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Why does not China have territory access to sea of japan?


Sep 14, 2010
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United States
China used to have territory access to sea of japan. Of course, a lot of them were invaded and stolen by russia during the worst time of China. However, I cannot believe that we do not have any territory left to access to sea of japan, especially the part border with NK.

Historically, quite of a few area in NK were part of China not that long ago. After World War II, how could we do not get them back?

In addition, we fought the Korean War and had hundreds of thousand soldiers die there. How could we do not get the territory access to sea of japan?

It is said that we have to rent it from NK to get that access. It is just way too ridiculous to be in this way.

The worst we can do is the have some land swap with NK.
We have a sh*t ton of problems at home, and you want to add more?

You warmongers are ridiculous.
We have a sh*t ton of problems at home, and you want to add more?

You warmongers are ridiculous.

If you cannot contribute, just get out of here. Nobody asks for any war. It is just a discussion.
If you cannot contribute, just get out of here. Nobody asks for any war. It is just a discussion.
You came here with the intention of dreaming about re-claiming access to Sea of Japan. Here is my contribution to you. Wake up.
Because North Korea and Russia stole it and we can do nothing about it other than start a war, or more desirably, rent Vladivostok or 罗津港. Nothing wrong with admitting something that happened 150 years ago under incompetent governments.

It would be of economic use only though. Strategically, the ships stationed there are helpless against US/Japanese attack since South Korea and Japan control both sides of the primary access strait to the Sea of Japan.
The question is that how China cannot keep its access point against NK? If it were stolen by Japan when Japan was in control of Korea, China should have every reason to take it back after world war II.

I could not understand why CCP did not ask for it. If it were russia, it would never send its army to fight korea war without asking the access point back.

Because North Korea and Russia stole it and we can do nothing about it other than start a war, or more desirably, rent Vladivostok or 罗津港. Nothing wrong with admitting something that happened 150 years ago under incompetent governments.

It would be of economic use only though. Strategically, the ships stationed there are helpless against US/Japanese attack since South Korea and Japan control both sides of the primary access strait to the Sea of Japan.
We have a sh*t ton of problems at home, and you want to add more?

You warmongers are ridiculous.

Going by your logic Japan should abandon the next generation fighter competition because they've got a helluva mess in their hands.
They may well hae to (considering the costs involved)

Security, not cost, is the top concern. Do you see Japs have slowed down a little bit? Does it try to do more on that "bird" reef (Japs calls it 冲之鸟礁)even though China has protested it was not an island times and times again?

It has written the disputed island with SK into its own textbook recently. It has not stopped protest with russia for those four islands in the north.

Again, security, not cost, is the top concern.

both the Japanese and Russian navies outclass you guys by... 20 years?


The Russians decided to arrange their territory so you don't border the SoJ?
Because NK is the only country has a paper treaty with China on joint defense in the world. If the Chinese needs to push their nukes to the korean shore aiming at Tokyo, they can, or rather, they could. After 80s with advancement of CHinese missile technology, is has less bearing militarily.
Going by your logic Japan should abandon the next generation fighter competition because they've got a helluva mess in their hands.
China currently does not have access to Sea of Japan, and hasn't had it for a while. Creating a problem when one doesn't exist is stupid.
Security, not cost, is the top concern. Do you see Japs have slowed down a little bit? Does it try to do more on that "bird" reef (Japs calls it 冲之鸟礁)even though China has protested it was not an island times and times again?

It has written the disputed island with SK into its own textbook recently. It has not stopped protest with russia for those four islands in the north.

Again, security, not cost, is the top concern.
Where is this "security concern" to China from Sea of Japan. It does not even border China's coast, and yet you want to create new regional disputes doing so? While you're at it, why not claim Siberia and Kazakhstan as well, since China once ruled those places. Don't bite more than you can chew.

both the Japanese and Russian navies outclass you guys by... 20 years?

umm... no?

type-52c is comparable to(even if slightly inferior to the upgraded Atago class) Kongō class, russia has nothing comparable
type-054A is a close match/better than anything Russia fields, japan generally does not field frigates
japan has no nuclear subs and certainly no ssbn's but theirs and russia's conventional subs are probably better but china is making progress in this

though it is true a lot of plan ships are outdated though


The Russians decided to arrange their territory so you don't border the SoJ?

not sure than was their goal but that is indeed how it turned out
I strongly hope that North Korea becomes part of China or would give some land to China so that it could have independent land access to the Sea of Japan. Indeed the PLA has fought and sacrificed themselves on North Korean soil during the Korean War. So there should be good compensation for that. Otherwise, northeast China or Manchuria part of China will remain extremely vulnerable to attack and invasion from the east, north, and south. To strongly protect northeast China would be to station the PLA navy base at the shore of the Sea of Japan.

No doubt that having independent land access to the Sea of Japan is economically and strategically valuable for China short-term and long-term. If North Korea does end up reunifying with South Korea, China should get some valuable land in return to access the Sea of Japan directly from the mainland.

Essentially, I think the Korean Peninsula could become China's Florida. ^^
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