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Its a mix of everything. Its called Jeet Kune Do

That's right. It is mostly a mix of traditional Wing Chun and modern kickboxing.

If Im not mistaken, Kung-fu is a style of martial arts that Bruce Lee created himself...Not sure if its a traditional martial art like say Bushido etc...

LOL, no.

Kungfu has been around in China for thousands of years. Since the very first dynasties.

Chinese martial arts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Has anyone seen documentary on Shaolin School. Guys, watch it once, you will surely respect those kids. So much discipline.

Another thing from East I like is Samurai. One of the fascinating characters.
HK speaks different languages(Cantonese and English) from China, is culturally different from China,

Excuse me? If we use your language argument then America should go be part of England again (or vice-versa), and Quebec should get independence. And Hong Kong is about as different from Beijing culturally as Shanghai is from Beijing - which is to say not much. Though I have to say pretty much every city and region has its own identity, which is sometimes said as an in-joke thing amongst us Chinese.

and Hong Kongese themselves do not consider themselves Chinese, but Hong Kongese.


Since when does a Korean speak for me? :no:

Correction, Hong Kongers do not refer to themselves as 大陸人, but we do refer to themselves and other Chinese as 華人. In English you would most likely not understand the distinction, but Chinese people do. It's just a geographical thing for us, someone like you would never be able to understand :coffee:
It is popular in China. :no:

Why can't India produce any movie stars that are as well known globally as Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan?

Ask the average person in the world to name even one single Bollywood star off the top of their heads. Nothing.

China never produced any global star, all the names you counted are famous because they were part of Hollywood, and they all belonged to HK film industry, name any single star from mainland China who is as famous as those names.
Recently uk film industry had told that uk and hollywood had same type of movies.... So uk cant beat hollywood because hollywood best but bollywood getting famous because bollywood movies totaly different from hollywood.... So chinese film industry cant beat hollywood because chinese film industry too much into war, kungfu and battle movies which hollywood makes better qualities.... Bollywood is totaly different.... Its love story, Dance action, romance, comedy all in one.... While our music industry too famous thanks to A.R Rehman.... Now hollywood singer sings in hindi in bollywood.... Infact there are so many hollywood actors and actress want to work in bollywood but they not getting role because bollywood directors dont want to take risk.... Every hollywood star when comes india searchs a job in movie.... Bollywood famous in other countries.... However i dont like bollywood.... May be 3 idiots type movies i like but movies like that are rare.... i like barfi movie too which going for oscar....
It seemed like everytime some popular came from Asia that is not from China, western journalists will regurgitate stories like this to brainwashed people into thinking how inferior Chinese are.

Then you have people like Korean regurgitate to show how superior Korean are over the Chinese.

It is like we, non-white, are the spokes in a wheel where the West is at the center and to be accepted as superior we must first be accepted by the West.

Gangnam style is popular because it has a catch tune that you can dance to and a guy that fits the stereotype of an Asian man - non-threatening, goofy, and somewhat nerdy. It doesn't threaten Western perception of an Asian man. That is why Rain was never able to make it in America.

What Korean doesn't know is that people are actually laughing at Psy. Even one of my white co-worker made fun it, and laugh at people like Korean, because he said people actually laughing at psy, and people like Korean who are oblivious to the mentality of ordinary Americans. Then he goes on to mentioned how Korean men used 20% of male make up and how all Korean movie stars have plastic surgery, including the men. In a sense, he is saying Korean men are sissy who wear make up.

Gangnam Style is a passing fad, just a step above William Hung
Have you though perhaps they dont want gangnam style? you could ask why doesnt NZ have 5000 justin beiber copies our answer would be because he suxs
one only has to watch a few mainland shows and compare them to taiwanese and korean ones. mainland has a long way to go

Don't try to associate yourself with Koreans lol. Phoenix TV based in Hong Kong doesn't even show Taiwanese dramas anymore but plenty of mainland ones, even on its North American channel.

»ñ°Ä½Ãµø¬ü¬w»O -Phoenix Satellite Television (US), Inc.

One of the shows on Phoenix TV North America is 大西南剿匪记, a TV series about hunting down Taiwanese agents in Guizhou during the 1950's.

It was the #1 top rated show.

Gangnam style is popular because it has a catch tune that you can dance to and a guy that fits the stereotype of an Asian man - non-threatening, goofy, and somewhat nerdy. It doesn't threaten Western perception of an Asian man.

Gangnam Style is a passing fad, just a step above William Hung

William Hung, Gangnam Style and Ken Jeong are the typical examples of this.
William Hung, Gangnam Style and Ken Jeong are the typical examples of this.
I was going to make an example of William Hung but you beat me to it. William Hung-like success is impossible from China, unfortunately.

Since when does a Korean speak for me?
Well, you are a mainlander, not Hong Kongese.
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It seemed like everytime some popular came from Asia that is not from China, western journalists will regurgitate stories like this to brainwashed people into thinking how inferior Chinese are.
Which is the objective western observation as third party.

What Korean doesn't know is that people are actually laughing at Psy.
One doesn't rocket to the top of the billboard chart by being laughed at.

Gangnam Style is a passing fad, just a step above William Hung
PSY has been in singing business since 2001. Not only is he not a passing fad, but he actually outlasted all his peers.
Bollywood is the only Successful film Industry in the World apart from Hollywood making Billions of Dollars.

The Reason - We Love What we make, we watch, we Enjoy, We don't give a Jack about what others think.

While all the above go to Impress the White Man (Europeans to Americans) and dream of getting an Oscar.

We don't care of What the World Thinks about us, While The rest of the above only think What the World thinks of them. :lol:

Result: We have Industry worth Billions of Dollars More than all the rest above Combined. :lol:

Nope, our famous actress Zhang Ziyi *refused* to take multiple Hollywood offers because they were degrading to Asian women.


Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles—poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever.[17]

Also, Bollywood does *NOT* make more than we do.


2011: ¥13.1 billion[51]


Bollywood sold 3.6 billion tickets and had total revenues (theatre tickets, DVDs, television and so on.) of US$1.3 billion
Korean boys feel proud being acting like little girls like sissi````and Indians yet again using their delusion to conclude that their have the 'soft-power'```lol

for a decade I lived in London, I can only see ever growing Chinese elements in the City (movies, marketing events and traditional chinese holidays) but never heard any Hindi events```I cant really find where does the slum 'soft power' reside in London

and the kimchi power will only be noticed when opened a shop next to Chinese ones````so the westerners can enter them in case they dont know its not Chinese (and mostly they dont know the differences)
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