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Why India Must Change Its Kashmir Policy - the Diplomat

You can piss off to Hindustan with your Vedic BS, Mr wannabe-Hindu.
He may mock Islam and ALLAH (SWT), but the jester is ignorant to the fact that ancient Vedic beliefs were monotheistic though not as sublime as those in the final testament of ALLAH (SWT).W/Salam.
Sharia. Laws for Muslims, and a constitution for Muslim lands. It is outdated and unfit for the modern world, because it is discriminatory towards non-Muslims. A truly modern state can only be secular, where all people, irrespective of religion, are equal.
And who are you to speak on the behalf of Islam and Muslims, when you yourself claim to be a Secular Muslim from India in your signature?

This "Secular Indian Muslim" is in your signature.
Allah boys be like "Islam is the truth"...yet support a man-made British law (Blasphemy Law) to protect the "sanctity of Islam".

You couldln't even make this up. Everything these Allah boys touch, they ruin...every single thing. Kashmir movement has been tainted by them, Pakistan's name as been tainted...and they continue yapping this BS.

"Vee r prud to be Muslim"...yeah...go to Saudi Arabia...they really love you there. Twits.
There are good and bad in every community like in Saudi Arabia and in other countries.

Saudis usually treats Hajjis with respect.
You can piss off to Hindustan with your Vedic BS, Mr wannabe-Hindu.

I am living on my land...the beautiful Indus. Camel jockeys like yourself wouldn't understand that...you're the type of people who think people with the last name "Syed" are actually related to the Prophet. LMFAO.

A recent genetic study has found out that more than 80% of the self-proclaimed Syeds in India and Pakistan have NO West Asian (Arab) genes. And its now been discovered that the many Brahmins of India that converted to Islam, adopted the name Syed.

LMFAO. LOL. Hahaha.
I am living on my land...the beautiful Indus. Camel jockeys like yourself wouldn't understand that...you're the type of people who think people with the last name "Syed" are actually related to the Prophet. LMFAO.

A recent genetic study has found out that more than 80% of the self-proclaimed Syeds in India and Pakistan have NO West Asian (Arab) genes. And its now been discovered that the many Brahmins of India that converted to Islam, adopted the name Syed.

LMFAO. LOL. Hahaha.

Nope, it's not your land. Pakistan was made for South Asian Muslims, if you don't like Islam, GET OUT! Because you're going to really start hating once Sharia is implemented and you people are thrown into the cellar.

Think Pakistan is your land? I dare you, go into the streets of Lahore and hurl your abuses at Islam. Heck, do it in a liberal city like Karachi. Watch how quickly you get lynched by a mob.

My policy with Qureshis and Syeds is a simple one, I know many are fake, but not all of them. I give them the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise.

Genetic studies that have came back negative have also admitted the mixture could have simply been diluted with time if most of the ancestry of the individuals tested was not Arab in nature, especially if this ancestry goes back to a thousand years ago (for many of them it does). You cannot disprove these claims, it's one of those claims where it might be true, it might not.

By the way, they've also revealed that Muslims in Pakistan and Hindustan all have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors (albeit in small amounts), although it's not necessarily Arab ancestry (in fact, it's usually Persian).

I'd like to see your study. Provide me with it, and I'll show you the ones I've read.

"Vee r prud to be Muslim"...yeah...go to Saudi Arabia...they really love you there. Twits.

Been to Qatar, and I never, EVER faced racism. Maybe they only hate Vedic monkeys like you.

Nope, it's not your land. Pakistan was made for South Asian Muslims, if you don't like Islam, GET OUT! Because you're going to really start hating once Sharia is implemented and you people are thrown into the cellar.

It was made for Muslims of the Northwest British Raj (Indus Valley), not for Islam. Being a Muslim is religion, that doesn't mean you forget your Indus traditions to adopt Wahabi Saudi culture. Wahabi culture is not Islam you inbred cousin marrying fake Arab.

Think Pakistan is your land? I dare you, go into the streets of Lahore and hurl your abuses at Islam. Heck, do it in a liberal city like Karachi. Watch how quickly you get lynched by a mob.

Yup this is my land. I can trace my ancestors back 4 generations. I know the land I live on, I know my language, I know my heritage and my culture. I'm proud to be from the soil of the Indus. And BTW, everyday Islam gets abused in Pakistan. Moulvis raping little boys sounds very Islamic doesn't it?

My policy with Qureshis and Syeds is a simple one, I know many are fake, but not all of them. I give them the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise.


Genetic studies that have came back negative have also admitted the mixture could have simply been diluted with time if most of the ancestry of the individuals tested was not Arab in nature, especially if this ancestry goes back to a thousand years ago (for many of them it does). You cannot disprove these claims, it's one of those claims where it might be true, it might not.

Several cultural or religious groups claim descent from a common ancestor. The extent to which this claimed ancestry is real or socially constructed can be assessed by means of genetic studies. Syed is a common honorific title given to male Muslims belonging to certain families claiming descent from the Prophet Muhammad through his grandsons Hassan and Hussein, who lived 1400 years ago and were the sons of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima. If all Syeds really are in direct descent from Hassan and Hussein, we would expect the Y chromosomes of Syeds to be less diverse than those of non-Syeds. Outside the Arab world, we would also expect to find that Syeds share Y chromosomes with Arab populations to a greater extent than they do with their non-Syed geographic neighbours. In this study, we found that the Y chromosomes of self-identified Syeds from India and Pakistan are no less diverse than those non-Syeds from the same regions, suggesting that there is no biological basis to the belief that self-identified Syeds in this part of the world share a recent common ancestry. In addition to Syeds, we also considered members of other hereditary Muslim lineages, which either claim descent from the tribe or family of Muhammad or from the residents of Medinah. Here, we found that these lineages showed greater affinity to geographically distant Arab populations, than to their neighbours from the Indian subcontinent, who do not belong to an Islamic honorific lineage. (PDF) Y chromosomes of self-identified Syeds from the Indian subcontinent show evidence of elevated Arab ancestry but not of a recent common patrilineal origin. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/public...but_not_of_a_recent_common_patrilineal_origin

By the way, they've also revealed that Muslims in Pakistan and Hindustan all have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors (albeit in small amounts), although it's not necessarily Arab ancestry (in fact, it's usually Persian).

LMFAO are you an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani? If that's the case, why do Parsi Indians and Pakistani groups share the exact same DNA? Parsis left Iran before the Islamic invasion. You inbred cousin f**king twit. LMFAO.

I'm starting to think you're just a troll account pretending to be an Islamist Pakistani.


I'd like to see your study. Provide me with it, and I'll show you the ones I've read.

Knock yourself out. Here'a a whole thread dedicated to it.


Been to Qatar, and I never, EVER faced racism. Maybe they only hate Vedic monkeys like you.

So go live in Qatar. Chutiya buddu.
It was made for Muslims of the Northwest British Raj (Indus Valley), not for Islam. Being a Muslim is religion, that doesn't mean you forget your Indus traditions to adopt Wahabi Saudi culture. Wahabi culture is not Islam you inbred cousin marrying fake Arab.

Yup this is my land. I can trace my ancestors back 4 generations. I know the land I live on, I know my language, I know my heritage and my culture. I'm proud to be from the soil of the Indus. And BTW, everyday Islam gets abused in Pakistan. Moulvis raping little boys sounds very Islamic doesn't it?


Several cultural or religious groups claim descent from a common ancestor. The extent to which this claimed ancestry is real or socially constructed can be assessed by means of genetic studies. Syed is a common honorific title given to male Muslims belonging to certain families claiming descent from the Prophet Muhammad through his grandsons Hassan and Hussein, who lived 1400 years ago and were the sons of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima. If all Syeds really are in direct descent from Hassan and Hussein, we would expect the Y chromosomes of Syeds to be less diverse than those of non-Syeds. Outside the Arab world, we would also expect to find that Syeds share Y chromosomes with Arab populations to a greater extent than they do with their non-Syed geographic neighbours. In this study, we found that the Y chromosomes of self-identified Syeds from India and Pakistan are no less diverse than those non-Syeds from the same regions, suggesting that there is no biological basis to the belief that self-identified Syeds in this part of the world share a recent common ancestry. In addition to Syeds, we also considered members of other hereditary Muslim lineages, which either claim descent from the tribe or family of Muhammad or from the residents of Medinah. Here, we found that these lineages showed greater affinity to geographically distant Arab populations, than to their neighbours from the Indian subcontinent, who do not belong to an Islamic honorific lineage. (PDF) Y chromosomes of self-identified Syeds from the Indian subcontinent show evidence of elevated Arab ancestry but not of a recent common patrilineal origin. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/public...but_not_of_a_recent_common_patrilineal_origin

LMFAO are you an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani? If that's the case, why do Parsi Indians and Pakistani groups share the exact same DNA? Parsis left Iran before the Islamic invasion. You inbred cousin f**king twit. LMFAO.

I'm starting to think you're just a troll account pretending to be an Islamist Pakistani.


Knock yourself out. Here'a a whole thread dedicated to it.


So go live in Qatar. Chutiya buddu.

So a country can be made for Muslims, but not Islam? I want you to process how stupid that sounds.

WTH is "Indus tradition" lol? Pakistanis are extremely different culturally, what unites is the fact that we all believe in some version of Islam, we all hate Hindustan, and we all share fairly similar ancestry.

Salafism is Islam, and we are growing at a rapid rate everywhere, including Pakistan. You cannot stop us, either learn to live with us or you'll get booted from the country when we eventually take power, just like those Shah-supporting weirdo Persians during the Iranian revolution.

It's funny you mention cousin marriage, as per the rest of you guys it's totally fine where as among most Salafis it's considered mustahab to marry people as least related to you as possible, with many even declaring it makruh to marry your cousin (especially when it comes to repeating it generation after generation). We also tend to be a lot less backwards and more open to other ethnic groups, unlike you jahils who will go around killing your children for not marrying someone from the same clan.

Molvi rapists tend to be non-Salafis, so another own goal right there. Even if they were, that just proves my case even more that we need Sharia to stone these types of morons. I guarantee if we implemented rajm effectively these idiots would disappear.

Seen that study, I already told you that ancestry can get diluted over time. Take a look:


"Although marriage between Muslim men and Hindu women was important for the spread of Islam in India, it has not been sufficient to replace the Hindu Y-chromosomal heritage built up in prehistoric times."

Authors of the study also admit they cannot definitively disprove the claims made by Syeds and others like them:

"Some Indian Muslim families can trace their ancestry back to sources outside India >1,000 years ago, and our findings do not conflict with this fact"

Having a few ancestors from Arabia from a thousand or hundreds of years ago might not even show up if all your other ancestors were not from Arabia.

Pakistanis and Hindustanis have vastly different DNA, yes, but both Muslim populations have admixture from the Islamic conquerors:


Take a look at the above map. Now tell me, do you honestly think none of the Eurasian DNA present in the samples came during the Islamic conquests? Some of it almost certainly did, which is further strengthened by the fact that the Pagan Kalash have lower amounts of Eurasian DNA than not just their geographical neighbours, but even Punjabis.

Studies in Hindustan also further strengthen my claim:


"The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars"


"Overall, our results support a model according to which the spread of Islam in India was predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor but still detectable levels of gene flow from outside, primarily from Iran and Central Asia"


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"

So go live in Qatar.

I did, for 4 years in fact. Had to leave though, which sucked but I had (and still have) things that need doing and cannot be done in the Middle East.
To mods. Dsr478 is definitely an Indian posing as a Pakistani Islamist. They are bent on trying to claim Pakistani DNA differs from North India because of Islam. That's false.

I asked this gandu why do Parsis have the same genetic makeup...and he decided not to answer.

Keep on eye on this filthy Gangetic trash.
@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster look at the trash from India/false flagger control @Indus Priest King , @Indus Priest King you're making a trash and blabbring and one more question are muslim or religion less twit @Indus Priest King o_O
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Allah boys be like "Islam is the truth"...yet support a man-made British law (Blasphemy Law) to protect the "sanctity of Islam".

You couldln't even make this up. Everything these Allah boys touch, they ruin...every single thing. Kashmir movement has been tainted by them, Pakistan's name as been tainted...and they continue yapping this BS.

"Vee r prud to be Muslim"...yeah...go to Saudi Arabia...they really love you there. Twits.

I love your historical posts, which I find very valuable. Why would you tarnish your excellent work by attacking Islam and Muslims?

We are your brother Pakistanis, sharing the same blood, who are a 97% Muslim majority nation with great love for our Islamic traditions and heritage.

Leave this religious animosity and let’s try to do something beneficial for Pakistan and Pakistanis.

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