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[ Who,s are 2 persons ??? ]Security agencies plan to kill me: Asma Jahangir

I have no problem with her fascination and respect for the Hindu religion. she has free will and she has the choice. out of a billion strong country all she could find was Bal Thakery? her choice really sucks just like her present claim.
First I have to wish I am forced to with that she is right and the thing she is telling comes to be true we need to get rid of these Traitors as soon as possible and hope to see her fear turn into reality
Looks like this asma jehangir is a pakistani version of arundhati roy
what was that .. ISI card !?! this woman is so full of sh!t , a worthless excuse of a human being , when did ISI personnel start carrying id cards ?

She is getting lessons from her indian masters who have the knack of finding 'pakistani id card' in the pockets of any one they murder in Kashmir.

Every Agent is not with out cards.. Every one know some time the spy agencies have their man with cards. but here is one problem may these cards are Fake..
I dont know if ISI want to kill her or not

But Anti ISI will now make sure that SHE IS DEAD. She brought it on herself.
I don't think ISI gives a rat's a** about Ms. Asma Jahangir. ISI would not want to dirty their hands with this woman's blood. However, it is quite likely that someone else might do the honor's since this woman has pissed off a lot of people.



She should stay where she "really" belongs. We know her all too well.

She is an Indian implant.
I think flow of $$$ has reduced and she wants this statement to act as catalyst. How stupid is the argument that two guys were caught one belonged to IB and other from ISI, different people, different establishments, different heads but one purpose.

And both of them had cards! xD

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