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who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

I never implied that India was not a threat, it most definitely is. But taliban are a threat on the personal level..
you Damn right India is and it can support Taliban through other means like using them as pawns...tell me how can Taliban fight simultaneously on two fronts at a time? thek hay yaar courage apni jaga motivation apni i'm talking about India sharing of Intel and money with the Taliban... In this world nothing comes for free.....and i mean nothing if not indian hardware it could be Indian Brains and Rupees...Baqi Indian Hate was never less before :)..

About the weapons, ask the Army officials, they will tell you about the home-made Ak-47s and rocket launchers. These people make guns with their bare hands - (first trained by the Americans)..
your Damn Right Americans are responsible for all the Chaos and Destruction now it has a new partner to the party...his New best Friend INDIA and Oldest Best Friend Israel.

The thing i cant swallow about the RAW backing of Taliban is that, these people base their war over the moral of Islam and imposition of Sharia and anti-American sentiment. I dont see how you could fit accepting support from India in there, the taliban consider them as "kafirs", they would never accept their help..
Who cares If Taliban wants Shriah Law Inforce as long as they are giving them use they will work fine for them...plus Incase you have forggoton Indian Muslims are Double the Population of Pakistan... BEsides when the americans used the Talibans in the 1980s they werent supporting the cause they wanted the Russian Bear Weakened and they didnt cared How They did it..so i dont buy your this logic as History Repeats its self now I2 and Americans are having a Party with Pakistani's and their Army not invited all....they are using them to built public hate against the army so in the process everything will be too Easy for them to swallow..you dont call them master Planners in advance of 100 years for nothing.... :flame:

What i do know is the India and Israel are supporting BLA in Balochistan, which is unquestionable, that is not a Islamic movement.
You damn Right it is supporting BLA and we still DONT HATE Indians who are responsible for this all... makes me wanna CRY :cry:

well, guys there have been many threads before as well sharing the same topic as this one. It has been said so many times by fellow Junior and Senior forum members, that the real threat to Pakistan is not from unfriendly or enemy allies (America), but it is from the uneducated people of Pakistan which sadly make up a big piece of the Pakistani population of 170 million.

Threads like these will not give us anything, just by blaming CIA, Israel, India, or anyone else would result in nothing fruitful, it is because of our weaknesses these entities have taken advantage of Pakistan as a nation.:blah:

What can be done here is to grow up and donot start threads like these again in the future.:chilli:

Request to MOD's to close this thread down, reasons explained above.
my friends normal indian people don hate pakistan , it is true . yeah i feel that our media has over freedom and sometimes they show crapy news ...as ma one frnd mantioned here"jo dikhta hai wahi bikta hai". and if some people do then the reason is yr army and the terrorist training camp and who prepare the terrorist and send them here in diwali and eid for bomb blast.....tell wat they get after killing innocent people ..chindren and females .....that is the cause of hatred ..but not with normal people of pak ...hatred is with yr army. ma frrnds u can not deny this fact that our prime minister ATAL BIHARI JEE went there for peace talk ...and on that time all indian people hopin for a good peace talk ...but look wat yr army did...we got a war in gift ...cargil war... we always wanna solve our issues , but pakistan always generate new issues . pakistan has hurted our faith and us many times.
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I personally had bad experience with Indians here in the U.S.

Once in college, a group of Indians were holding a rally against cows being slaughtered and one Indian saw me walking by and asked me..hey Omar how many cows have you slaughtered in your Pakistan. I replied if Pakistan is guilty of slaughtering cows for food then the whole world is guilty of slaughtering cows not just Pakistan.
omar on that time u should understand their sentiments ...ma frind if u wanna hate then u can find 100 reason .....because its up to u that u wanna a frindly relation or a relation based on hatred . but i think u also wont support terrorist attack on innocent people of india and pakistan . that points i want to make clear . u know omar war is a diff situation on that one side win and other side loose...but in these terrorist attack both side loose...and if u realy hate india and realy wanna fight with india then go for development forget taliban , boost yr foreign investment , boost yr technogy and for this improve yr education system ..send yr children in normal schools rather than madarsa......and when u will achieve all those thing ...u will forget abt fighting ..then u will wanna live in peace ......so frnds now stop supporting to taliban ..curb on taliban...and look for yr development .....
my friends normal indian people don hate pakistan , it is true . yeah i feel that our media has over freedom and sometimes they show crapy news ...as ma one frnd mantioned here"jo dikhta hai wahi bikta hai". and if some people do then the reason is yr army and the terrorist training camp and who prepare the terrorist and send them here in diwali and eid for bomb blast.....tell wat they get after killing innocent people ..chindren and females .....that is the cause of hatred ..but not with normal people of pak ...hatred is with yr army. ma frrnds u can not deny this fact that our prime minister ATAL BIHARI JEE went there for peace talk ...and on that time all indian people hopin for a good peace talk ...but look wat yr army did...we got a war in gift ...cargil war... we always wanna solve our issues , but pakistan always generate new issues . pakistan has hurted our faith and us many times.

That is mere speculation and propaganda. If our army was competent enough to carry out international operations like these they'd at least be able to secure Pakistan from all the outside threats, which is clearly not the case. It's just the easy way out, i mean underworld carries our bombings wagera for political reasons, backed by opposition party etc. and the ruling party diverts attention to international forces. In which case it's easier to escape the question of "why couldnt you give us security".

Secondly, Pakistani media is as free -if not more- as the Indian media.
I personally had bad experience with Indians here in the U.S.

Once in college, a group of Indians were holding a rally against cows being slaughtered and one Indian saw me walking by and asked me..hey Omar how many cows have you slaughtered in your Pakistan. I replied if Pakistan is guilty of slaughtering cows for food then the whole world is guilty of slaughtering cows not just Pakistan.

Are you serious lol?
I wish something like that happened to me, I think you know what kind of an answer I'd give him brother Omar. ;)
This is true to some extent - although the Pakistani Military-Jihadi complex hates India and sponsors terrorism against Indians, the Pakistani common man, especially in Sindh, NWFP, and Balochistan, may actually be quite friendly towards India. Even in the case of Sunni Punjabis, the common man may not have the same level of hatred as the Military-Jihadi complex has. It is creditable that so many Pakistanis are resisting the doctrine of hatred promoted in official school textbooks.

However, because of the continuous terrorism campaign by the Military-Jihadi complex, a few Indians may have developed an intense hatred for Pakistan. This may be especially true in the case of people whose friends and relatives may have been killed or injured by terrorists sponsored by the Military-Jihadi complex.

But this attitude is wrong - India is on the same side as the common man, not only in Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan, but also in Punjab. It is the Pakistani Military-Jihadi complex with which India has a problem.

You're right the Indian masses hate Pakistanis and most Pakistanis dont really care about Indians, they just want to live their lives but the Indian hatred towards Pakistan is a big threat to Pakistan.

I remember watching CNN during the time India and Pakistan was about to go on another war in 2002. A CNN reporter interviewed some Indian citizens, and one Indian said just nuke the entire Pakistan finish it all, kill all the people in Pakistan, eliminate the Pakistani race from the world...my family and I were shocked to see how much hatred regular Indian citizens have for Pakistanis.
I also remember getting free Indian channels in my dish network for a few days, you can see the Indian hatred towards Pakistan in their media, in their news channels, in their bollywood movies, which I boycotted a long time ago and I suggest all Pakistanis boycott them.

The Pakistani army has a reason to hate India.
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This is true to some extent - although the Pakistani Military-Jihadi complex hates India and sponsors terrorism against Indians, the Pakistani common man, especially in Sindh, NWFP, and Balochistan, may actually be quite friendly towards India. Even in the case of Sunni Punjabis, the common man may not have the same level of hatred as the Military-Jihadi complex has. It is creditable that so many Pakistanis are resisting the doctrine of hatred promoted in official school textbooks.

However, because of the continuous terrorism campaign by the Military-Jihadi complex, a few Indians may have developed an intense hatred for Pakistan. This may be especially true in the case of people whose friends and relatives may have been killed or injured by terrorists sponsored by the Military-Jihadi complex.

But this attitude is wrong - India is on the same side as the common man, not only in Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan, but also in Punjab. It is the Pakistani Military-Jihadi complex with which India has a problem.

when u blame our Army u blame us, there are no two ways about it. u so cleverly single out our Army where as the whole source of trouble in subcontinent is Indian Army, it keep killing innocents in Kashmir, attack on smjhota trian, attacks in east Pakistan, training of mukti buhini, supplying arms to rogue elements in east Pakistan. even your police stood by when those ghundas (vagabonds) were taking the Babri mosque down.

For the life of me i cannot understand your Army for committing atrocities for 60 years and still continue to do it, we the Pakistan realized it in east Pakistan and let it go even at the risk of our soldiers becoming POW's, now that is a nation with a heart. Unlike India. 60 years and not stopping the atrocities. what a shame.
First Taliban was CIA creation with help of Pak army and ISI.
Pak need to contain what it has create and promised it with "sharia state".
They have given up Afghanistan and there are fighting back home to make it one of there sharia state.
What wrong in giving what is been promised?
May be they may fight for larger sharia state.
So It is Taliban more threat.
there is no mean to contain them but india can be contained with international pressure or sanctions.
a group of Indians were holding a rally against cows being slaughtered and one Indian saw me walking by and asked me..hey Omar how many cows have you slaughtered -
I would have said I didn't know, then invited one or two of them over to my annual "Eat an animal for PETA" celebration. :cheesy:
First Taliban was CIA creation with help of Pak army and ISI.
Pak need to contain what it has create and promised it with "sharia state".
They have given up Afghanistan and there are fighting back home to make it one of there sharia state.
What wrong in giving what is been promised?
May be they may fight for larger sharia state.
So It is Taliban more threat.
there is no mean to contain them but india can be contained with international pressure or sanctions.

India should have to be contained, it should know what is wrong and what is right and act accordingly, but alas India has failed miserably to act as a civilized nation for the past 60 years, it has payed all sorts of dirty gamed by allowing like of Modi nd Bal Thackeray to act as they do.

On the other hand Taliban were never promised anything except to rid of communists when Russians were in Afghanistan, the problem started when West left Afghanistan without stabilizing it and giving it A democratic govt. Russia was gone and their job was done.

Civil war started and consumed the whole Afghanistan and that is when Taliban which consist of Pashtun on both sides of the border stated with the blessing of west.

Now this border was createred artificially by British when they fought Afghan kings and at one point created a durand line which was to be withdrawn in 99 years.

Rest I will write it for you after your response and wait to see what you have to say.
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You're right the Indian masses hate Pakistanis and most Pakistanis dont really care about Indians, they just want to live their lives but the Indian hatred towards Pakistan is a big threat to Pakistan.

I remember watching CNN during the time India and Pakistan was about to go on another war in 2002. A CNN reporter interviewed some Indian citizens, and one Indian said just nuke the entire Pakistan finish it all, kill all the people in Pakistan, eliminate the Pakistani race from the world...my family and I were shocked to see how much hatred regular Indian citizens have for Pakistanis.
I also remember getting free Indian channels in my dish network for a few days, you can see the Indian hatred towards Pakistan in their media, in their news channels, in their bollywood movies, which I boycotted a long time ago and I suggest all Pakistanis boycott them.

The Pakistani army has a reason to hate India.

This is slightly out of context and I, for sure, don't want to play the blame game. However, in order to stretch the importance of not being biased by someones elses' opinion (in this case, the Indian interviewee by CNN), I will point out to some people from pakistan (hopefully not the educated mass I frequent in this forum) similar opinion towards India.

You can go and visit another pakistan defence forum (link given below) and read some of the posts, where most posts shows similar attitude towards India (like just nuke these ********* to dust etc.)

forum dot pakistanidefence dot com
(I am not allowed to post external links as I am new to this forum, hence the dot instead of .)

Now, I also don't want to go to the age old debate of who started it first. Because, I believe, by post mortem of our earlier mistakes again and again, we have not been able to achieve anything so far. Only the general people of both nations had to give up developemental projects in order to maintain ever-increasing defence budgets. Its time to look to the future rather then ruing the past.
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