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why iran must stop calling themself shias for peace between muslim countries


Apr 3, 2012
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United States
as erdogan said in his statement u should be only calling yourself muslim not shias or sunni , which divide the people in middle east , instead u should be only calling yourself muslim as prophet Muhammd (saw) never mentioned about any of these sects , thats the only way u can bring peace between shias and sunnis in middle east , generally sunni peopel never say to people o we are sunni muslim but shais does i believe , majority sunni never mention they are sunni muslim they just say we are muslim , this is the things shias must change and understand their is only one religon islam not 2 , this the easies way peace is possible in muslim world right now

Unity can only be on the basis of truth and NOT falsehood i.e everything should be referred back to Quran and Sunnah and there can be NO, absolute 0 compromise on Islamic fundamentals centered upon Tawhid (absolute oneness of Allah(swt)) and that means associating NO partners with Allah (swt), respecting all the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), respecting mother of the believers i.e wives of the Prophet (PBUH), and discarding all innovative practices based on emotionally charged historical incidents and cultural practices.

I think NOT a single Muslim regardless of schools of thought would find anything problematic with the above conditions for unity.
Unity can only be on the basis of truth and NOT falsehood i.e everything should be referred back to Quran and Sunnah and there can be NO, absolute 0 compromise on Islamic fundamentals centered upon Tawhid (absolute oneness of Allah(swt)) and that means associating NO partners with Allah (swt), respecting all the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), respecting mother of the believers i.e wives of the Prophet (PBUH), and discarding all innovative practices based on emotionally charged historical incidents and cultural practices.

I think NOT a single Muslim regardless of schools of thought would find anything problematic with the above conditions for unity.
Are you Egyptian?
Sects were created for political reasons and not religious ones, there is no shia sunni in Islam, only names created to restore the lost empires and pride ........... the earlier we understand the better it would be.
This is the divide and rule scheme, because united Muslim nations will be much stronger than they are now, others! do not want that, because it is not in their interests.. and most Muslim nations are still lost about where their interest lies..
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): If the faith be in highest part of heaven, Men of Persians would attain it. [sahih Bukhari, sahih muslim and many more sources]

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself said my ummah will divide into 73 sects, and 72 sects of them will be wrong exceot one; The right one are those who are followers (Shia) of me and my Ahlulbayt. Ali (PBUH) his son in law and brother, Sayyedah Fatemah (PBUH) his daughter and mother of his generation (Kawsar), and his martyred grandsons Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) and 9 Imams from Hussain's generation.

Surah 21:

And We gave him Ishaq and Yaqoub (prophet Ibrahim son and grandson), a son's son, and We made (them) all good (72)

And We made them Imams who guided (people) by Our command, and We revealed to them the doing of good and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of the alms, and Us (alone) did they serve; (73)

Surah 11:

The mercy of Allah and His blessings are on you Ahlulbayt! surely He is Praised, Glorious (73)

Shia 12 Imams from Prophet and Quran:

The Prophet (s) said: "The Religion (Islam) will continue until the Hour (Day of Resurrection), having Twelve Caliphs for you, all of them will be from Quraysh. (his household) " [Sahih Muslim, (English), Chapter DCCLIV, v3, p1010, Tradition #4483; Sahih Muslim (Arabic), Kitab al-Imaara, 1980 Saudi Arabian Edition, v3, p1453, Tradition #10]

Who are Shia 12 Imams: https://www.al-islam.org/verses-gha...ches/2-prophet-s-foretells-about-twelve-imams


Ghadir Khum:

Man konto mawla fa haza "Ali" un Mawla. O Allah, be a supporter of whoever supports him (Ali) and an enemy of whoever opposes him and divert the Truth to Ali.

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Unity can only be on the basis of truth and NOT falsehood i.e everything should be referred back to Quran and Sunnah and there can be NO, absolute 0 compromise on Islamic fundamentals centered upon Tawhid (absolute oneness of Allah(swt)) and that means associating NO partners with Allah (swt), respecting all the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), respecting mother of the believers i.e wives of the Prophet (PBUH), and discarding all innovative practices based on emotionally charged historical incidents and cultural practices.

I think NOT a single Muslim regardless of schools of thought would find anything problematic with the above conditions for unity.
From the last part of your sentence (emotional incident) you are referring to the Ashura, and you think you are smart for sugar coating it but you're not.
Imam hossein (alaih alsalam) and his family were martyred by the ISIS of the time. They were martyred by a son of a whore whose burning in hell as we speak.
What do you mean by companions of prophet BTW? Not everyone who just saw the prophet (pbuh) with their eyes is considered a sahaba. Someone who stood by the prophet(pbuh) till his last breath and didn't hurt his family (Fatima (Alaih alsalam) and Ali (A. S) ) however, is.

And i don't want unity with people who behead others and burn them alive. I'd rather see IRIAF bomb the living shit out of them

I however would love to have unity with real sunni Muslims in Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Indonesia,.....
as erdogan said in his statement u should be only calling yourself muslim not shias or sunni , which divide the people in middle east , instead u should be only calling yourself muslim as prophet Muhammd (saw) never mentioned about any of these sects , thats the only way u can bring peace between shias and sunnis in middle east , generally sunni peopel never say to people o we are sunni muslim but shais does i believe , majority sunni never mention they are sunni muslim they just say we are muslim , this is the things shias must change and understand their is only one religon islam not 2 , this the easies way peace is possible in muslim world right now

That is the MOST retreaded thing I have ever heard!!!!!!!!!! Iranian's call themselves Muslims not shia we just happen to believe Ali as our 1st Imam followed by the children of the prophet which makes us Shia!

Wahhabi's are the problem! Their ideology has led to Terrorism all across the world! AND THAT is a FACT!

Who cuts off heads? Bans women from driving or even going to the streets without an escort??? THAT IS NOT Islam! Who wants an Islamic Caliphate? NOT IRAN, NOT IRAN, NOT IRAN!

Even if the word Shiite is wiped from history, Iranians will NOT stop believing in Ali as the 1st Imam followed by the children of the prophet as his disciples so call us whatever you wanna call us that isn't going to change!
That is the MOST retreaded thing I have ever heard!!!!!!!!!! Iranian's call themselves Muslims not shia we just happen to believe Ali as our 1st Imam followed by the children of the prophet which makes us Shia!

Wahhabi's are the problem! Their ideology has led to Terrorism all across the world! AND THAT is a FACT!

Who cuts off heads? Bans women from driving or even going to the streets without an escort??? THAT IS NOT Islam! Who wants an Islamic Caliphate? NOT IRAN, NOT IRAN, NOT IRAN!

Even if the word Shiite is wiped from history, Iranians will NOT stop believing in Ali as the 1st Imam followed by the children of the prophet as his disciples so call us whatever you wanna call us that isn't going to change!

look at the reply from your fellow iranian on top 2800 , he is tryna say 56 countries that are fololowing sunnis are wrong hahhahahaha , sucha retarded things i ever hard , all yaa shias just needs to follow prophet muhammad (saw) sunnah and his path , and stop calling yourself shias just say muslim problem will be solved , and follow how prophet muhammad (saw) prayed not the one that later were introuduced , everythings will be solved
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