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Why I won't live among Hindus

nothing is happening in kashmir. only your Army ha fed prppaganda to you guys.
second abdussalam was a muslim and wasnt revered. you desecrated his grave. yes or no>

yea valley needs to be cleansed and repatriated with original pandit population

biography of abdusalam is taught to us in our books! Unlike the concept of a ( india being a slaughtered cow in pieces) the indian children are taught!
nothing is happening in kashmir. only your Army ha fed prppaganda to you guys.
second abdussalam was a muslim and wasnt revered. you desecrated his grave. yes or no>

abdussalam is taught in books here!

yea valley needs to be cleansed and repatriated with original pandit population

kashmiris wont let you change the demography of kashmir!
Well Indian Muslims made their bed now they must lie in it, they could have fought for their own state as brits were to leave.

Well the flag on your profile is related to the country that was born out of such demand by people who thought it would not be wise to stay back so you comment is due lack of knowledge of History.

Any discrimination in any form is not justified and no community should be liked to this Hindus by and large are the most secular and tolerent people on the earth few black sheeps should not define a community.

Indian Muslims also deserve due credit for becoming the largest Muslim community anywhere in the world which has held the flag of Islam high and made the world realise that this religion is not all about violence ,killing and getting killed in the name of religion but about peace and mutual respect and tolerence.

Having said that it is also true that as certain communities become prosperous they develop a certain arrogant stance towards other communities but this is not common in any place a particular locality it can be true.

If muslims are happy living in a particular society their is nothing wrong with that...what is important is this is not a state policy to discriminate on basis of any religion as it is in case of most of the muslim countries in the world.Similarly if I don't want to rent my house to a particular person no one can force me to do the same.A individual or a group of indivduals action should not be seen as a stste policy.
Hey man, I see your from Canada. If you live in the GTA let me know. Maybe we can have a coffee.
Funny how the downtrodden ones are always to blamed in India. Muslims are discriminated, their fault. Christians are discriminated, their fault. Sikhs are discriminated, their fault. Lower castes discriminated, their fault.

Only way we can accommodate everyone is to increase the national pie .

Nobody is blaming anyone but pointing to facts that if you work hard you will succeed in India irrespective of which community you are from.

Our state and national govt. employs only 2% or 5 million employees. Muslims are underrepresented and they constitute only 5% of govt. employees when their share of population is 12%. There is scope for improvement in these numbers if the govt. is sincere in implementing Sachaar committee recommendations. All I see is congress govt. is back footing and is not sincere.

So, out of total work force of 487 million, 5 million are govt. employees and rest is from private initiative. There is no quota system in private sector and is either based on merit or whim of the employer. So, if you want to succeed in this set up then key is education and up-gradation of your skills.

P.S. : Our GOI eases the burden of people through subsidies and welfare schemes but they are limited by resources and sheer number of communities who need help. Most of the time they run out of money and you have to fend for yourselves.
I am a hindu and I can't get a home in Mumbai.. Most of Society belong to grass eater Jains and Gujuu brothers. They don't like Meat eater like me....

So shall I make hue and cry??? Indian Muslims are crybaby, Hypocrites..

In Muslim area , Hindu can't buy property, infact Muslims don't sell there properties to non-Muslims. Does Hindu cry???

OK tell me one final thing, If I eat pork daily, carry pork in basket , open a Pork shop in muslim area, cook Pork daily at home and let the flavour go to upper floor Muslim's Nose.... Will Muslim allow me to stay in there colony?????

Why I won't live among Hindus

April 11, 2006

As a rule I would not stay in a Hindu locality.
It is not that I dislike Hindus or anything like that -- some of my closest friends are Hindus -- but the Mumbai riots of 1993 made me realise for the first time that we Muslims in India are different from Hindus.

I have seen Hindu mobs looking for Muslims in the Hindu locality where I then lived, to kill them and burn down their homes. The mobs managed to lay their hands on some of my friends, but some lucky families, like mine, escaped.

That incident affected my psyche so much that I then decided I would never live in a Hindu locality again.

After the Mumbai riots, we shifted to a Muslim locality in 1994

Last month I met a Sikh friend in New Delhi and asked him how he felt living among Hindus post the 1984 riots.

Nothing," he said curtly and added that the anti-Sikh riots that followed Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's assassination happened more than 21 years ago and everybody had forgotten it. "These things don't matter to Indians now," he said.

I was impressed by his statement. I got the feeling India has changed and moved on.
When my Sikh friend feels that way then I as a Muslim should also feel the same way in Mumbai, I told myself. After all, 13 years was a long time in Mumbai's history, Mumbaikars also must have changed and moved on, I felt.

So when I started looking for a new house I thought, should I look for a house in a Hindu area again?

My wife, who is also Muslim, was a little sceptical because she too had similar experiences in the Mumbai riots and been through identical hell.

So I said okay, let's move to an upscale Muslim locality with better facilities.
I didn't know then what I was heading for.

It seems I am house-hunting at a very wrong time. Real estate prices have skyrocketed and there are very few flats available in the market.

Even if they are, no one wants 100 percent cheque payment. Those who were okay with full cheque payment either did not own good homes or if they did, they were way too expensive.

Faced with this Catch-22 situation, I felt maybe I should move to a Hindu locality.
I duly visited a property exhibition in Mumbai and found some great homes.
Sadly, the prices were so high they were beyond the reach of a middle class person like me. The only way I could afford them was to scale down my expectations of a 2-bedroom apartment, since my budget was around Rs 25 lakh (Rs 2 million).

I zeroed in on a one-bedroom apartment in the Kandivli area in Mumbai's western suburbs. The exhibitors were happy at getting a customer. They explained the ins and outs of the housing complex and said I could come visit the site anytime.

All the bonhomie dried up when I handed over my visiting card to one of them, the shock all too visible on his face.
"Sorry sir, we cannot sell the house to you as Muslims are not wanted in this locality," he told me in so many words.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard.
When I asked him to give it in writing, the person in charge said he would not, and added that anyway this is the understood norm in the locality, so what was the fuss all about?

I wonder why people blame Muslims for not being part of the national mainstream. When there is no room for them in an ordinary housing complex, how can you expect them to join the mainstream? When they want to stay in a mainstream locality they are kept away.

My experience led me to find out more about other housing societies in Mumbai. I discovered discrimination existed against not just Muslims but towards other communities as well.

For example, a Maharashtrian will not find it easy to find a house in a Gujarati locality.
One of my Maharashtrian friends said although her aunt lives in a housing society comprising non-vegatarians she is not allowed to cook fish because the neighbours cannot stand its smell.

I find such discrimination shocking.

Why do we call ourselves Indians and want to take pride in our multi-cultural, multi-religious land when we cannot stand our neighbours who belong to different religions and cultures?

My Sikh friend in New Delhi may be right about the situation there but I think it will take a little longer to change mindsets in Mumbai.

pretty old thread but still people are keeping it alive...my question to you Mr Rahman...are you still an Indian?
Only way we can accommodate everyone is to increase the national pie .

Nobody is blaming anyone but pointing to facts that if you work hard you will succeed in India irrespective of which community you are from.

Our state and national govt. employs only 2% or 5 million employees. Muslims are underrepresented and they constitute only 5% of govt. employees when their share of population is 12%. There is scope for improvement in these numbers if the govt. is sincere in implementing Sachaar committee recommendations. All I see is congress govt. is back footing and is not sincere.

So, out of total work force of 487 million, 5 million are govt. employees and rest is from private initiative. There is no quota system in private sector and is either based on merit or whim of the employer. So, if you want to succeed in this set up then key is education and up-gradation of your skills.

P.S. : Our GOI eases the burden of people through subsidies and welfare schemes but they are limited by resources and sheer number of communities who need help. Most of the time they run out of money and you have to fend for yourselves.

Nikammon ke liye revariya??? (Milkcake for useless fellows??), We give birth two kids, We invest million of rupees for our kids education, We make our kids civilized citizen and Mr Rajendra Sachar will give all benefit to breeders???

If Khachhar will come in frnt of me, trust me I will kill him, Due to Bas$$$$ like him , India is backward. 9 out of 10 Muslim kids work at garage, work as dishwasher, work as lobour, work at second class job, don't see face of class 10th, Why???? Only becuse his father breeds 6-18 son/daughter. A man having 6 to 18 breeding can not feed them , so these morons left there kid to earn at very small age (8 year onward).

The only reason of thr backwardness is there mentality. In my village, rikshwapuller try to teach his son, while in Muslim slums, no one bother about education. I have sponsored 10 poor hindu kids education, Not a single Muslim Kid came to me and asked for sponsorship...
Nikammon ke liye revariya??? (Milkcake for useless fellows??), We give birth two kids, We invest million of rupees for our kids education, We make our kids civilized citizen and Mr Rajendra Sachar will give all benefit to breeders???

If Khachhar will come in frnt of me, trust me I will kill him, Due to Bas$$$$ like him , India is backward. 9 out of 10 Muslim kids work at garage, work as dishwasher, work as lobour, work at second class job, don't see face of class 10th, Why???? Only becuse his father breeds 6-18 son/daughter. A man having 6 to 18 breeding can not feed them , so these morons left there kid to earn at very small age (8 year onward).

The only reason of thr backwardness is there mentality. In my village, rikshwapuller try to teach his son, while in Muslim slums, no one bother about education. I have sponsored 10 poor hindu kids education, Not a single Muslim Kid came to me and asked for sponsorship...

cool it bro!! Rajendra Sachar only pointed to discriminatory practices followed in allocating govt. jobs.... which is not constitutional. In a country as vast as India we succeeded in eliminating Polio but failed miserably in bringing every kid in our block to attend school. I do not agree with you that there is no desire among Muslim families to educate their kids. When my wife offered to take couple of migrant street kids to enroll in school, she was swamped by other parents of both Hindu and Muslim families to enroll their kids too. All they need is little push and encouragement to propel them towards brighter future for their kids.
cool it bro!! Rajendra Sachar only pointed to discriminatory practices followed in allocating govt. jobs.... which is not constitutional.

Mate - Please refrain from making misleading statement that a discrimination is practiced for government jobs against muslims - There is no discrimination found on why muslims have lower percentages of government jobs. Here is the conclusive observation from his report -


. I do not agree with you that there is no desire among Muslim families to educate their kids. When my wife offered to take couple of migrant street kids to enroll in school, she was swamped by other parents of both Hindu and Muslim families to enroll their kids too. All they need is little push and encouragement to propel them towards brighter future for their kids.

And let me debunk your theory once again by pointing out to the same Sachar Committee report.


Government has a program where it funds Madarasas to impart education involving non-religious subjects like maths, science etc. Beyond that the only option is offering reservation and that my friend is unconstitutional.(where a particular religion is favored)
Yes - Pakistan is right there, created just for people who wont live with Hindus.
where is this chap residing now ? whose personal experience pakistanis find so gratifying ?
biography of abdusalam is taught to us in our books! Unlike the concept of a ( india being a slaughtered cow in pieces) the indian children are taught!

Doesn't matter what is taught. Firstly for paks he is non Muslim ahmadi , which itself is wrong as ahmadi call themselves Muslim, only then he is anything else.

kashmiris wont let you change the demography of kashmir!

Kashmiris already changed demo. Hindus are not there any more. So that hope is already gone

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