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Why is Afghanistan unable to form a fully functional nation state?


May 2, 2011
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United Kingdom
They have all the ingredients to be a great nation. Great history and culture and good food.

But they just haven't managed to get it together.

And don't give me the ISI/Soviet/NATO excuse okay. We are all grown ups here and know full well such things only happen in vacuums. Had Afghanistan had a strong leadership they would have grown into an independent nation.

After all Pakistan started with nothing and even less than Afghans and could have gone the same way but didn't.

Why is this so?
They have all the ingredients to be a great nation. Great history and culture and good food.

But they just haven't managed to get it together.

And don't give me the ISI/Soviet/NATO excuse okay. We are all grown ups here and know full well such things only happen in vacuums. Had Afghanistan had a strong leadership they would have grown into an independent nation.

After all Pakistan started with nothing and even less than Afghans and could have gone the same way but didn't.

Why is this so?

They are not giving the proper representation to their peoples, i.e Pakhtoon are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan with more the 42% of population but the most of government offices are hold by northern alliance.
They lack leadership and are divided into ethnic groups sadly all of the world make sure they pour money to create there proxies in the country .Till Shah there was some thing good for Afg but soon after Russian invasion all is lost .Only thing that makes Afghanistan stable is to make all stake holders to come to talk and ignore there personnel gains ,other wise Afg along with Pak and even India all three are going no where
Stupid Irredentism, Tribal/Clan mentality, Foreign invasions, Ethno-Linguistic differences and Illiteracy.
They lack leadership and are divided into ethnic groups sadly all of the world make sure they pour money to create there proxies in the country .Till Shah there was some thing good for Afg but soon after Russian invasion all is lost .Only thing that makes Afghanistan stable is to make all stake holders to come to talk and ignore there personnel gains ,other wise Afg along with Pak and even India all three are going no where

Shah was the biggest BC as he aided the killing of Khan Liaquat Ali Khan.

Instability, poor leadership, low literacy rate, weak economy, and much more. A Nation who is struggling to gain is land from militants is obviously having issues to progress.
Hope they soon get out of their mess and progress by leaps and bounds.
Too much of guns and ammo inside Afghanistan, that's why.

If people have grievances, they talk it out, probably argue and even fight. Give them guns and they will shoot at each other. That is the biggest problem.
simply as our FATA they are ignorant hate to follow law and hate each other on language base and secterian
Literacy, religious extremism, Guns and finally foreign intervention in that order.
They have all the ingredients to be a great nation. Great history and culture and good food.
No they don't, not by a long shot. Past history and good food are irrelevant to nation building, and their culture is in no way conducive to forging a modern nation state.

Cultural hurdles:

1) Ethnic and tribal loyalties are strong, and they trump any sense of a national identity. A nation-state can be formed only if people agree to the idea of owing allegiance to that nation, rather than to their ethnicity or village. This is also the reason why some places in the middle east and Africa have trouble forming strong nation-states. Allegiance is to their own tribe or ethnicity or warlord. (Yemen, Sudan, and to an extent even Iraq, Syria, Libya etc.)

2) Extreme poverty - Afghanistan is the one of the poorest regions on earth, and their total GDP is about 20 billion dollars. That is simply not enough to have functional civil institutions, like a judicial system, representative government at all levels (not just a parliament), building civic infrastructure, educating the population, providing healthcare etc.

When the organs of the state are non existant, it is difficult for people to owe any loyalty. The only authority figures they see in their lives are warlords or village shuras.

3) Lack of modern education, and especially an appalling lack of scientific and technical literacy. That contributes to the above mentioned poverty.

4) Frequent wars and conflicts.

I could go on and on, but the point is that Afghanistan is a place that cannot be expected to become a flourishing nation state any time soon. Contrary to your assertion in the OP, they have nothing that is necessary to become a modern nation state with a collective identity.

After all Pakistan started with nothing and even less than Afghans and could have gone the same way but didn't.

Why is this so?

Pakistan, like India, inherited many of the civil institutions of Britain. They also inherited the primary and higher education systems. Besides, during the freedom struggle, Indians developed a collective identity, and at the moment of independence,, the idea of India or Pakistan was more important than the idea of ethnic loyalties. The freedom movement was pan national, not based on ethnicity or regionalism or religion.
Too much of guns and ammo inside Afghanistan, that's why.

If people have grievances, they talk it out, probably argue and even fight. Give them guns and they will shoot at each other. That is the biggest problem.
Usa has the most guns but its not a war zone and a shit hole like afghanistan. The real reason is their mentality. They have always wanted a pakhtunistan when they couldnt even control what they had. They poured all of their money and time trying to destroy pakistan while instead they should have been developing their country. They think a pakhtunistan/pashtoonistan is the answer to all their problems.
de-weaponize of Afghanistan is most important thing when these tribes will start hating guns peace will come to home automatically . till they fee proud to carry guns they will bleed
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