategy to arrest the fall is non-existent.

The Congress has virtually surrendered political space in key large states of India. It has not formed governments in the following states for decades: Uttar Pradesh (1989), Bihar (1990), West Bengal (1977), Tamil Nadu (1967), Gujarat (1985) and Odisha (2000 ). These states add up to 247 Lok Sabha seats. The once formidable bastion of Andhra Pradesh of 40 seats can be added to the casualty list. We should not forget that it was after 15 years that Congress recaptured Madhya Pradesh (since magnanimously gifted back to the BJP) and Chhattisgarh. Who is accountable for the sustained underperformance and near extinction of the party in vote-rich states? The BJP often sarcastically dismisses the Congress as a “super regional party”.

This statistic is probably the knock-out punch. Between 2004 (10.3 crore voters) to 2019 ( 11.9 crore voters), the Congress added a miserable incremental growth of 15% to its voter base. During the corresponding period, the BJP grew from 8.6 crore to 22.9 crore voters, a staggering 166% increase in new voters. This shows how the Congress lost the youth vote, one of the reasons behind its electoral losses of late.

Following the devastating defeat of 2019, the Congress withdrew into a cocoon, allowing the BJP to get back into Karnataka (which just a year earlier had seen the Grand Alliance photo-op). But it was the political naivete in Madhya Pradesh that took the cake and the bakery, besides the defection of a huge political asset in Jyotiraditya Scindia. Gujarat, which in December 2017 was being hailed as the bearding of the lions (Narendra Modi and Amit Shah) in their own den, has since haemorrhaged as well. Rajasthan is the final nail in the coffin, a cavalier misadventure by the political leadership that has backfired. The Congress PhD thesis should be titled: Self-Destruction Assured in 10 Easy Steps!

Any organisation needs a continuous churn across hierarchies to remain fit. In the last 20 years, the Congress has had just two presidents and there have been no elections to the powerful Congress Working Committee since 1997. Since May 2019, it does not have a permanent president. Organisational atrophy is inevitable. The state of the party in Mumbai (the Congress was born here in 1885) reflects the shocking apathy towards India’s investment capital, industrial hub and entertainment industry; three significant constituencies in the political calculus. The ossified manner of working with a high-command taking decisions from a Delhi darbar is obsolete. A cunning cabal runs the party.
It can still be a serious competitor in 2024 but it does not have a moment to lose. It needs to take a bold call to signal its political intent; appoint a non-Gandhi Congress president and announce transparent internal elections. Perhaps after reading this article the party may decide to expel me altogether. But then everything has an end, only the sausage has two.
I can't really make out on what you are trying to make. If you are an trying to make an impression out of an response of an commie duffel bag, I would say just ignore like many others do.

what do you mean commie duffel bag ? are you saying communism made him say words like "madrasi leper" ? he is what he says "real" indian. Instead of supporting BJP he supports congress and he thinks tamils like you as lepers. When things go well whether bjp or congress they pretend some respect but the moment they are challenged a bit the racism comes out. Dont fool yourself thinking it doesnt exist in BJP. THink of organizer editor tarun vijay who called south indians as blackies who are "tolerated" by indian state.

If there is an award for stupidity and dumbness then it must really go for south indian( or bengali/marathi/punjabi) sanghis - these guys gladly pay out their taxes, have them disrespect their languages and show an enthusiastic tendency to align with a clearly inferior and violent and racist culture of cow belt. Its like paying money to be a slave - sheesh.

Congress should stop this political hara-kiri, and appoint a non-Gandhi president

Sanjay Jha

I had just finished a TV debate when within minutes, the same channel flashed my immediate suspension from the Congress party in gigantic fonts. Momentarily, I was stunned by the abruptness of it all; the Congress had a month earlier similarly dumped me as the national spokesperson with a cold brusque one-line dispatch. Clearly, I was committing perfidious acts that were deemed blasphemous by my Grand Old Party. If writing two op-eds in The Times of India (March 3 and June 7, 2020) that raised red flags on serious fault-lines within the party is an act of treachery, I am guilty of intransigence. If advocating a measured response to the cross-border military tensions with China is deemed as apostasy, I must apologise. If supporting the case of Sachin Pilot for Rajasthan CM makes me a BJP accessory, I humbly crave forgiveness. Honestly, Congress appears thin-skinned, intolerant of dissenting voices giving contrarian views, and demonstrating raging impatience with those having political ambitions. It legitimately accuses BJP of illiberal democracy, but encourages a similar imperious culture within. The luminous hypocrisy is showing. But most importantly, the Congress is suffering from delusions of grandeur and that could prove perilous if there is no immediate course correction. There are five factors that signal a blockbuster washout.

The Congress traditionally aggregated average vote-share of 45%, which peaked at 48.1% in 1984 (a black swan election because Mrs Indira Gandhi was assassinated just a few months earlier). Since then, there has been a precipitous decline. Just a decade later in 1998, the Congress had slumped to 25.8%, nearly 50% of its supporters had vaporised. Clearly, few paid heed. The UPA years saw a minor bump to 28.5% in 2009 (Dr Manmohan Singh’s middle-class romance flourished briefly), before the catastrophic fall in 2014 to 19.52%, a fall of 59.5% from 1984. Worryingly, a strategy to arrest the fall is non-existent.

The Congress has virtually surrendered political space in key large states of India. It has not formed governments in the following states for decades: Uttar Pradesh (1989), Bihar (1990), West Bengal (1977), Tamil Nadu (1967), Gujarat (1985) and Odisha (2000 ). These states add up to 247 Lok Sabha seats. The once formidable bastion of Andhra Pradesh of 40 seats can be added to the casualty list. We should not forget that it was after 15 years that Congress recaptured Madhya Pradesh (since magnanimously gifted back to the BJP) and Chhattisgarh. Who is accountable for the sustained underperformance and near extinction of the party in vote-rich states? The BJP often sarcastically dismisses the Congress as a “super regional party”.

This statistic is probably the knock-out punch. Between 2004 (10.3 crore voters) to 2019 ( 11.9 crore voters), the Congress added a miserable incremental growth of 15% to its voter base. During the corresponding period, the BJP grew from 8.6 crore to 22.9 crore voters, a staggering 166% increase in new voters. This shows how the Congress lost the youth vote, one of the reasons behind its electoral losses of late.

Following the devastating defeat of 2019, the Congress withdrew into a cocoon, allowing the BJP to get back into Karnataka (which just a year earlier had seen the Grand Alliance photo-op). But it was the political naivete in Madhya Pradesh that took the cake and the bakery, besides the defection of a huge political asset in Jyotiraditya Scindia. Gujarat, which in December 2017 was being hailed as the bearding of the lions (Narendra Modi and Amit Shah) in their own den, has since haemorrhaged as well. Rajasthan is the final nail in the coffin, a cavalier misadventure by the political leadership that has backfired. The Congress PhD thesis should be titled: Self-Destruction Assured in 10 Easy Steps!

Any organisation needs a continuous churn across hierarchies to remain fit. In the last 20 years, the Congress has had just two presidents and there have been no elections to the powerful Congress Working Committee since 1997. Since May 2019, it does not have a permanent president. Organisational atrophy is inevitable. The state of the party in Mumbai (the Congress was born here in 1885) reflects the shocking apathy towards India’s investment capital, industrial hub and entertainment industry; three significant constituencies in the political calculus. The ossified manner of working with a high-command taking decisions from a Delhi darbar is obsolete. A cunning cabal runs the party.
It can still be a serious competitor in 2024 but it does not have a moment to lose. It needs to take a bold call to signal its political intent; appoint a non-Gandhi Congress president and announce transparent internal elections. Perhaps after reading this article the party may decide to expel me altogether. But then everything has an end, only the sausage has two.

India is the problem not congress. THere is no difference between congress and bjp. When 2000 sikhs were murdered in delhi, Rajiv Gandhi casually said "when a big tree falls the earth shakes". WHen 2000 muslims were butchered in gujarat including pregnant women the modi laughed it as newtons third law.

Ram temple locks were broken by congress, Tamil's jallikattu was banned by congress, Ayappa temple was forcible made to open its door to women by BJP courts . Now the same court wont say anything about Ram temple in north because religious sentiments up there is more important than "leper" like south indians sentiments.
what do you mean commie duffel bag ? are you saying communism made him say words like "madrasi leper" ? he is what he says "real" indian. Instead of supporting BJP he supports congress and he thinks tamils like you as lepers. When things go well whether bjp or congress they pretend some respect but the moment they are challenged a bit the racism comes out. Dont fool yourself thinking it doesnt exist in BJP. THink of organizer editor tarun vijay who called south indians as blackies who are "tolerated" by indian state.

If there is an award for stupidity and dumbness then it must really go for south indian( or bengali/marathi/punjabi) sanghis - these guys gladly pay out their taxes, have them disrespect their languages and show an enthusiastic tendency to align with a clearly inferior and violent and racist culture of cow belt. Its like paying money to be a slave - sheesh.

India is the problem not congress. THere is no difference between congress and bjp. When 2000 sikhs were murdered in delhi, Rajiv Gandhi casually said "when a big tree falls the earth shakes". WHen 2000 muslims were butchered in gujarat including pregnant women the modi laughed it as newtons third law.

Ram temple locks were broken by congress, Tamil's jallikattu was banned by congress, Ayappa temple was forcible made to open its door to women by BJP courts . Now the same court wont say anything about Ram temple in north because religious sentiments up there is more important than "leper" like south indians sentiments.

Congress or BJP has some level of patriotism towards the nation. You might differ with them on what's Patriotism. But there are some rabid commies who simply wish destruction of India and he is one among that guy.

Moreover in the BJP, there is no single person than Tarun Vijay who have taken an interest in.promoting Tamil all over India. Now Narendra Modi does it even though it won't give votes in TN. Tarun apologised for his comments and I rest my case. Honestly I do not care what failed people call us. Its not my problem. I do not have inferiority complex if a UP Wala calls me Madrasi as he has come to come down to Madras to find work. Madras I mean is entire south Indians. Thought Telugu and Kanmadigas will.take offence if someone calls them Madrasis.

India needs to stay united cos it should. Learn from history. When India was divided, it became easy for foreign hordes to.invade India and destroy our universities, temples and cultures. The same.willl happen again if Indians are not united. The cow belt region faced the brunt of fascism in middle ages and there is a reason why no grand temples are still present in Northern cow belt region. These people went backwards even more during the onslaught when they should have come forward more. I can talk all this as I was saved from all this barberiity by Vijayanagar empire. Hence we aren't suspicious of everyone and anyone. People's behavior are shaped by our history. We pay our taxes cos that's what rich states do to help poor states. California cries every year on budget sharing and allocation. Doesn't mean it deserves to be independent. The Northern frontier protects the south from invasions and military threats. They deserve it.

In a democracy, some things can always be negotiated. Elections and votes can change financial implications for positive engagement. India though slow has got things done through negotiations and democracy. That's a reason why it's successful. Yes Modi is threatening that due to full.blown majority. But I believe it's a phase.

The Cruz of the matter is simple. I do not need to break an nation just cos of some uncouthed people call me Madrasi, and the least an India hating commie duffel bag. TN and Kerala aren't even better in some aspects. They are more racists than one can acknowledge them for, cos they are constantly whining victim card.
Congress or BJP has some level of patriotism towards the nation. You might differ with them on what's Patriotism. But there are some rabid commies who simply wish destruction of India and he is one among that guy.

Moreover in the BJP, there is no single person than Tarun Vijay who have taken an interest in.promoting Tamil all over India. Now Narendra Modi does it even though it won't give votes in TN. Tarun apologised for his comments and I rest my case. Honestly I do not care what failed people call us. Its not my problem. I do not have inferiority complex if a UP Wala calls me Madrasi as he has come to come down to Madras to find work. Madras I mean is entire south Indians. Thought Telugu and Kanmadigas will.take offence if someone calls them Madrasis.

India needs to stay united cos it should. Learn from history. When India was divided, it became easy for foreign hordes to.invade India and destroy our universities, temples and cultures. The same.willl happen again if Indians are not united. The cow belt region faced the brunt of fascism in middle ages and there is a reason why no grand temples are still present in Northern cow belt region. These people went backwards even more during the onslaught when they should have come forward more. I can talk all this as I was saved from all this barberiity by Vijayanagar empire. Hence we aren't suspicious of everyone and anyone. People's behavior are shaped by our history. We pay our taxes cos that's what rich states do to help poor states. California cries every year on budget sharing and allocation. Doesn't mean it deserves to be independent. The Northern frontier protects the south from invasions and military threats. They deserve it.

In a democracy, some things can always be negotiated. Elections and votes can change financial implications for positive engagement. India though slow has got things done through negotiations and democracy. That's a reason why it's successful. Yes Modi is threatening that due to full.blown majority. But I believe it's a phase.

The Cruz of the matter is simple. I do not need to break an nation just cos of some uncouthed people call me Madrasi, and the least an India hating commie duffel bag. TN and Kerala aren't even better in some aspects. They are more racists than one can acknowledge them for, cos they are constantly whining victim card.

You dont need to break a "nation" for a comment in a group. But there are far more bigger reasons then that. But before we go there. No @Shantanu_Left is not anti-indian. He is just run of the mill "indian" form north or wherever who sees south indians as less than human. What you are simply chosing to ignore is that such a belief is widespread among indian elite whether bjp or congress. But eventually tamils and other south indians (and hopefully bengalis and maha too) will figure out as a lot of them already did.

And its not just belief. I dont know what you mean north india suffered more facism - right now they got a nation which speaks their tongue and collects taxes from you while sniggering at you. They got a pretty good deal to me. Its you lot who are losers. You dont hear you language or your voice anywhere, you lose your tax money. You are obsessed about kashmir or ladakh - your people die there. Have you ever seen a north indian debate about tamils/sinhala problem? what care or attention they give you - nothing. Has anyone other than a tamil ever built a murugan temple? then what buffanorery is it to support Ram temple in TN.
yever seen a north indian debate about tamils/sinhala problem? what care or attention they give you - nothing. Has anyone other than a tamil ever built a murugan temple? then what buffanorery

mind it. :omghaha:
You dont need to break a "nation" for a comment in a group. But there are far more bigger reasons then that. But before we go there. No @Shantanu_Left is not anti-indian. He is just run of the mill "indian" form north or wherever who sees south indians as less than human. What you are simply chosing to ignore is that such a belief is widespread among indian elite whether bjp or congress. But eventually tamils and other south indians (and hopefully bengalis and maha too) will figure out as a lot of them already did.

And its not just belief. I dont know what you mean north india suffered more facism - right now they got a nation which speaks their tongue and collects taxes from you while sniggering at you. They got a pretty good deal to me. Its you lot who are losers. You dont hear you language or your voice anywhere, you lose your tax money. You are obsessed about kashmir or ladakh - your people die there. Have you ever seen a north indian debate about tamils/sinhala problem? what care or attention they give you - nothing. Has anyone other than a tamil ever built a murugan temple? then what buffanorery is it to support Ram temple in TN.

If a Northie hadn't cared for Lankan Tamils there wouldn't have been an LTTE to begin with. That Karunanidhi betrayed Tamils for power with UPA 2 Soniya is long history.

Since you call me you lot, I will stick with my lot. I know what's the overall and larger good for the nation is. If you have quit believing, then there it's not my problem to convince you otherwise
BJP walas are not patriotic. They dance to the Western tunes.

There is a difference between being nationalists, which sanghis like some present Indians here and a number of other now absent Indians are, and being patriots.

Without naming any names, it's clear who is who.

But as far as I am concerned, on a Pakistani forum, we are only Indians.

Cheers, Doc

@Sam. Young man.

I look forward to your dream of a forum of Indian patriots.

Koi sahayta chahiye bas phone uthao.

Cheers, Doc
There is a difference between being nationalists, which sanghis like some present Indians here and a number of other now absent Indians are, and being patriots.

Without naming any names, it's clear who is who.

But as far as I am concerned, on a Pakistani forum, we are only Indians.

Cheers, Doc

@Sam. Young man.

I look forward to your dream of a forum of Indian patriots.

Koi sahayta chahiye bas phone uthao.

Cheers, Doc
If you belong to a party then you can not completely belong to the nation.
If you belong to a party then you can not completely belong to the nation.

Absolutely satya vachan.

We are still at war, with the pandemic and the chinis, one after the other in quick succession.

And this is really not the place. So it's better to be silent.

Cheers, Doc
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