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why a patriotic general turned unpatriotic...

I have no doubt that Gen could have been mistreated and falsely accused in several cases.

But how does that can force a patriotic General join hands with anti natial forces ??

Are courts are dead in those day ??NO.

Allahabad high court had sent all powerful Indira Gandhi to jail and she was thrown out of power after 1977 elections.
Even army men caught in spy cases were relesed by the courts after due process of trial.

General Shabeg Singh role in arming, training and making strategies for Bindernwale was plain and simple act of treachery and his involvement made the militant group a potent force which resulted far more damage to the Golden temple and bigger loss of human life during the OP Bluestar stand off.

He deserved death punishment of his anti national actives and being a Traitor ,and no excuses can cover his guilts.
Sorry, GoI does not like dissent in the defence forces. You are not allowed to point fingers at civilian authority, you cannot express your political views, you cannot disagree to direct order.
You can always advice and express your opinion in private to govt.
He is not the only guy dismissed, I remember BJP govt dismissing the then Navy chief, because he openly criticized defence minister.

Moral of the story: Dont mess with civilian govt when you are in forces, you will be kicked out, no matter who you are. If you want to do something else, resign from forces first.
sad part of indian politics.......jaya prakash narayan movement was against IG...he was one of the founders of janta party which came into power in 1977..as mentioned in the article even the police was sympathetic to his cause...shahbeg singh thought it to be morally wrong so he refused to take action against him...
an excerpt from wiki about jayaparkash narayan
When Indira Gandhi was found guilty of violating electoral laws by the Allahabad High Court, Narayan called for Indira to resign, and advocated a program of social transformation which he termed Sampoorna kraanti [Total Revolution]. Instead she proclaimed a national Emergency on the midnight of June 25, 1975, immediately after Narayan had called for the PM's resignation and had asked the military and the police to disregard unconstitutional and immoral orders; JP, opposition leaders, and dissenting members of her own party (the 'Young Turks') were arrested on that day.
Jayaprakash Narayan attracted a gathering of 100,000 people at the Ramlila Grounds and thunderously recited Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar''s wonderfully evocative poetry: Singhasan Khaali Karo Ke Janata Aaati Hai.[10]
Narayan was kept as detenu at Chandigarh even after he had asked for a month's parole for mobilising relief in areas of Bihar gravely affected by flood. His health suddenly deteriorated on October 24, and he was released on November 12; diagnosis at Jaslok Hospital, Bombay, revealed kidney failure; he would be on dialysis for the rest of his life.
After Indira revoked the emergency on January 18, 1977 and announced elections, it was under JP's guidance that the Janata Party (a vehicle for the broad spectrum of the anti-Indira Gandhi opposition) was formed. The Janata Party was voted into power, and became the first non-Congress party to form a government at the Centre. On the call of Narayan many youngesters joined the J P movement.
Jayaprakash Narayan died on 8 October 1979; but a few months before that, in March 1979, his death was erroneously announced by the Indian prime minister to the parliament as he lay fighting for his life in Jaslok Hospital, causing a brief wave of national mourning, including the suspension of parliament and regular radio broadcasting, and closure of schools and shops. When he was told about the gaffe a few weeks later, he smiled.

anyway IG paid for his deeds in the hand of very same sikh separatists.
I have no doubt that Gen could have been mistreated and falsely accused in several cases.

But how does that can force a patriotic General join hands with anti natial forces ??

Are courts are dead in those day ??NO.

Allahabad high court had sent all powerful Indira Gandhi to jail and she was thrown out of power after 1977 elections.
Even army men caught in spy cases were relesed by the courts after due process of trial.

General Shabeg Singh role in arming, training and making strategies for Bindernwale was plain and simple act of treachery and his involvement made the militant group a potent force which resulted far more damage to the Golden temple and bigger loss of human life during the OP Bluestar stand off.

He deserved death punishment of his anti national actives and being a Traitor ,and no excuses can cover his guilts.
:tdown::tdown:labelling those people as millitants is not going to change the reality ...those were bad times...if you were living in Punjab then you would understand ... Sikhs were labelled as terrorist thanks to the Govt. propaganda and machination of Congress led by Gandhi.
I have no doubt that Gen could have been mistreated and falsely accused in several cases.

But how does that can force a patriotic General join hands with anti natial forces ??

Are courts are dead in those day ??NO.

Allahabad high court had sent all powerful Indira Gandhi to jail and she was thrown out of power after 1977 elections.
Even army men caught in spy cases were relesed by the courts after due process of trial.

General Shabeg Singh role in arming, training and making strategies for Bindernwale was plain and simple act of treachery and his involvement made the militant group a potent force which resulted far more damage to the Golden temple and bigger loss of human life during the OP Bluestar stand off.

He deserved death punishment of his anti national actives and being a Traitor ,and no excuses can cover his guilts.

Were courts alive anyday???Even today???At ur descretion to decide...

What is anti national in ur definition?? Fighting for ur rights is anti national or fighting against the government is anti national or taking up of arms to fight is anti national...

Leave ur patriotic agenda out of the thread plz...respect to the dead for whatever cause of the country he has fought for...
Sorry, GoI does not like dissent in the defence forces. You are not allowed to point fingers at civilian authority, you cannot express your political views, you cannot disagree to direct order.
You can always advice and express your opinion in private to govt.
He is not the only guy dismissed, I remember BJP govt dismissing the then Navy chief, because he openly criticized defence minister.

Moral of the story: Dont mess with civilian govt when you are in forces, you will be kicked out, no matter who you are. If you want to do something else, resign from forces first.

+1...bang on. You just stole my opinion on his matter.

Adding to this, In India if everybody treats their grievance as the legitimate way to take up arm, then we would not be discussing this now.
:tdown::tdown:labelling those people as millitants is not going to change the reality ...those were bad times...if you were living in Punjab then you would understand ... Sikhs were labelled as terrorist thanks to the Govt. propaganda and machination of Congress led by Gandhi.

I'm not talking about sikhs who are present in huge numbers in the army compared to their overall population.

when i said militants ,i meant those who fighting the division of India and creation of Khalistan.

Yes,khalistanis are traitors and so are the ones who support their cause, just like militants fighting in Kashmir.
till date the people accused in sikh riot's sanjeev kumar and jagdesh tytler have not been punished due to congress influence, so it is quite obvious the sikh's are angry.

But that didn't stop the Sikhs from electing congress back in Punjab.
I'm not talking about sikhs who are present in huge numbers in the army compared to their overall population.

when i said militants ,i meant those who fighting the division of India and creation of Khalistan.

Yes,khalistanis are traitors and so are the ones who support their cause, just like militants fighting in Kashmir.

Do you have any cocrete evidence that khalistan demand was raised between 1947 and 1984???Most of the demands of Akalis or bhindranwale or millitants was related to local demands of punjab or domestic issues in punjab and not of khalistan being a seperate state...

Go thru some history of punjab and find it for urself...

I can make from ur posts ur very nationalalistic but look into some history and facts and reason why a certain thing has happened considering both sides of the coin and then u will make a reasonable judgement...

If taking up arms is anti national then many of the cadres of RSS openly roam with Arms...just today morning i was listening Baba Ramdev that he would raise 11000 men army with arms not to fight but to protect themselves from the police....
But that didn't stop the Sikhs from electing congress back in Punjab.

To ur answer I reckon there are only sikhs in punjab....Am ashamed with what u have said being a sikh but also equally ashamed because Zail singh was president in 1984 and today Manmohan singh is prime minister...but as politicians have no religion so the shame has gone...
Its like whoever wears a pagri and keeps dhari is a sikh is not always true...like whoever wears a janoo is not always hindu..

As a nation then why did we elect congress in center...I reckon the blood of sikhs is cheap and is not the same color with other brothers of hindus and muslims in our country because they also voted for congress..Remeber 1984 rajiv gandhi's land slide victory so whole country didnt mind killing of sikhs if we talk in political lingo but rather they made Indra gandhi martyer...
Do you have any cocrete evidence that khalistan demand was raised between 1947 and 1984???Most of the demands of Akalis or bhindranwale or millitants was related to local demands of punjab or domestic issues in punjab and not of khalistan being a seperate state...

Go thru some history of punjab and find it for urself...

Okay , do u want to say Bhindernwale never demanded for the state of khalistan ??

His current bunch followers don't aspire for the freedom of Punjab and creation of Punjab ??

Be honest and clarify youself.

If taking up arms is anti national then many of the cadres of RSS openly roam with Arms...just today morning i was listening Baba Ramdev that he would raise 11000 men army with arms not to fight but to protect themselves from the police....

Arms to Fight what , corruption ??

All he said if his peaceful followers were attacked this brutally which reminds of British days , he wont stay calm and would retaliate with lathis,not guns . Tell me what you find unreasonable in that ??
But that didn't stop the Sikhs from electing congress back in Punjab.
the mainstream leaders in SAD and BJP are very corrupt ...there is no alternative except congress... and most of the people haven't forgotten 1984 ...they just decided to let it go .even i have a slight pro congress mind...even in the coming elections SAD and BJP are going to loose by a very big margin...congress is probably going to win..although a new party named PEOPLE'S PARTY of PUNJAB is also gaining support...
Okay , do u want to say Bhindernwale never demanded for the state of khalistan ??

His current bunch followers don't aspire for the freedom of Punjab and creation of Punjab ??

Be honest and clarify youself.

Arms to Fight what , corruption ??

All he said if his peaceful followers were attacked this brutally which reminds of British days , he wont stay calm and would retaliate with lathis,not guns . Tell me what you find unreasonable in that ??

To ur surprise Bhindranwale didnt ask for Khalistan and only after the Operation Bluestar the demand for Khalistan started with his supporters and other groups...I am clear on this and u could search on what were Bhindranwales demands and u can post here.....

Please see todays news,,,, so if ur attacked with lathis u retaliate with lathis and if ur fired with guns then what should u do....dont tell me then u should take guns because u will contradicting ur own words...
if while peaceful protests ur attacked by police with lathis and u retaliate with lathis then it is fine.....then mate i am on ur side...
Okay , do u want to say Bhindernwale never demanded for the state of khalistan ??

His current bunch followers don't aspire for the freedom of Punjab and creation of Punjab ??

Be honest and clarify youself.

Arms to Fight what , corruption ??

All he said if his peaceful followers were attacked this brutally which reminds of British days , he wont stay calm and would retaliate with lathis,not guns . Tell me what you find unreasonable in that ??

Indira always had grudge against Sikhs, According to Amnesty International, 140,000 people had been arrested without trial during the twenty months of Indira Gandhi's Emergency (25 June 1975 – 21 March 1977). Of them, 40,000 had come from India's two percent Sikh minority.

Sant Harcharan Singh Longowal -
"The question before us is not whether Indira Gandhi should continue to be prime minister or not. The point is whether democracy in this country is to survive or not. The democratic structure stands on three pillars, namely a strong opposition, independent judiciary and free press. Emergency has destroyed all these essentials."

Atrocities against Sikhs started long before Khalistan!
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