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Why Democracy is Shirk and When Can It be Used by Islamic Parties

This is another debate some culprits to getting attention misguide to innocent people. Anyhow presidential democracy is close to caliphate. this can be implemented. no?

The "some" culprits will work the same way with far devastating results, not to mention the different sects creating a "civil war" with situation each other, you have too much extremism and militias lying around. Even when the conditions were relatively favorable, three out of four Caliphs had to due unnatural deaths, what is the situation on ground today? What will be the results then if you implement it today? Better to hear it from someone than to experience it someday when there's no return possible.
My earlier post was tongue-in-cheek, but I think it gets to the heart of the issue here. OP says democracy is bad because "...it denies the sovereignty of the Creator and His absolute right to issue laws, and ascribes that right to human beings".

OP says if you don't answer directly to God, and apparently ONLY to God, you are sinning. I (and most of the world) don't see it that way at all. I only have a problem if the government, my boss, or any other authority is causing me to fail my duties to God. Perhaps this is a problem with Islam, that it styles itself as a complete answer to all the worlds problems.

But, it does not. It does not answer questions like where a road should be built, or whether buildings in this area should be limited to X height, with these exceptions, or what the water rates should be, or what the operating hours at the local pool should be, or a million other little things. These are the reasons we vote governments into being. Yes, we also have laws against murder, and rape, and theft (as does the Koran and the Torah). Our modern laws vary somewhat from these, but it is a tiny fraction of what governments actually do. There are no rules in the Koran for how drivers licenses are to be issued. And I, for one, don't think this is the domain of religious scholars to say - I would rather have traffic experts advise on such things, and I will vote accordingly.

I think you have a case for being against democracy when the democracy limits your ability to do what God requires of you per your faith, or forces you to do something against your faith. The cases of that are vanishingly small. The objections to democracy feel much more like a bunch of wanna-be-in-charge folks that are bitter the rest of the population won't do what they say. I further think that doing what those wanna-bes say would be putting THEM before God, a grave sin. So, I will not be assisting you in getting any country to convert from democracy to theocracy, till God comes down and reigns personally. I don't trust the self-appointed middle-men. I do not find most of the "holy" men to be all that holy.
Points to be noted:

  • Democracy is a man-made system
  • Whoever rules by other than the rule of Allah is committing kufr/shirk
  • Whoever supports or promotes this man-made system is also committing kufr
  • Therefore voting is also haram and kufr
  • However Islamic parties can participate in the democratic system in order to bring Shariah in
  • It is obligatory on Muslims to vote for Islamic parties which will bring shariah.

Democracy as on original form may be wrong. But what ever is implemented in Pakistan is not (if followed properly). Because of following this clause

227 Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
(1)All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions
The "some" culprits will work the same way with far devastating results, not to mention the different sects creating a "civil war" with situation each other, you have too much extremism and militias lying around. Even when the conditions were relatively favorable, three out of four Caliphs had to due unnatural deaths, what is the situation on ground today? What will be the results then if you implement it today? Better to hear it from someone than to experience it someday when there's no return possible.

You didnt get my point dude. I said presidential democracy is closed to caliphate. then why couldnt we implement it. Whole nation will elect to its president and he will make technocratic government.
You didnt get my point dude. I said presidential democracy is closed to caliphate. then why couldnt we implement it. Whole nation will elect to its president and he will make technocratic government.

Pakistan has prospered mostly when under strong presidential system. This is because our parliamentary system is a breeding ground of corrupt play boy, rich and middle aged men playing with the fates of millions of Pakistanis.
Pakistan has prospered mostly when under strong presidential system. This is because our parliamentary system is a breeding ground of corrupt play boy, rich and middle aged men playing with the fates of millions of Pakistanis.

Well said !

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