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Why does not China have territory access to sea of japan?

I strongly hope that North Korea becomes part of China or would give some land to China so that it could have independent land access to the Sea of Japan. Indeed the PLA has fought and sacrificed themselves on North Korean soil during the Korean War. So there should be good compensation for that. Otherwise, northeast China or Manchuria part of China will remain extremely vulnerable to attack and invasion from the east, north, and south. To strongly protect northeast China would be to station the PLA navy base at the shore of the Sea of Japan.

No doubt that having independent land access to the Sea of Japan is economically and strategically valuable for China short-term and long-term. If North Korea does end up reunifying with South Korea, China should get some valuable land in return to access the Sea of Japan directly from the mainland.

Essentially, I think the Korean Peninsula could become China's Florida. ^^

No thank, we don't need their land nor their people.

And imagine if that happening, then South Korea would probably go nut.
No thank, we don't need their land nor their people.

And imagine if that happening, then South Korea would probably go nut.

Well ChineseTiger1986, If South Korea goes nuts, it is their problem. China should not kow-tow to South Korea's feelings. China's national interests is the top priority long-term. That land has enormous strategic value along with its natural resource deposits. As a rising superpower, China will have to get back its historic rightful land access to the Sea of Japan one way or another for true security of its northeast provinces.

You should know how easy it would be to attack and conquer that part of China like Japan did back then. Imagine enemy forces on Outer Manchuria and its navy at the Sea of Japan both attacking northeast China simultaneously. A devastating attack on two fronts for the PLA to defend against.
Well ChineseTiger1986, If South Korea goes nuts, it is their problem. China should not kow-tow to South Korea's feelings. China's national interests is the top priority long-term. That land has enormous strategic value along with its natural resource deposits. As a rising superpower, China will have to get back its historic rightful land access to the Sea of Japan one way or another for true security of its northeast provinces.

Well, North Korea is also a country with full of lunatics, and they do hate us with many odd reasons. Last year, their soldiers had shot many of our citizens between our border. These Chinese citizens were just simply little businessmen and they were ethnic Koreans.

And we have many domestic problems to take care of before thinking about this.

It was Hu Jintao the only CCP leader who likes them. Many other CCP leaders have decided to ditch them long time ago. We don't really care if US can push their military base infront of our border, because they don't have the strength to choke in our own backyard. Our most important strategic spot is the Indian Ocean, and North Korea only serves as a buffer zone for our capital Beijing. However, attacking on our national capital is nearly 100% improbable, because if that happening this means the nuclear war and the MAD doctrine. So we don't have anything to worry about.
Well, North Korea is also a country with full of lunatics, and they do hate us with many odd reasons. Last year, their soldiers had shot many of our citizens between our border. These Chinese citizens were just simply little businessmen and they were ethnic Koreans.

And we have many domestic problems to take care of before thinking about this.

It was Hu Jintao the only CCP leader who likes them. Many other CCP leaders have decided to ditch them long time ago. We don't really care if US can push their military base infront of our border, because they don't have the strength to choke in our own backyard. Our most important strategic spot is the Indian Ocean, and North Korea only serves as a buffer zone for our capital Beijing. However, attacking on our national capital is nearly 100% improbable, because if that happening this means the nuclear war and the MAD doctrine. So we don't have anything to worry about.

Don't be so naive on what the U.S. military intentions are and what they are capable of. The U.S. along with its Asian allies can and will exploit China's geographical strategic weaknesses. And yes, once China overcome its domestic problems, it can deal with this matter once and for all.
umm... no?

type-52c is comparable to(even if slightly inferior to the upgraded Atago class) Kongō class, russia has nothing comparable
type-054A is a close match/better than anything Russia fields, japan generally does not field frigates
japan has no nuclear subs and certainly no ssbn's but theirs and russia's conventional subs are probably better but china is making progress in this

though it is true a lot of plan ships are outdated though

You do know that Russia fields nuclear-powered cruisers? It steam-rolls anything PLAN has in its arsenal.

All of your submarine technology are knock-off Russian predecessors, namely the Kilo and Akula.

As for the Japanese, they have the most dynamic destroyer fleet in the world. They incinerated Chinese in WWII with aircraft carriers (later destroyers as you guys were no adversary). It's a joke to match any Chinese destroyer or firgates to Japanese destroyers. Your AESA technology alone is pancake in the Japanese dictionary. They had fighter-borne AESA a decade ago. You guys are still testing PESA...

not sure than was their goal but that is indeed how it turned out

If you had consulted with your mom, she would have taught you to not say stupid things in public.
Don't be so naive on what the U.S. military intentions are and what they are capable of. The U.S. along with its Asian allies can and will exploit China's geographical strategic weaknesses. And yes, once China overcome its domestic problems, it can deal with this matter once and for all.

That's why we will keep them alive, but annexing them for no reason would be a bad idea.

BTW, North Korea is not a trustworthy ally like Pakistan, they already tried to betray us during the Clinton era, only it was that stupid Dubya Bush who had alienated them and called them the axis of evil. This brought them closer to China because they have no choice but being dependent to us.

BTW, now US and its Nato allies have been stuck into another war, so let them having more fun with it.
That's why we will keep them alive, but annexing them for no reason would be a bad idea.

BTW, North Korea is not a trustworthy ally like Pakistan, they already tried to betray us during the Clinton era, only it was that stupid Dubya Bush who had alienated them and called them the axis of evil. This brought them closer to China because they have no choice but being dependent to us.

BTW, now US and its Nato allies have been stuck into another war, so let them having more fun with it.

Well, if North Korea is about to fall apart for real or gets invaded, annexation would be a strong option. If it reunifies with South Korea, China should get something valuable in return. ^^
One thing for sure, we should never trust NK as long as those kim pigs are in power. I wish their trains got blown up while kim was China.
You do know that Russia fields nuclear-powered cruisers? It steam-rolls anything PLAN has in its arsenal.

no, no they dont, not in their pacific fleet. in total there is 2 nuclear cruisers and both are in the northern fleet. the other two is planned but not due to be in service at least till 2020. and guess what those cruisers still dont have sensors and electronics comparable to those found on the type-52c. their big and carry a lot(missiles) but that also makes them bigger targets given they have no stealth shaping(or ram paint but paint can be added) at all

All of your submarine technology are knock-off Russian predecessors, namely the Kilo and Akula.

no but china certainly learned from the kilo though and i already said russia and japan does have an advantage in this area in terms of tech

As for the Japanese, they have the most dynamic destroyer fleet in the world. They incinerated Chinese in WWII with aircraft carriers (later destroyers as you guys were no adversary). It's a joke to match any Chinese destroyer or firgates to Japanese destroyers. Your AESA technology alone is pancake in the Japanese dictionary. They had fighter-borne AESA a decade ago. You guys are still testing PESA...

who the hell ever said the chinese navy of ww2 was of any match at all to the imperial japanese navy(or even russian navy) of the time? i am talking about present times. and who on earth is comparing airborne aesa? i certainly didn't, i only made references to shipborne aesa.

If you had consulted with your mom, she would have taught you to not say stupid things in public.

if you have consulted your mom maybe she could help you read better, oh wait maybe stupidity runs in the family.
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