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Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?


Dec 31, 2010
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ECONOMICS - Azerbaijan ups gas to Turkey by 50 pct

You might have heard the news that the Tabriz-Ankara pipeline was sabotaged and the Russians and the Azeris are pumping more gas into Turkey until its repaired.

So the Iranians are selling us their gas at a very expensive price (I've seen a table before with the different prices) and the Azeris are basically charging the half of them. The BTC pipeline goes through a secure route and there is no risk of any sabotage as with the Iraqi or Iranian pipeline. It is the cheaper and safer option clearly.


So why the hell are we not getting more from the Azeris? I understand that there has to been a certain diversification but why the hell is Azerbaijan not our main supplier?

EDIT: Deno please fix the title.
The Iranian? Why the hell not.

Or are you implying that we did?
The Iranian? Why the hell not.
Or are you implying that we did?
maybe, probably pkk fanboys did.. or CIA boys whatever :)

PKK just randomly attack everywhere meanwhile US don't want us buying oil or pretty much anything from Iran. We have very little reason to do this. It's highly unlikely if we formally cut ties with iran our other suppliers raise prices.

no no, we could simply stop buying, no need to make a scene right now...
Azeri oil production peaked in 2010. Why should Turkey invest in a country who's oil will run out soon?
If US invades iran, oil prices will hit the ceiling... ring any bells?

Yes. How is that relevant? Azerbaijan is not an OPEC nation, it will export more if not an equal amount of oil, thereby decreasing the amount of time it has before all profitable oil has been extracted.
Yes. How is that relevant? Azerbaijan is not an OPEC nation, it will export more if not an equal amount of oil, thereby decreasing the amount of time it has before all profitable oil has been extracted.
Still profitable... Even Turkey's very deep and low quality oil reserves will become profitable to drill, in time. Azerbaijan is much more luckier than us. TPAO should definitely work with them. Even if not, our import price from Azerbaijan is more reasonable.

We should buy all Azerbaijan's product :)
really? Diversified in what? You don't even have an economy. Literally.

Why are you second worst economy of the world?
"At No. 2 is Armenia, whose economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry."
The World's Worst Economies - Forbes

OMG!!!! I have never see that article before ever! Thank you, atatwolf for bringing it to my attention.

A lot of countries suffered the financial recession. And, like I already said, Armenia's economy has consistently grown since then.
Turkey should not rely on Azeri oild because
1- it is too insignificant, even at peak pipeline operation it can never replace Iran's oil/gas supply....let alone be enough for Turkey's hungry war machines.
2- You can't trust Aliyev....he has already warned Turkey in price manipulation for political stands. Turkey would be pinning itself down on the will of Sultan Aliyev.
3- Iran's oil is top quality....Azeri is low quality.
4- In case of renewed war in Artsakh the pipelines will be in danger and oil production in Azerbaijan could be disrupted.
I sincerely hope that Turkey does. Every drop of oil that flows through BTC pisses off Russia all the more. Btw, TPAO does work with Azerbaijan. It has a 5% share in the ACG field.
So what? bring it on mofos :smokin:
In case of renewed war in Artsakh the pipelines will be in danger and oil production in Azerbaijan could be disrupted.
Considering the size of two armies it's doubtful any possible war can take long enough to cause any disturbances in Turkey

it's more likely that your existence could get disrupted
ECONOMICS - Azerbaijan ups gas to Turkey by 50 pct

You might have heard the news that the Tabriz-Ankara pipeline was sabotaged and the Russians and the Azeris are pumping more gas into Turkey until its repaired.

So the Iranians are selling us their gas at a very expensive price (I've seen a table before with the different prices) and the Azeris are basically charging the half of them. The BTC pipeline goes through a secure route and there is no risk of any sabotage as with the Iraqi or Iranian pipeline. It is the cheaper and safer option clearly.


So why the hell are we not getting more from the Azeris? I understand that there has to been a certain diversification but why the hell is Azerbaijan not our main supplier?

EDIT: Deno please fix the title.

This is the same thing which we still talk about IRAN and Pakistan, like IRAN was and is ready to invest in the pipelines so why don't we get Gas and oil from them through these lines and try to invite private investors in making new refineries that can supply fuel to local needs as well as to export it to China and India along with Afghanistan
So what? bring it on mofos :smokin:

Considering the size of two armies it's doubtful any possible war can take long enough to cause any disturbances in Turkey

it's more likely that your existence could get disrupted

Wait Wait....are you now telling me that Azerbaijan can defeat Russia too?!?!?!?! Can Armenia defeat Russia? Can Armenia defeat Turkey? :yahoo:

Unless you are implying that Turkey will get involved. I'm tired of explaining to you why it won't, but I'll do it one more time anyway. Turkey does not care enough about Azerbaijan to get involved with war with Russia.

As for the Armenian existence, don't worry about that. If war somehow spreads into Armenian proper, Russia will intervene as per CSTO agreement.
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