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Why China > Soviet Union

You mean like sending Shenzou-9 taikonauts into orbit to conduct a manual docking and sending the Jiaolong submersible 7,000 meters below the ocean?

Or are you referring to how China took the world's-fastest supercomputer crown with the Tianhe-1 supercomputer last year?

Perhaps you are thinking of China's world's-fastest 350km/hr high speed trains?

Or is it the next-generation AESA radars to be installed on China's Type 052C destroyers?

Perhaps it's the next-generation Type 095 nuclear attack submarines undergoing tests?

Or are you thinking of China's 3-MIRVed DF-31A ICBMs or the almost-unveiled at 2009 parade 10-MIRVed DF-41 ICBMs?

Do you catch my drift? I have no idea what technological gap that you are referring to. China has a quantity gap in military arms with the United States. The military technological gap is disappearing fast.

Let me put it to you this way. Do you see that graph? What's the difference between India and China? Both have the same populations. However, Chinese technological levels are way beyond Indian dreams. It is China's possession of high technology that enables such a massive economy.

You cannot build a massive modern economy without high technology. Do you want me to show you a chart of China's $1.9 trillion in exports? It is comprised mostly of high-tech goods.
Excellently said bro...U brought all the key technological advancements being made by the China till now......and is growing further that pplz don't even know.......:)

omg, was india so rich before 1700??what happend to india after 1700?
You mean like sending Shenzou-9 taikonauts into orbit to conduct a manual docking and sending the Jiaolong submersible 7,000 meters below the ocean?

Or are you referring to how China took the world's-fastest supercomputer crown with the Tianhe-1 supercomputer last year?

Perhaps you are thinking of China's world's-fastest 350km/hr high speed trains?

Or is it the next-generation AESA radars to be installed on China's Type 052C destroyers?

Perhaps it's the next-generation Type 095 nuclear attack submarines undergoing tests?

Or are you thinking of China's 3-MIRVed DF-31A ICBMs or the almost-unveiled at 2009 parade 10-MIRVed DF-41 ICBMs?

Do you catch my drift? I have no idea what technological gap that you are referring to. China has a quantity gap in military arms with the United States. The military technological gap is disappearing fast.

Let me put it to you this way. Do you see that graph? What's the difference between India and China? Both have the same populations. However, Chinese technological levels are way beyond Indian dreams. It is China's possession of high technology that enables such a massive economy.

You cannot build a massive modern economy without high technology. Do you want me to show you a chart of China's $1.9 trillion in exports? It is comprised mostly of high-tech goods.

1st bolded part> i know. but still china needs to concentrate on technology

2nd bolded part> i agree. but we don't economy as big as Chinese economy. if we have economy as big as even 2.5 trillion $ things will be much different

even now we have build very good super computers like SAGA 220,PARAM,PARAM yuva and high tech weapons like Agni missiles, AAD shield, KALI and DURGA laser and Arihant SSBN

point is we simply cant spend as much as china on technology as we dont have massive GDP like china

3rd bolded part> and massive economy allows you to spend more on R&D
just one reason.....

the present day chinese who post here dont know nothing about the Soviet Union
Why China > Soviet Union - The Daily Beast

"Why China > Soviet Union
by Ryan Prior Jun 26, 2012 12:30 PM EDT


Members of the Guards of Honour of the Three Services of the Chinese People's Liberation Army march during a training session at a barracks in Beijing on July 21, 2011 (LIU JIN / AFP / Getty Images)

This week Michael Cembalest, chairman of market and investment strategy at JP Morgan, published a research letter with a graph showing the history of the world by GDP. It inspired Derek Thompson at The Atlantic to write a great series of posts. The charts show that population was the primary determinant of prosperity in pre-industrial society, but after the 1800s, productivity became significantly more important:

Even from just a cursory look at Cembalest's original chart, another interesting trend is visible:


Russia, which has a population approximately half of the U.S. (140 million), never rivaled U.S. GDP throughout the Cold War. China today boasts a greater share of world GDP than the Soviets ever did at their 1950s peak. And the Chinese share only shows signs of growing ever more.

Two important differences in the emerging U.S.-China rivalry as compared to the U.S.-Soviet one. 1.) The Chinese population is more than three times the U.S. population, while ours was double that of Russia. 2.) Chinese GDP is now booming as Soviet GDP never did."

China of 2012 cannot compare the soviet union of 1950-70s when their economy was greatest...
A really dumb article without checking out the real facts... If author really wanted to compare he should do with SU of 1970 to china of 1970...
Moreover many industries sprouted in china with the help of SU...
If SU have existed today and opened up the economy like india did in 1991, it would have rivalled USA...

omg, was india so rich before 1700??what happend to india after 1700?

population of India was hardly around 341mil at the time of freedom, in 1947, and that of Pakistan 34mil and BD 41mil = to total population of British India = '416mil' in 1947. and as British Rule had killed over 1.5bil Indians in between 1850 to 1947, so we find population of British India wont be more than 416mil during British Rule also. and interestingly, total economy size of British India till 1820, till start of British Rule, was almost as big as that of whole EU till then? while till 18th century, there was none close to the richness of China and India :no:
List of regions by past GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The annual death rate in India before 1920 was about 4.8% but this declined to 3.5% by 1947 and is presently about 0.9%( India - Population). Using a baseline “expected” annual death rate value of 1.0% and assuming an “actual” pre-1920 value of 4.8% one can estimated that the avoidable (excess) mortality was about 0.6 billion during 1757-1837, 0.5 billion during 1837-1901 and 0.4 billion during 1901-1947. Thus the British rule of India was associated with an excess (i.e. avoidable) mortality totaling 1.5 billion – surely one of the greatest crimes in all of human history.

Benefits of the British Rule in India

thats why I have told to the Indian Members here many times, "success of India is hidden with success of China. if India will retain its economy share in world it had till 1820 then China will also be on the same level it had till then :agree:. China will always share first two spot of economic rank with India, or, both will come to bottom together. otherwise, there will be different wars and West will again take over different nations like how they did in between 1820 to mid 20th century, with enslaving talent of India to run their industries and selling the same western products in India itself. and then a Gandhi will be required to boycott those western products to renew industries again from start.............

US/West will never let it happen that one day China/ India will start selling high tech products to West and then the western nationals will do low paid, inferior jobs. and a combined effort from India+China is required to resist those efforts which may again help the West take over the whole world ........ :tup:
Soviet union never bow down and beg for support from US-NATO in any war. For China, from 1979 until now, they willing to bow down to US whenever having conflict with small and poor country like VN:coffee:

omg, was india so rich before 1700??what happend to india after 1700?

India didn't catch up with industrialization.

Besides India of 1700s, is a reference to modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and some parts of Afghanistan.
Them brits came to loot south asia

till 1947, Britian, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc were part of one country, the Britain. and if you see this graph, economy size of the state Britain increased on the expanse of the states of South Asia. the larger size of state of British economy since 1820 to 1950, and it had almost a similar decline of economy size of states of South Asia/ India.
(mainly in between 1820 to 1900, almost a similar growth of economic size of Britain as decline of economic size of South Asia/India. and after 1900, Britain wasted Indian wealth in WW1 and WW2 so even in Indian economy continue to decline in between 1990 to 1947 also, British economic size was almost same in between 1900 to 1947, have a close look on this graph..............)

and its very simple right now also. for example, if all the talents of Indian Subcontinent start developing techs for British industries only and then Britain starts selling those products at high price in South Asia itself, then simply you will only do agriculture to pay for high price for luxury life of British :meeting:. like, how share of agriculture in Indian economy was around 70% at the time of freedom :lol: :rofl:

but it would first be required to rob India completely, looting every gold/diamond and other luxury stuffs, enslaving all those who may do any business, to make them working for the state of Britain only. and then, conduct different competitive exams held in UK to hire the best Indian talents to have high techs, like how British made a system during British Raj in India :pop:
why compare china with SU - the symbol of evil? as Churchill said Russians have only interests no morals.

You word is not very much clear here...As you says symbol of Evil ...Not sure whom you are pointing to ... SU or China ( Who has shining human right history for own country man example will be Tiananmen square incident in 1989)...Please help me to understand.
India didn't catch up with industrialization.

Besides India of 1700s, is a reference to modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and some parts of Afghanistan.

British didnt let India have good industries, making Indians buy British products which were developed by the same south asian talents, they hired through different exams from Indian Subcontinent. below is the government website of India, which clearly states that the time British had understood that they were not going to have continuous inflow of wealth from India, after boycott of british products by Mr Gandhi, they were finally forced to leave India.............

Gandhi, after returning to India inspired people to boycott British goods and refuse earthy possessions. This movement was known as Swaraj and was economically significant because Indian home industries were virtually destructed by British industrialists. He advocated renewal of native Indian industries and began to use a spinning wheel as a token of return to simple village life. Thereafter, he constantly began promoting satyagraha, non-violence, non-cooperation and swaraj to achieve independence. Finally, in August 1947, the British were forced to leave India.

mohandas karamchand gandhi
British didnt let India have good industries, making Indians buy British products which were developed by the same south asian talents, they hired through different exams from Indian Subcontinent. below is the government website of India, which clearly states that the time British had understood that they were not going to have continuous inflow of wealth from India, after boycott of british products by Mr Gandhi, they were finally forced to leave India.............

Brits left because having India as colony was not beneficial any more and BIAFs loyalty was in question due to mutiny like in 1946 on warship talwar

i don't deny Gandhiji's contribution though
Soviet was a aggressive and strong country,had many puppet countries.
china is nowhere near to soviet union.
The reason China's economy is galloping at a rate the Soviet never did boils down to economics. Soviet Union had a socialist economy in a communist nation - resources were drained and wasted and competition was throttled. China has a capitalist economy in a communist nation - it reaps the benefits of capitalism while not facing any of the trappings of democracy which will hold back development.
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