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Who will be the next Army Chief? Name comes up


Feb 3, 2014
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Though rising popularity graph of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif makes it unlikely to be not given extension as he is the most adored personality of the nation.

For the sake of argument, if Raheel Sharif, who is due to retire from his post on November 29, 2016, does not take extension, who will be the next COAS?

Media reports suggest that four most senior Generals are to retire next month including Lieutenant General Nasir Janjoa, Syed Tariq, Mohammad Ayaz, and General Naved Zaman.

In this scenario, Officers in the back of the list will come up on the basis of seniority, on the top of the list is General Maqsood Ahmed’s name.

Source: The News Tribe
they spilt their beans too soon .... looks like the tension in their camp is very high .... rest assured this will be settled ....:pakistan:
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No need to replace him....he is doing a fine job....IMO he deserves an extension...I read somewhere on the net that even Mushy is advocating an extension for Raheel...
Firstly The question raised for the thread was to name future candidates for the post of COAS. Secondly one must always remember that it is not the person but the institution. The policy is implemented by core commanders and any action of the COAS is dependant on the support of the COAS. As such the army will not disintegrate if Raheel Shareef goes. Some other capable person will take his role up and keep the show rolling. We should not rely on personalities but on the institution.
Army chief has still a lot of time to retire.. Another question, which should be asked, instead of this ..is tht who will be the next Corps Comm Quetta? Gen Nasir Janjua is retiring next month..and he has done exceptionally well in Balochistan.. So lets se..who will be his replacement
Its little difficult for any new comer to go for a hard decisions and also there is a chance of getting influenced by people not agree with the current COAS's policies. In this situation; the extension of Mr. Raheel Sharif should be the only priority and he also deserves to be.
General Raheel sharif should get extension.we need a person like him to lead Pakistan
Wrong list of contenders altogether. The shortlisting of the 3 names involves a whole insight and some pre-requisites have to be met.

Lt Gen. Maqsood Ahmad, HI(M), FF

Commandant IV Corp for 9 months only. To serve as Military Adviser to UN for the rest of his tenure of 3 years and 3 months. A general who spent more time on US soil and less in the Corp HQ in Pakistan will not be handed over the command. To be Eliminated

Lt Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat, HI(M), Arty

Chief of General Staff (CGS) as of now and has previously commanded a Corp. A very strong contender. In the race.

Lt Gen Syed Wajid Hussain, HI(M), AC — Chairman, Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).

Has never commanded a Corp. Does not qualify for the post of a 4 star or the Commander of the Army. To be Eliminated.

Lt Gen Najib Ullah Khan, HI(M), Engrs — DG Joint Staff (DG JS), JS HQ, Chaklala

Belongs to Engineering Arm. Does not qualify for 4 star. To be eliminated.

Lt Gen Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmad, HI(M), AK

Currently serves as the Corp Cmdre II Corp. Previously the Chief of General Staff. The strongest contender.

Lt Gen Zamir Ul Hassan Shah, HI(M), TBt, AD

Serves as Adjutant General at GHQ. Belongs to Air Defense Command. Does not qualify for the race. To be Eliminated.

Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, HI(M), Sind.

Currently serves as Commander 31 Corps, Bahawalpur. Previously was posted as President NDU. The only battle scarred/hardened general in the Pakistan Army. Led operation Rah-e-Nijat in Swat and suffered a bullet while leading from the front as a GOC. A strong contender. And most likely.

Hence the race belongs to:

Lt Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat, HI(M), Arty
Lt Gen Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmad, HI(M), AK
Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, HI(M), Sind

Take your pick!
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