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Who will Sikhs Support?

Really? That sounds funny! :rofl::rofl: What is the name of the movie? I wanna see this movie!! :rofl::rofl:

The movies name is WAR and LOVE :rofl: ..i recommend all his movies..it will be fun..dont blame me if you feel so depressed and feel like commiting suicide..these are the side effects of his films :smitten:
They should try it.. ..:tongue:

I will try it when I become a full fledged film maker..!! Now that I am grooming her, Priya 3 will be the most suitable choice for Kerala Girl - Pakistani Boy movie!!

But i don't want a happy ending... :no:
I will try it when I become a full fledged film maker..!! Now that I am grooming her, Priya 3 will be the most suitable choice for Kerala Girl - Pakistani Boy movie!!

But i don't want a happy ending... :no:

You can always make Priya3 stabbing that Pakistan guy
But you were saying we southies all are blacks ..how come we play super looking fair and handsome Pakistan guys :tongue:

There are some exceptions like Milind Soman. I am sure I will be able to find one good looking Southie guy among millions... Don't you think so? All I have to do is to launch a nation wide publicity campaign for my film.

Otherwise, we can always use Bollywood actors! So Priya 3 ends up stabbing her own kind...
There are some exceptions like Milind Soman. I am sure I will be able to find one good looking Southie guy among millions... Don't you think so? All I have to do is to launch a nation wide publicity campaign for my film.

Otherwise, we can always use Bollywood actors! So Priya 3 ends up stabbing her own kind...

hey how did you forget our super star , Is this guy enough for your super film
:lol: No, I would prefer Rajni Kanth over him.. atleast he has some star value!

Your "Sikh" cousins would never qualify for Sikh regiment. Yes, I know there are sardars (who don't grow full beards and trim) and clean cut Sikhs in other regiments, but the real regiment, which has the Khalsas, the REAL Sikhs, is the Sikh regiment, and its numbers were limited by Indian government. In Sikh regiment, you are not allowed to cut even inch of hair, you are not allowed to bring alcohol or any drugs on the base, you must stricly adhere to the Rehat Maryada, the Sikh code of conduct. It is a deeply religious regiment. Infact, when Operation Bluestar happened, many soldiers of Sikh regiment at the HQs at Ramgarh in Bihar mutinied, killed their commander, General RS Puri, and started heading to Punjab with truckloads of weapons as they thought they had been betrayed by Indian army. Another Sikh unit deployed down south in Pune also rebelled. This led to the Indian army mixing many of the originally purely battalions into mixed Hindu-Sikh battalions (called Vaidya's Battalions, because General Vaidya came up with idea of diluting the Sikh regiments). Although, Sikhs managed to maintain their regiment, 13th Sikhs, still ended up being mixed and is called a "Vaidya Battalion". So I don't know if you guys are misinformed about Sikh regiment or what, but that is only a small insight.

As for RSS, attacking Sikh religion, its very much a reality: Rashtri Sikh Sangat RSS Hinduization

hahahaaha.................lol, My cousins are very young to go for army.....................but mine one friend friend is in army that also in sikh regiment currently in ambala.

My uncle was sargent in Parachute regiment............and dude he had his turban in the army.

You keep your idiotic khalistani views in ur brain .............dont try to destroy Punjab.
and to hell with RSS (Randi supply service)..........no one gives a dam to them in punjab.....half of the punjabis didnt even know the heck is it.:cheesy:
hahahaaha.................lol, My cousins are very young to go for army.....................but mine one friend friend is in army that also in sikh regiment currently in ambala.

My uncle was sargent in Parachute regiment............and dude he had his turban in the army.

You keep your idiotic khalistani views in ur brain .............dont try to destroy Punjab.
and to hell with RSS (Randi supply service)..........no one gives a dam to them in punjab.....half of the punjabis didnt even know the heck is it.:cheesy:

equilizer, you think laughing and putting smiley faces will make u look smarter? well it doesn't. I gave you hard facts which you can even google if you do not know. but all you tell me is my uncle this.. my friend that... i don't care what your mommy daddy or uncle say, present facts to the discussion. And as for Parachute regiment; the paratroopers are a special forces unit; they take people from all the different regiments in the army. They would be stupid to not pick soldiers from Sikh regiment. Sikhs are some of the best soldiers.

I know about Vaidya's battalions and yes my cousins aren't in the Sikh regiment, And we dont see any problem with that. They are doing what they love and serving their nation at the same time.

Don't get me wrong bro, I dont want to read any pro-Khalistani stuff. The trouble with many of these people publishing such stiff is that they have been away from the ground realities for a long time. They are sitting in Amrika and Kaneda and think they know all about Sikhs in India.

I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT KHALISTAN!!! How come everytime a Sikh talks against all the discrimination we go through in India, he is branded as a "terrorist" or an "extremist"??? First of all, Not All Sikhs believe that Khalistan is the solution ok??? Even an autonomous Sikh state within India is perfectly fine. But look at Punjab today, it is filled with Hindu Bhaiyas from Bihar and UP. Whatever happened to the so called Punjabi subba which Sikhs fought for so hard??? And what are you talking of Kaneda and Amrika?? You think all this is happening in Kaneda and Amrika??



These protests DID NOT happen in Amrika or Kaneda!! They happened in PUNJAB. Sikhs are FRUSTRATED!! The protests were against the lack of justice for Sikhs (the one in november) and the second series of protests, when the army had to be called in, was against the RSS and BJP backed Hindu Bihari baba setting up a camp on Punjabi soil. And than you say stupid stuff about no one in Punjab has heard of RSS. People know about the dirty antics of these RSS bhaiyas.. I think you are the one who should take a trip out of Kaneda or Amrika and come visit Punjab!!
Indian Sikhs are Indian

For proof of this do check out our list of COAS, Lt. Gen, Maj Gen, and corresponding ranks in the air Force and Navy as also Coast Guard the BSF, the police force

Our Sikh regiments and their involvement are well documented and a source of immense pride and joy comfort for the citzens of India

The exploits of the Sikh Light Infantary are well-documented by those very sources quoted by members of Pakistan to support their statements here on this forum

To illustrate the faith that Indian have on a fellow Indian who follows the tenets of Sikhism - the incumbent Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh is a Sikh. It i source of pride for the country that a perso as educated as Dr. Singh is heading the country

As for his contribution toward the cause of India's economic progress & development, his 92-93 liberalistaion policy recieved endorsement from yet another Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglizt who commended India'seffective and efficient policy of liberalisation [intiated by Dr. Singh]
India didn't follow mindless liberalisation: Joseph Stiglitz

Let me repeat it once more

Indian Sikh is an Indian

Same as Tibetan in China are Chinese!

Tibetan in India are terrorists!
I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT KHALISTAN!!! How come everytime a Sikh talks against all the discrimination we go through in India, he is branded as a "terrorist" or an "extremist"??? First of all, Not All Sikhs believe that Khalistan is the solution ok??? Even an autonomous Sikh state within India is perfectly fine. But look at Punjab today, it is filled with Hindu Bhaiyas from Bihar and UP. Whatever happened to the so called Punjabi subba which Sikhs fought for so hard??? And what are you talking of Kaneda and Amrika?? You think all this is happening in Kaneda and Amrika??

These protests DID NOT happen in Amrika or Kaneda!! They happened in PUNJAB. Sikhs are FRUSTRATED!! The protests were against the lack of justice for Sikhs (the one in november) and the second series of protests, when the army had to be called in, was against the RSS and BJP backed Hindu Bihari baba setting up a camp on Punjabi soil. And than you say stupid stuff about no one in Punjab has heard of RSS. People know about the dirty antics of these RSS bhaiyas.. I think you are the one who should take a trip out of Kaneda or Amrika and come visit Punjab!!

Brar veer, do u want to know the hard truth? Do you really want to know why there is an influx of people from UP and Bihar into Punjab. I bet if you'd have dug a bit deep you would have figured it out yourself.

Nobody was forced into Punjab. Those people came because there was a demand for their manual labour in agriculture and in small scale industrial units dotting Ludiana-Jalandhar belt. Do you think we Sikhs were willing to do that work? We were happy to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our lands without doing manual labour. Today no Sikh youth is happy doing agricultual work. Some of them just manage and oversee it but dream of getting rid of it and move to cities. The somewhat educated have moved to foreign shores while the well educated have moved to metros like Delhi and Bangalore for professional jobs. And this has been happening for the past 3 decades, ever since the green revolution was ushered in. How do you think agriculture, the mainstay of the Punjab economy was surviving for these past 3 decades. It was these very Bhaiyyas who were doing it.

The same is the story with small scale industries. The farm and industrial equipment manufacturers employ these people in huge numbers. Reason being cheaper rates for their labour and easier availability.

And I agree with you when you say that the cultural fabric of Punjab is changing due to these Hindi speaking people. But these people are just filling in a skill gap in the economy. And I dont fault only the Central govt. for that. Who do you think is in power in the state? The supposed torch-bearers of the Sikh Quam- The Akalis! It is our own fault bro and the times that we live in. Wasn't it the responsibility of the state govt. to develop industry within the state? 99% of those who have passed out Punjab's engineering colleges are employed outside the state. Punjab doesn't have a B-school in top 30 B-schools in India. And I know all of this because I belong to both of these educational groups.

And what is a Sikh today bro? According to SGPC figures more than half of Sikhs today have shorn-hair. The figure is close to 70% for those in the age group of 15-30. Where is our pride in our turbans? Punjab today is wallowing in drugs. Our rural youth cant look beyond Bhukki, Afeem and Phensy and the urban not beyond Cocaine. Where are our education levels? Our per capita income is the highest in India but we are amongst the average states when it comes to education. We Sikhs and Punjabis need to take a deep look within ourselves bro.....
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