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Why Does India Tend to Collapse So Often?

99% of Pakistanis even on this forum agree with me.

ha ha ha ..... tumhein neend aa rahi hai.

jao araam karo. shabaash.

No they would not. Sorry, blame it on Zia ul Haq.

I hope the Taliban would not blow away the IVC just like they did with Bamiyan
lol seriously? lol ... i hope u didn't just make tht up. as i said if u follow in the traditions of the Hinduism and ur family has maintains a strict genealogy ie gotra...then u can link ur ancestry back thousands of years ,i know cus i can.

u dont need my concent to claim Bharatya heritage.

Gotra means ancient paternal side ancestry. Many people share same gotra even they live thousand km apart.
I am a higher caste Muslim Brahmin.

Who are you.

ur a crack pot is what u are :taz:

Gotra means ancient paternal side ancestry. Many people share same gotra even they live thousand km apart.

yes, mines "Pat Svamina Kaushika" -- Kashmiri Pundits.

Amhardar, Bira, Braru, Chacha, Chaghat, Durani, Fotedar, Ganju, Jala, Kachru, Kalu, Khurdi, Kyani, Mam, Mattu, Misri, Pandit, Panzu, Salman, Shanglu Sulu, Teng, Tritshal, Unt, Vashnavi, Wufa, Wanchu, Waza, Zithu.

these are the branches of this gotra.

Kousikh Gotra: People belonging to Kaushika (Kaushika/Kaushika/Ghrit) Gotra take Rajarshi Kaushika as their progenitor. Kaushika was the son of Vishvamitra. 11 out of 96 royal clans of Marathas belong to Kaushika gotra including the illustrious house of Shivaji and Rashtrakutas. 2 more clans belong to the Vishvamitra gotra. Kaushika gotra also belongs to Baish clan of Rajput which includes in the suryavanshi rajput, one of the oldest and biggest Kshatriya/Chattari clan of Vedic India. Heena Kaushik is one of the most notable descendents of the kaushik's empire

Kousikh/Kaushik is a gotra of influential Cchatri´s as well as Brahmins (he who does priestly labour) of Rajasthan and Haryana. Brahmins consider themselves the descendants of the seven main sages, Angiras, Bhrugu, Vishvamitra, Kashyap, Vasishtha, Atri and Agasti. Of these sages Vishvamitra was part Kshatriya (descendant of the house of Puru), so Kaushik gotra is also of Kshatriyas.

Its origin lies in the Rig-Veda; ancient Sanskrit language. Kaushik was the son of Kushika an Indian Kshatriya legend.

Visvamitra Gotra: People belonging to the Visvamitra Gotra consider Brahmarishi Visvamitra as their ancestor. There is an off-shoot of "Vishvamitra Gotra" called "Chakita Vishvamitra Gotra". Two explanations have been suggested for this off-shoot. The group is supposed to have sprung from a "surprised" reaction of Vishvamitra. The other, more likely, explanation, is that a group of descendants decided to split from the main group and started their own branch of this line. A considerable number of Bias Brahmins use Kaushik gotra.

Vishvamitra descendants still use Kaushik as their first or last name. This is how majority of the Hindu names were followed. This system of following Rishis' name as the last name was the foundation of "Gautra" in Hindu philosophy. Gautra is used to trace back ancestry especially at the time of marriages till today. Kaushik as the last name is mostly seen in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana (Northern India). for e.g. Arun Kaushik, Koushik Ghosh, Kaushik is also commonly used as a first name (mostly used by people in West Bengal,Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka in India and Bangladesh). for e.g.Koushik Ghosh, Kaushik Das.

beat this phonies.
wtf's a higher caste Muslim Brahmin. :rofl:

Thanks for the laugh.
Let me explain it to you...

According to some hindu school of thoughts birth in particular family doesnt decide your caste its ones own education and karma which decides the castes so a brahmin son if uneducated and he does bad deed he can be relegated as shudra.same way a son of shudra can be brahmin due to his good education and good deeds.

In tickers case though he is muslim he is brahmin coz of his deeds.
Let me explain it to you...

According to some hindu school of thoughts birth in particular family doesnt decide your caste its ones own education and karma which decides the castes so a brahmin son if uneducated and he does bad deed he can be relegated as shudra.same way a son of shudra can be brahmin due to his good education and good deeds.

In tickers case though he is muslim he is brahmin coz of his deeds.

:cheesy::rofl: I think we should start labeling anybody who does good deeds as Brahmins, let's start with Nelson Mandela a.k.a African Brahmin..
ur a crack pot is what u are :taz:

yes, mines "Pat Svamina Kaushika" -- Kashmiri Pundits.

Amhardar, Bira, Braru, Chacha, Chaghat, Durani, Fotedar, Ganju, Jala, Kachru, Kalu, Khurdi, Kyani, Mam, Mattu, Misri, Pandit, Panzu, Salman, Shanglu Sulu, Teng, Tritshal, Unt, Vashnavi, Wufa, Wanchu, Waza, Zithu.

these are the branches of this gotra.

I have met Bhutts from Karnataka.
:cheesy::rofl: I think we should start labeling anybody who does good deeds as Brahmins, let's start with Nelson Mandela a.k.a African Brahmin..
Ifact mandela is brahmin much better than present day brahmins just in name.

Infact it was i who gave ticker brahmin title.and he is one much better than other who call themselves brahmin here.
I have met Bhutts from Karnataka.

yes , ive met many Pandits and mattu too in south. and thye have the same gotra and they are total southes.

Many Kashmiri pundits are also marrying into southern bhramis nowadays as highlighted by one article tht was posted here some time back. were not as different as some delude ppl say we are. its just the weather an terrain .:)

Ifact mandela is brahmin much better than present day brahmins just in name.

Infact it was i who gave ticker brahmin title.and he is one much better than other who call themselves brahmin here.
yea an were supposed to give a flying turd bomb to what u have to say right?:D
Another thread derailed. MODs should look into this.
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