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Why does China keep seeking reassurances on Tibet?

dont let me to tell you the difference between democracy and oppression
what was in 2008 before Olympics
and if you are talking about naxals in india they are not against state of india nor they are demanding the freedom unlike tibet

Give me a break, what about your "untouchables", what are they demanding? talking about oppression, dalit can get kill for farting.:azn:
before posting something useless at least you must have some knowledge about india... people of sikkim consider themselves as a part of india sole heartedly

Pick up your double standars, say this to your indian fellow firstly.
free kashmir!
free northeast!
free india!

the difference between democracy and oppression is simple

china = democracy india = oppression

i think you always failed in your maths subject..
and definitely if you try to prove something which is not actually there, you will get "zero"
There is no race like Han chinese and there is a significant difference between the north and south chinese.
To remind you there are two movements for independence one is in Ughur movement and the other is Tibet.
China is insecure because of the internal unrest and the independence movements.

Through out the history China existed not as single country but a combination of small kingdoms.
Han chineese is a myth or dubious claim created by china to supress the independence movements.
Through out the history China is an isolated entity U have no right to comment on Indian patriotism and its existence.:taz:

Indian should thank to the british man who made some south asian parts a nation named india.
There is no race like Han chinese and there is a significant difference between the north and south chinese.
To remind you there are two movements for independence one is in Ughur movement and the other is Tibet.
China is insecure because of the internal unrest and the independence movements.

Through out the history China existed not as single country but a combination of small kingdoms.
Han chineese is a myth or dubious claim created by china to supress the independence movements.
Through out the history China is an isolated entity U have no right to comment on Indian patriotism and its existence.:taz:

Just saw that movie 'Hero' starring Jet Li.

Amazing movie. I actually agree with what he did at the end.
Give me a break, what about your "untouchables", what are they demanding? talking about oppression, dalit can get kill for farting.:azn:

go and google about the development... they are getting reservations so that they can come to main stream..

and untouchables is old talk.. we live together simlpy like other humans
Indian should thank to the british man who made some south asian parts a nation named india.

India existed from the ancients times and to remind you it existed as a single country for most of the history. British only gave a name.:cheers:
There is no race like Han chinese and there is a significant difference between the north and south chinese.
To remind you there are two movements for independence one is in Ughur movement and the other is Tibet.
China is insecure because of the internal unrest and the independence movements.

Through out the history China existed not as single country but a combination of small kingdoms.
Han chineese is a myth or dubious claim created by china to supress the independence movements.
Through out the history China is an isolated entity U have no right to comment on Indian patriotism and its existence.:taz:

i think you have china confused with india. arguing with illiterates brings my own level down though.
You are always living in movie and fantasy~

this is the evidence of you living in movie,you "think" all Chinese of this forum is a member of 50 cents party?

And this is proof of you jumping to conclusions.

How much do you know about me boy? This is the first time I'm even talking to you, yet you accuse me of living in fantasy? Who's jumping to conclusions here?

The good chinese man can giveth but not taketh I see.


What my stupid friend here does not realize is that I was actually advocating the integration of China into one nation.
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indians should sign up for 50 cent job, it'll lift their population out of poverty.

We don't have the infrastructure man.

Please ask your party to outsource the job here. Send your computers and other hardware equipment. We'll gladly take your money to post comments online. There's no better job that I can think of :)

We don't have the infrastructure man.

Please ask your party to outsource the job here. Send your computers and other hardware equipment. We'll gladly take your money to post comments online. There's no better job that I can think of :)


we don't need 50 cent english or hindi posters since the opinions of foreigners have zero influence on our government. :wave:

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